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Grammar: Sequence of Tenses (revision)



Exercise 1. Learn the following new words:

1. a reflex 2. to reflex 3. patellar 4. plantar 5. pupillary 6. luminance 7. involuntary 8. instantaneous 9. consciousness 10. response 11. afferent 12. efferent 13. jerk 14. quadriceps 15. extension 16. retina 17. flexor 18. extensor 19. upward 20. conjunctiva 21. cornea 22. inborn 23. mesencephalon   1. ['rifleks] 2. [ri 'fleks] 3. [pə 'telə] 4. ['plentə] 5. ['pjupiləri] 6. ['lu:minəns] 7. [in'vɒləntərɪ] 8. [in'steinitɪəs] 9. ['kɒnʃesnis] 10. [rɪs'pɒns] 11. ['æfərənt ] 12. ['efərənt ] 13. [ʤə:k] 14. [kwɒdri'seps ] 15. [iks 'tenʃn ] 16. ['retinə ] 17. ['fleksə] 18. [iks 'tenʃn ] 19. ['ʌpwəd ] 20. ['kɔnʤʌŋk'taivə] 21. ['kɔ:niə] 22. [in'bɔ: n] 23. [mɛsɛn'sɛfə'lɒn] 1. рефлекс 2. реагувати 3. надколінний 4. підошовний 5. зіничний 6. яскравість (світла) 7. мимовільний 8. миттєвий 9. свідомість 10. відповідь 11. доцентр., чутливий 12. відцентр., руховий 13. різкий поштовх 14. чотириголовий м'яз 15. (мед.) розтягнення 16. сітківка 17. згинач (м'яз) 18. розгинач 19. спрямований вгору 20. слизова оболонка 21. рогівка,роговаоболонка 22. природжений;природн. 23. середній мозок


Exercise 2. Read the following, paying attention to the rules of reading:

- e [i:] – b e, h e, sh e, m e, diam e ter, centim e ter, millim e ter, kilom e ter, lact o m e ter

- ar [ə] – tart ar, patell ar, plant ar, particul ar, down war d, upw ar d, forw ar d, irregul ar

- er, ir, ur [ə:] – t er m, g ir l, f ur, m ur mur, c ir cuit, j er k, n er ve, f ir m, f ur ther, g er m, c ir cle

- a, o, u [ ə ] - l a bor a t o ry, invol u nt a ry, stimul u s, aut o matic, sens o ry, c o ntrol, comm o n, c o rrect, c o mpose

- or [ ə ] – doct or, mirr or, mot or, flex or, extens or, supervis or, anteri or, posteri or

Exercise 3. Complete the table with missing forms:

Nouns Adjectives
1. rib 2. face 3. - 4. - 5. lung 6. laboratory 7. - 8. - 9. - 10. circulation 11. - 12. sense 13. - 14. knee 15. 16. sole 1. costal 2. - 3. cardiac 4. hepatic 5. - 6. - 7. renal 8. oral 9. nervous 10. - 11. ocular 12. - 13. pupillary 14. – 15. lacrimal 16. –

Exercise 4. Read the following word-combinations and translate them. Make up sentences of your own:

to examine: an examiner, an examination, on examination, careful examination;

to move: movable, movement, moving, involuntary movement, to move around

a reflex: to reflex, the knee- jerk reflex, a pupillary reflex, conditioned reflexes

response: to response, automatic response, in response to, to be responsible for

conscious: consciousness, unconsciousness, to lose consciousness, loss of consciousness


Exercise 5. Translate the following word combinations into Ukrainian:

Involuntary movement, instantaneous movement, in response to a stimulus, a reflection, the level of consciousness, an afferent (sensory) nerve, an inborn activity, to suck, to swallow, to blink, to scratch, a jerk, to tap the patellar ligament, a small rubber hammer, the quadriceps muscle, involuntary extension, the pupillary light reflex, the intensity (luminance) of light, the retina of the eye, the lacrimal reflex, flexor response, extensor response, downward movement, upward movement, the conjunctiva or cornea.

Exercise 6. Read and translate the text:

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