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IX. Read and translate into Russian the text “Fire Prevention”

  1. Ex. 11. Translate the text “Kidneys Disorders” into Ukrainian.
  2. Ex. 5. a) Comment on the meaning of the words underlined. Translate them.
  3. Exercise 12. Read and translate the sentences.
  4. Exercise 15. Translate the following sentences. Pay attention to the translation of the verbs in Passive Voice.
  5. Hromov Andrew (Russian)- ??? жду от Узбекистана
  6. III. Read and translate the following words paying attention to the
  7. IV. Read and translate the dialogue and then play it out with your partner.
  8. IV. Read and translate the words paying attention to the word-building element. Whether “en” is used at the beginning or at the end of a word, the meaning is the same.
  9. IX. Read and translate into Russian the text ”Fire Prevention in Homes and Schools”.

X. Answer the following questions:

1. What is fire prevention?

2. How many fires are reported in the United States? (Canada? Russia?)

3. How many deaths do they cause?

4. What methods are used to prevent fires?

5. What organizations inspect public buildings?

6. What do the fire safety codes specify?

7. Why may fire department inspectors review plans for a new building?

8. Why is education a vital part of fire prevention programs?

9. Where do most of the deaths caused by fire occur?

10. What should people do to make their home safer?

11. What do fire departments recommend?

XI. Choose the proper variant:

1. Each year about 2.5 million fires are reported in a) The United States,

b) Canada, c) Russia.

2. In Russia the fires cause a) about 9000 deaths, b) 15000 deaths, c) 65000 deaths.

3. Most cities have a) a portable fire extinguisher, b) a fire safety code, c) a large building.

4. Education is a) impossible, b) vital, c) interesting.

5. Most of the deaths caused by fires occur in a) theatres,

b) schools, c) private homes.

6. Before trying to extinguish a fire a person must a) leave the home quickly, b) call the fire department, c) call the neighbours.


XII. Find in the text the sentences describing:

a. fire losses in the United States

b. fire losses in Canada

c. fire losses in Russia

d. three main methods to prevent fires

e. a fire safety code

f. the cause of fires in many homes

g. measures to make your home safer


XIII. Find in the text the equivalents to the Russian phrases:

пожарная безопасность, предотвращение пожара, меры безопасности, миллиардные потери, законы и правила, ручные огнетушители, встроенные противопожарные системы, системы противопожарной сигнализации, количество и расположение выходов, программы пожарной безопасности, сделать свой дом безопаснее, проверить системы отопления, если вспыхнет пожар, составить план эвакуации, тушить пожар.


XIV. Find in the dictionary and translate the following terms:

fire prevention, fire safety, safety measures, fire safety code, fire extinguishers, built-in sprinkler systems, fire alarm systems, fire department inspectors, portable heating equipment, electric outlets, electric cords, cooking equipment, escape plans.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-18 | Просмотры: 672 | Нарушение авторских прав

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