АкушерствоАнатомияАнестезиологияВакцинопрофилактикаВалеологияВетеринарияГигиенаЗаболеванияИммунологияКардиологияНеврологияНефрологияОнкологияОториноларингологияОфтальмологияПаразитологияПедиатрияПервая помощьПсихиатрияПульмонологияРеанимацияРевматологияСтоматологияТерапияТоксикологияТравматологияУрологияФармакологияФармацевтикаФизиотерапияФтизиатрияХирургияЭндокринологияЭпидемиология

Иностранный язык ЭФ 1 курс


1. Complete the sentence “I am a student of … now”

a) economics

b) economy

c) economist

d) economical

e) economically

2. Choose the synonym of the word “purchase”:

a) to buy

b) to sell

c) to issue

d) to read

e) to find

3. Find the translation of the word “оптом”:

a) wholesale

b) wholesaler

c) retail trade

d) retail dealer

e) trade

4. Find the translation of the word “старшекурсник”:

a) undergraduate

b) postgraduate

c) school-leaver

d) student

e) pupil

5. Find the translation of the word “таможенник”:

a) customs officer

b) economist

c) police officer

d) trade officer

e) consumer

6. Find the translation of the word “потребитель”:

a) consumer

b) buyer

c) purchaser

d) client

e) brother

7. Choose the synonym of the word “buyer”:

a) purchaser

b) client

c) customer

d) seller

e) dealer

8. Choose the synonym of the word “to buy”:

a) to purchase

b) to sell

c) to accelerate

d) to send

e) to deal

9. Choose the right description to “бюджет”:

a) budget

b) pudget

c) bugdet

d) byidged

e) badget

10. Insert the right auxiliary verb “There is a contract on the table, … it?”:

a) isn’t

b) was

c) does

d) wasn’t

e) is

11. Choose the preposition “… Wednesday”:

a) on

b) in

c) at

d) to

e) into

12. Choose the preposition “… the morning”:

a) in

b) at

c) from

d) on

e) by

13. Choose the preposition “… 10 o’clock”:

a) at

b) to

c) from

d) in

e) on

14. Choose the preposition “… 2006”:

a) in

b) to

c) at

d) from

e) on

15. Choose the preposition “… night”:

a) at

b) in

c) of

d) with

e) on

16. Complete the sentence “Ounce is equal to ….”:

a) 32 grams

b) 28.3 grams

c) 29.1 grams

d) 35 grams

e) 62 grams

17. Complete the sentence “1 carat is equal to ….”:

a) 0.2 gram

b) 1 gram

c) 0.5 gram

d) 2 grams

e) 0.3 gram

18. Choose the right equivalent to the word “инвестировать”:

a) to invest

b) to reinvest

c) to buy

d) to issue

e) to require

19. Choose the right equivalent to the word combination “вести счет”:

a) to keep an account

b) to do books

c) to make calls

d) to count

e) book-keeper

20. Choose the right equivalent to the word “монета”:

a) coin

b) banknote

c) stock

d) gold coin

e) paper money

21. Choose the right equivalent to the word “торговля”:

a) trade

b) sale

c) trading in exchange

d) retail trade

e) wholesale

22. Расшифруйте аббревиатуру “GDP”:

a) Gross Domestic Product

b) Grilled Domestic Production

c) Great Domestic Product

d) Ground Domestic Product

e) Good Distribution Practice

23. Choose the right equivalent to the word “percentage”:

a) процентный

b) прибыль

c) доля

d) убыток

e) доход

24. Choose the right equivalent to the word combination “торговля и финансы”:

a) trade and finance

b) trade

c) financial and trade

d) finances

e) trade in money

25. Choose the right word “When GDP is …, different sectors of economy analyzed.”:

a) calculated

b) described

c) analyzed

d) bought

e) engaged

26. Choose the right equivalent to the word “производство”:

a) manufacture

b) producing

c) manufacturing

d) agriculture

e) plant

27. Choose the right equivalent to the word combination“добывающая индустрия”:

a) mining industry

b) mining production

c) mining agriculture

d) mining industrialization

e) mining industrial

28. Составьте слово из следующих букв: e, n, r, o, w

a) owner

b) nerow

c) weron

d) oweren

e) rowen

29. Choose the right equivalent to the word combination “золотой рынок”:

a) gold market

b) silver market

c) food market

d) ruby market

e) diamond market

30. Choose the right variant of the translation “производство”:

a) production

b) product

c) produce

d) produse

e) prefer

31. Choose the right variant of the translation “поднимать”:

a) to rise

b) to reach

c) to show

d) to make

e) to account

32. Economics is the study of ……..

a) how society decides what, how, and for whom to produce

b) production technology

c) consumption decisions

d) the best way to run society

e) technology of production

33. Выберите правильно составленный вопрос:

In / what / May / the / was / result

a) What was the result in May?

b) Was result in the May?

c) Was what the result in May?

d) What in May the result was?

e) In May the result what?

34. Выберите правильно составленный вопрос:

Demand / the / did / to fall / when / start

a) When did the demand start to fall?

b) Did the demand start to fall?

c) Did when the demand fall?

d) The demand start to fall when?

e) When to fall the demand start?

35. Составьте слово из следующих букв: i, d, c, m, t, o, s, e

a) domestic

b) domestis

c) domestim

d) someidict

e) tidceoms

36. Выберите правильный вариант перевода слова “обслуживание”:

a) maintenance

b) tenancemain

c) mainantence

d) mainteinanse

e) meintenance

37. Выберите эквивалент к слову в скобке:

“He has (больше) free time than I have.”

a) more

b) most

c) better

d) good

e) the best

38. Выберите эквивалент к слову в скобке:

“(Лучше) late than never.”

a) better

b) best

c) worse

d) bad

e) good

39. Выберите эквивалент к слову в скобке:

“This is the (самый удобный) chair.”

a) most comfortable

b) so comfortable

c) less comfortable

d) badly

e) well

40. Выберите эквивалент к слову в скобке:

“He plays tennis (хуже) than I do.”

a) worse

b) better

c) worst

d) best

e) bad

41. Выберите эквивалент к слову в скобке:

“Winter is the (самый холодный) season of a year.”

a) coldest

b) cold

c) colder

d) easy

e) bad

42. Выберите эквивалент к слову в скобке:

“This book is (такая же трудная) as that magazine.”

a) as difficult

b) more difficult

c) so difficult

d) easy

e) more interesting

43. Выберите эквивалент к слову в скобке:

“It is not (так тепло) in autumn as in summer.”

a) so warm

b) warmer than

c) as warm as

d) good

e) well

44. Выберите эквивалент к слову в скобке:

“Ask (его) about his specialty.”

a) him

b) his

c) her

d) he

e) she

45. Выберите эквивалент к слову в скобке:

“(Его) friend is seventeen years old.”

a) his

b) he

c) him

d) she

e) hers

46. Выберите эквивалент к слову в скобке:

“Arman is telling (нам) about his University.”

a) us

b) our

c) we

d) they

e) he

47. Выберите эквивалент к слову в скобке:

“Show (мне) the plan of your report.”

a) me

b) them

c) us

d) him

e) her

48. Выберите эквивалент к слову в скобке:

“The room is large, but (ее) windows are not large.”

a) its

b) it’re

c) theirs

d) her

e) our

49. Выберите эквивалент к слову в скобке:

“Tell us (несколько) words about your studies.”

a) a few

b) fewers

c) little

d) many

e) much

50. Выберите эквивалент к слову в скобке:

“She is helping (ее) brother with his lessons.”

a) her

b) my

c) your

d) his

e) I

51. Выберите эквивалент к слову в скобке:

“(Почему) are you late?”

a) why

b) because

c) who

d) what

e) which

52. Выберите эквивалент к слову в скобке:

“(Наш) faculty is so modern.”

a) our

b) they

c) them

d) it

e) us

53. Найдите антоним к слову “busy”:

a) free

b) white

c) comfortable

d) dirty

e) easy

54. Найдите антоним к слову “to give”:

a) to take

b) to put

c) to show

d) to bring

e) to buy

55. Найдите антоним к слову “low”:

a) high

b) cheap

c) expensive

d) modern

e) little

56. Выберите правильный предлог:

“The paper is … the shelf.”

a) on

b) at

c) in

d) to

e) into

57. Выберите правильный предлог:

“Put the practice book … the table.”

a) on

b) at

c) in

d) to

e) with

58. Выберите правильную форму глагола:

“After the session we … take winter holidays.”

a) will

b) did

c) do

d) does

e) don’t

59. Найдите синоним к слову “actual”:

a) real

b) good

c) active

d) well

e) thin

60. Найдите синоним к слову “to improve”:

a) to do better

b) to get dark

c) to do worse

d) to be late

e) to be ready

61. Найдите синоним к слову “to receive”:

a) to get

b) to open

c) to spell

d) to do

e) to bring

62. Найдите синоним к слову “to join”:

a) to become a member of

b) to equip

c) to speak loudly

d) to do

e) to open

63. Найдите антоним к слову “short”:

a) long

b) square

c) beautiful

d) good

e) scientific

64. Найдите антоним к слову “thick”:

a) thin

b) white

c) bad

d) large

e) fine

65. Выберите эквивалент к слову в скобке:

“(Можешь) you play tennis?”

a) can

b) may

c) must

d) need

e) be

66. Выберите эквивалент к слову в скобке:

“I (могу) not help you.”

a) can

b) must

c) should

d) would

e) need

67. Выберите эквивалент к слову в скобке:

“Our faculty is the (самый лучший) in our University.”

a) best

b) better

c) worst

d) worse

e) less

68. Выберите эквивалент к слову в скобке:

“(Их) work is not interesting.”

a) their

b) their’s

c) them

d) its

e) our

69. Найдите синоним к слову “to continue”:

a) to go on

b) to make pleasant

c) to enjoy

d) to make

e) to wake

70. Найдите синоним к слову “to name”:

a) to call

b) to exist

c) to expect

d) to extent

e) to explore

71. Что означает термин “corporation”?:

a) is owned by persons called stockholders

b) is a foreign countries corporation

c) has got one partnership

d) has got two macro

e) has got at least one general owner and one or more other owners

72. Найдите антоним к слову “upper”:

a) lower

b) public

c) various

d) numerous

e) private

73. Дополните предложение:

“All partnerships and companies are regulated by ….”

a) the law of the UK or acts of the Parliament

b) few documents

c) a certificate of incorporation

d) the Government

e) the people

74. Найдите перевод слова “прибавлять”:

a) to add

b) to hesitate

c) to shake

d) to prevail

e) to advice

75. Дополните предложение:

“Secretaries use various office equipment, like ….”

a) microcomputers, fax machines, photo copying machines

b) TV set

c) telephone

d) washing machine

e) radio set

76. Что значит выражение “alien corporation”?:

a) is a foreign countries corporation

b) has got one owner

c) is owned by persons, called stockholders

d) has got two owners

e) has got at least one general owner and one or more other owners

77. Найдите перевод слова “to appoint”:

a) назначать

b) управлять

c) выбивать

d) помогать

e) покупать

78. Найдите перевод слова “to found”:

a) основывать

b) основательный

c) освободить

d) находить

e) потерять

79. Найдите перевод слова “average”:

a) Среднеарифметический

b) Средняя заработная плата

c) Средне составное

d) Посредническое

e) Средние доходы

80. Найдите перевод слова “income”:

a) доход

b) потеря

c) убыток

d) продажа

e) исследование

81. Найдите перевод слова “losses”:

a) потеря

b) доход

c) прибыль

d) продажа

e) исследование

82. Найдите перевод слова “profit”:

a) прибыль

b) потеря

c) доход

d) продажа

e) исследование

83. Найдите перевод слова “selling”:

a) продажа

b) прибыль

c) потеря

d) доход

e) исследование

84. Найдите перевод слова “enquiry/inquiry”:

a) исследование

b) продажа

c) прибыль

d) потеря

e) доход

85. Найдите перевод слова “to publish”:

a) опубликовывать

b) обеспечивать

c) сравнивать

d) предсказывать

e) объяснять

86. Найдите перевод слова “to secure”:

a) обеспечивать

b) опубликовывать

c) сравнивать

d) предсказывать

e) объяснять

87. Найдите перевод слова “to compare”:

a) сравнивать

b) обеспечивать

c) опубликовывать

d) предсказывать

e) объяснять

88. Найдите перевод слова “to explain”:

a) объяснять

b) сравнивать

c) обеспечивать

d) опубликовывать

e) предсказывать

89. Найдите перевод слова “to predict”:

a) предсказывать

b) объяснять

c) сравнивать

d) обеспечивать

e) опубликовывать

90. Найдите перевод слова “to foresee”:

a) предвидеть

b) сравнивать

c) обеспечивать

d) опубликовывать

e) объяснять

91. Найдите перевод слова “appointment”:

a) назначение

b) вносить вклад

c) произведение искусства

d) посвящать

e) считать

92. Найдите перевод слова “to make a contribution”:

a) вносить вклад

b) назначение

c) произведение искусства

d) посвящать

e) считать

93. Найдите перевод слова “work of arts”:

a) произведение искусства

b) вносить вклад

c) назначение

d) посвящать

e) считать

94. Найдите перевод слова “to regard”:

a) считать

b) произведение искусства

c) вносить вклад

d) назначение

e) посвящать

95. Найдите перевод слова “to devote”:

a) посвящать

b) считать

c) произведение искусства

d) вносить вклад

e) назначение

96. Найдите перевод слова “wealth”:

a) богатство

b) благородность

c) бедный

d) явление

e) смысл, значение

97. Найдите перевод слова “wealthy:

a) богатый

b) богатырь

c) бедный

d) явление

e) смысл, значение

98. Найдите перевод слова “poor”:

a) бедный

b) богатый

c) богатство

d) явление

e) смысл, значение

99. Найдите перевод слова “implication”:

a) смысл, значение

b) бедный

c) богатый

d) богатство

e) явление

100. Найдите перевод слова “phenomenon”:

a) явление

b) смысл, значение

c) бедный

d) богатый

e) богатство

101. Найдите перевод слова “observation”:

a) наблюдение

b) явление

c) предположение

d) предсказание

e) пытаться

102. Найдите перевод слова “assumption”:

a) предположение

b) явления

c) наблюдение

d) предсказание

e) пытаться

103. Найдите перевод слова “prediction”:

a) предсказание

b) предположение

c) явления

d) наблюдение

e) пытаться

104. Найдите перевод слова “to attempt”:

a) пытаться

b) предсказание

c) предположение

d) явления

e) наблюдение

105. Найдите перевод слова “interrelation”:

a) соотношение

b) предсказание

c) предположение

d) явления

e) наблюдение

106. Найдите перевод слова “to deduce”:

a) выводить заключение

b) договориться о встрече

c) пройти таможенный досмотр

d) договорится о встрече

e) состоять из чего-либо

107. Translate the word “to make an appointment”:

a) договориться о встрече

b) выводить заключение

c) пройти таможенный досмотр

d) договариваться о завершениях

e) состоять из чего-либо

108. Translate the word “to undergo customs formalities”:

a) пройти таможенный досмотр

b) договориться о встрече

c) выводить заключение

d) договорится о встрече

e) состоять из чего-либо

109. Translate the word “consist of smth.”:

a) состоять из чего-либо

b) пройти таможенный досмотр

c) договориться о встрече

d) выводить заключение

e) договорится о встрече

110. Translate the word “to pay a tax”:

a) уплатить налог

b) действовать на что-то

c) получать заработок

d) в особенности

e) состоять из чего-либо

111. Translate the word “to affect smb/smth”:

a) действовать на/задевать кого либо

b) получать заработок

c) в особенности

d) состоять из чего-либо

e) выводить заключение

112. Translate the word “to earn earnings”:

a) получать заработок

b) действовать на/задевать кого либо

c) в особенности

d) состоять из чего-либо

e) выводить заключение

113. Translate the word “in particular”:

a) в особенности

b) получать заработок

c) действовать на/задевать кого либо

d) состоять из чего-либо

e) выводить заключение

114. Translate the word “wages”:

a) заработная плата

b) заработные налоги

c) заработные отчисления

d) подоходный налог

e) пенсионные отчисление

115. Translate the word “salary”:

a) заработная плата

b) заработные налоги

c) заработные отчисления

d) подоходный налог

e) пенсионные отчисление

116. Give the synonym to “a product”:

a) a good

b) trades

c) salary

d) a food

e) wages

117. Give the synonym to “salary”:

a) wages

b) goods

c) trades

d) a food

e) value

118. Give the synonym to “output”:

a) issue

b) salary

c) goods

d) trades

e) value

119. Give the synonym to “stockholder”:

a) shareholder

b) authority

c) taxation

d) power

e) investment

120. What does “a limited partnership ” mean?:

a) has got at least one general owner and one or more other owners

b) is owned by persons called stockholders

c) is a foreign countries corporation

d) has got several owners

e) has got one owner

121. What does “to recognize” mean?:

a) узнавать

b) покупать

c) продавать

d) приносить

e) показывать

122. Translate the word “требовать”:

a) to require

b) to qualify

c) to receive

d) to take a seat

e) to suit

123. Translate the word “частный”:

a) private

b) public

c) board

d) affairs

e) deputy

124. How is managing director appointed?:

a) by the directors

b) by the shareholders

c) by the managers

d) by the customers

e) by the residence

125. What does “a general partnership” mean?:

a) has got several owners

b) is owned by persons called stockholders

c) is a foreign countries corporation

d) has got one owner

e) has got at least one general owner and one or more other owners

126. Найдите перевод слова “enquiry”:

a) запрос

b) сфера

c) восстановление

d) требование

e) рынок

127. Find the right answer: “a stowaway”:

a) Hides on a ship or plane to get a free journey

b) Sets fire to property illegally

c) Attacks and robes people, often in the street

d) Kills someone

e) Breaks into houses or other buildings to steal

128. Find the Russian equivalent «to pull»:

a) тянуть, натягивать

b) подниматься

c) сокращать

d) догнать

e) судить

129. Find the Russian equivalent «to catch up»:

a) догнать

b) сокращать

c) тянуть, натягивать

d) подниматься

e) судить

130. Find the Russian equivalent «overtake»:

a) догнать

b) сокращать

c) тянуть, натягивать

d) подниматься

e) судить

131. Find the translation of «вперед, впереди»:

a) ahead

b) drop

c) quality

d) research

e) demand

a) demand

132. Find the translation of «спрос»:

a) demand

b) quality

c) ahead

d) drop

e) research

133. Find the English equivalent «качество и количество»:

a) quality and quantity

b) wholesaler and retailer

c) buy and sell

d) supply and stocks

e) rapidly and maturity

134. Find the English equivalent «оптовик и розничный торговец»:

a) wholesaler and retailer

b) quality and quantity

c) buy and sell

d) supply and stocks

e) rapidly and maturity

135. Put the necessary word “I … read it”. (Present Perfect Tense):

a) have

b) has

c) was

d) were

e) not

136. Find the English equivalent to «относить»:

a) to relate

b) to judge

c) to maintain

d) to rise

e) to reduce

137. Find the English equivalent to «судить»:

a) to judge

b) to relate

c) to maintain

d) to rise

e) to reduce

138. Find the English equivalent to «поддерживать»:

a) to maintain

b) to judge

c) to relate

d) to rise

e) to reduce

139. Find the English equivalent to «понижать»:

a) to reduce

b) to rise

c) to maintain

d) to judge

e) to relate

140. Put the right preposition “Have you ever read … Times? ”:

a) the

b) a

c) -

d) an

e) as

141. Find the Russian equivalent «to relate»:

a) относить

b) приносить

c) покупать

d) доносить

e) подарить

142. Find the translation to «соответствовать, годиться»:

a) to fit

b) to buy

c) to sell

d) to relieve

e) to hold

143. Find the translation to «держать, иметь»:

a) to hold

b) to fit

c) to buy

d) to sell

e) to relieve

144. Find the translation to «давать деньги»:

a) to relieve

b) to hold

c) to fit

d) to buy

e) to sell

145. Соберите из данных букв слово: p, r, r, a, y, o, e, m,t:

a) temporary

b) proraytem

c) etmproray

d) tomporery

e) atemporry


146. Find the translation “выручка”:

a) revenue

b) grow

c) demand

d) to pull

e) research

147. Complete the sentence “ ... the prices rising?”:

a) Are

b) dose

c) -

d) have

e) has

148. Complete the sentence “ … ideas does it illustrate?”:

a) What

b) Is

c) Have

d) Has

e) Who

149. Translate the word «запасы»:

a) stocks

b) launch

c) decline

d) life

e) figure

150. Translate the word «отклонять»:

a) decline

b) launch

c) stocks

d) life

e) figure

151. Translate the word «цифра»:

a) figure

b) decline

c) launch

d) stocks

e) life

152. Give the meaning to the word “покупатель”:

a) buyer

b) seller

c) client

d) customer

e) dealer

153. Give the translation of the word «далее»:

a) further

b) drop

c) percent

d) ahead

e) to pull

154. Give the translation of the word «годовой»:

a) annual

b) gross

c) total

d) net

e) final

155. The GDP is …:

a) Gross Domestic Product

b) Gross Domestic Part

c) General Domestic Product

d) General Domestic Part

e) Gross Department Part

156. Complete the sentence “The sales have gone up for the last few …”

a) years

b) times

c) clocks

d) presents

e) laps

157. Complete the sentence “ Two problems have.. discussed”:

a) been

b) had

c) -

d) was

e) were

158. Choose the right answer “ I shall not read this book”:

a) neither shall I

b) neither have I

c) neither can I

d) neither did I

e) neither I

159. Give the translation of «гуртом, навалом, в массе»:

a) in bulk

b) in trade

c) in market

d) income

e) in customs

160. Translate the word «to maintain»:

a) поддерживать, сохранять

b) доходы

c) относить

d) расти

e) увеличиваться

161. Put the right preposition “ Relating… economics ”:

a) to

b) at

c) from

d) off

e) is

162. Translate into English “ Предусматривать что-либо ”:

a) to provide for smth

b) to decline for smth

c) to fit for smth

d) to buy for smth

e) to relieve for smth

163. Insert the necessary word “ The wholesaler buys goods in …”

a) bulk

b) supply

c) demand

d) drop

e) internet

164. Which country is more developed than others:

a) USA

b) Somalia

c) Nepal

d) Iran

e) Iraq

165. Complete the sentence “He … be an economist”:

a) will

b) should not

c) can

d) may

e) did

166. Complete the sentence “Macroeconomics is the … of economics”:

a) branch

b) producer

c) discipline

d) subject

e) -

a) -

167. Find the translation of the word “филиал”:

a) branch

b) producer

c) discipline

d) subject

e) -

168. Find the translation of the word “незначительный”:

a) slight

b) tough

c) deep

d) thick

e) big

169. Find the translation of the word “источник”:

a) source

b) report

c) accent

d) outer

e) lower

170. Complete the sentence “The United Kingdom is surrounded by ….”:

a) the Atlantic Ocean, the English Channel and the North Sea

b) the Pacific Ocean and the North Sea

c) the English Channel and the Thames river

d) the USA and Russia

e) the Pacific Ocean and the English Channel

171. Complete the sentence “The United Kingdom is made up of ….”:

a) England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland

b) England, Germany, France and the Poland

c) England, Germany and Northern Ireland

d) England, Sweden and Switzerland

e) England, Russia and Kazakhstan

172. Find the right order of the words “Not / answer / know / the / he / does”:

a) 5/6/1/3/4/2

b) 1/2/3/4/5/6

c) 6/5/4/3/2/1

d) 3/2/6/5/4/1

e) 2/5/6/3/4/1

173. Choose the right couple of antonyms:

a) buy – sell

b) sales – production

c) white – red

d) better – the best

e) street – avenue

174. Choose the right couple of synonyms:

a) buy – purchase

b) buy – sell

c) begin – finish

d) teach- learn

e) choose – sing

175. Choose the right couple of synonyms:

a) price – cost

b) supply – demand

c) always – never

d) continue – stop

e) close – open

176. Complete the sentence “We … him today”:

a) have seen

b) was seen

c) to see

d) did see

e) seen

177. Choose the right equivalent “These two items were (вычеркнуть) from the specification.”:

a) deleted

b) negotiated

c) stifled

d) resumed

e) closed

178. Choose the right equivalent “The agents (обеспечивали) the showroom with all facilities.”:

a) provided

b) distributed

c) treated

d) disposed

e) sent

179. Choose the right equivalent “The goods (были проданы) on a consignment basis.”:

a) were sold

b) is sold

c) are sold

d) will be sold

e) to be sold

180. Choose the right equivalent “The (величина) of the liability was decided during the arbitration.”:

a) extent

b) consignment

c) difference

d) distribution

e) agent

181. Choose the right equivalent “The sum of the (ущерб) are about two hundred dollars.”:

a) damage

b) profit

c) use

d) target

e) equipment

182. Find the translation of the word combination “денежный перевод”:

a) remittance

b) currency

c) coin

d) distribution

e) solution

183. Find the translation of the word “смета”:

a) estimate

b) tax

c) fashion

d) segment

e) mix

184. Choose the right equivalent “The experts (оценили) the quality of the new material”:

a) evaluated

b) achieved

c) declined

d) responded

e) imposed

185. Choose the right equivalent to the word in brackets “Trade is (снижается).”:

a) declining

b) rising

c) imposing

d) adapting

e) responding

186. Choose the right equivalent “This job (включает в себя) a lot of travelling”:

a) involves

b) adapts

c) declines

d) upgrades

e) responds

187. Choose the right equivalent “The (процент) of the sales has remained stable”:

a) percentage

b) subsidiary

c) revival

d) subscription

e) tension

188. Find the translation of the word “делить”:

a) to share

b) to review

c) to investigate

d) to store

e) to proceed

189. Choose the right equivalent “These actions are (направлены) at establishing long term corporation”:

a) aimed

b) mixed

c) adapted

d) shared

e) owned

190. Choose the right equivalent “You should (вовлекать) other specialists in this project”:

a) involve

b) aim

c) impose

d) decline

e) respond

191. Find the translation “улучшить”:

a) upgrade

b) reduce

c) decline

d) rise

e) cut down

192. Find the right answer: “a hooligan”

a) Causes damage or disturbance in public places

b) Attacks and robs people, often in the street

c) Steals from shops while acting as an ordinary customer

d) Is a member of criminal group

e) Illegally carries drugs into another country

193. Find the translation “market segment”:

a) сегмент рынка

b) спрос рынка

c) рыночные отношения

d) сегменты отдела

e) супермаркет

194. Find the synonym “need”:

a) necessity

b) vote

c) respond

d) impose

e) adapt

195. Choose the right equivalent “They didn’t mean (оскорблять) the company”:

a) insult

b) appreciate

c) regard

d) agree

e) resist

196. Choose the right equivalent “The buyers (обвиняли) the sellers for short shipment”:

a) blamed

b) appreciated

c) praised

d) worried

e) denied

197. Choose the right equivalent “The business of (перевозка) by sea is very complicated”:

a) carriage

b) loss

c) carrier

d) authorities

e) freight

198. Choose the right equivalent “They (поделили) the shipment into three parts.”

a) split

b) broke

c) directed

d) stowed

e) discharged

199. Find the synonym “to advance”:

a) to develop

b) to deny

c) to appear

d) to preserve

e) to purify

200. Find the translation “способствовать”:

a) contribute

b) pass

c) link

d) direct

e) resist

201. Find the synonym “to accomplish”:

a) to achieve

b) to move

c) to purify

d) to blame

e) to disappear

202. Find the translation of “грузо отправитель”:

a) shipper

b) demander

c) customer

d) stevedore

e) shipowner

203. Find the translation “to operate”:

a) управлять

b) направлять

c) передавать

d) заходить

e) разгружать

204. Find the translation of “expedite”:

a) ускорять

b) делить

c) разгружать

d) требовать

e) препятствовать

205. Find the translation “to stow”:

a) укладывать груз

b) делить на части

c) ускорять

d) направлять

e) управлять

206. Find the translation “to resume”:

a) возобновлять

b) вычеркивать

c) сдерживать

d) делать пометку

e) разгружать

207. Find the translation of “ежегодно”:

a) annually

b) every year

c) always

d) often

e) not always

208. Find the translation of “ответственность”:

a) liability

b) suggestion

c) warehouse

d) workshop

e) conclusion

209. Find the translation of “loan”:

a) заем

b) склад

c) хранение

d) заключение

e) источник

210. Find the translation of “частичная компенсация”:

a) partial compensation

b) pay compensation

c) give compensation

d) offer compensation

e) claim compensation

211. Find the translation of “применение, заявление”:

a) application

b) conservation

c) denotation

d) impediment

e) supplement

212. Find the translation of the word “суть, сердцевина”:

a) core

b) report

c) accent

d) outer

e) lower

213. Find the translation of the word “вопрос, выпуск”:

a) issue

b) report

c) accent

d) outer

e) lower

214. Find the translation of the word “предпосылка”:

a) prerequisite

b) post-requisite

c) pro-accent

d) outer-in

e) lower-up

215. Find the translation of the word “исчерпывающий”:

a) comprehensive

b) application

c) supplement

d) accessible

e) prerequisite

216. Find the translation of the word “снижение”:

a) downgrade

b) weekly

c) upper-grade

d) accent

e) outer

217. Match the English equivalent “перевод на менее квалифицированную работу”:

a) downgrading

b) downtown

c) downfall

d) downward

e) downturn

218. Match the English equivalent “тенденция к понижению”:

a) downtrend

b) downgrading

c) downtown

d) downfall

e) downward

219. Match the English equivalent “агент по операциям с недвижимостью”:

a) real estate broker

b) stockbroker

c) foreign exchange broker

d) grain broker

e) insurance broker

220. Match the English equivalent “маклер на денежном рынке”:

a) money broker

b) real estate broker

c) stockbroker

d) foreign exchange broker

e) grain broker

221. Match the English equivalent “агент по покупке и продаже иностранной валюты”:

a) foreign exchange broker

b) money broker

c) real estate broker

d) stockbroker

e) grain broker

222. Match the English equivalent “брокер фондовой биржи”:

a) stockbroker

b) foreign exchange broker

c) money broker

d) real estate broker

e) grain broker

223. Match the English equivalent “брокер по продаже и покупке зерна”:

a) grain broker

b) stockbroker

c) foreign exchange broker

d) money broker

e) real estate broker

224. Match the English equivalent “маклер по фрахтованию судов”:

a) shipping broker

b) grain broker

c) stockbroker

d) foreign exchange broker

e) money broker

225. Match the English equivalent “страховой маклер”:

a) insurance broker

b) shipping broker

c) grain broker

d) stockbroker

e) foreign exchange broker

a) удалять

226. Complete the sentence “They have increased production … the beginning of the year”:

a) since

b) till

c) last

d) final

e) total

227. Complete the sentence “The company has … the production”:

a) increased

b) involved

c) moved

d) devoted

e) passed

228. Find the translation of the word “curiosity”:

a) любопытство

b) братство

c) обман

d) одурачить

e) осмысленность

229. of the word “surface”:

a) поверхность

b) Find the translation братство

c) обман

d) одурачить

e) осмысленность

230. Find the translation of the word “exchange”:

a) Биржа/обмен

b) базар

c) сторона

d) кредиты

e) объём

231. Find the translation of the word “quotation”:

a) котировка

b) предположение

c) сторона

d) кредиты

e) цифры

232. Find the translation of the word “behavior”:

a) поведение

b) розничный

c) торговый

d) предусмотрение

e) ненужный

233. Find the translation of the word “discourse”:

a) рассуждение

b) розничный

c) торговый

d) предусмотрение

e) ненужный

234. Find the translation of the word “dimension”:

a) измерение

b) розничный

c) торговый

d) предусмотрение

e) ненужный

235. Find the translation of the word “sustain”:

a) выдерживать

b) розничный

c) торговый

d) предусмотрение

e) ненужный

236. Find the translation of the word “heritage”:

a) наследие

b) розничный

c) торговый

d) предусмотрение

e) ненужный

237. Find the translation of the word “recession”:

a) спад

b) разница

c) торговля

d) представление

e) непригодность

238. Find the translation of the word “предлагать”:

a) to suggest

b) to suppose

c) to destroy

d) to build

e) to run

239. Find the translation of the word “предлагать”:

a) to offer

b) to suppose

c) to destroy

d) to build

e) to run

240. Find the translation of the word “уничтожать”:

a) to destroy

b) to offer

c) to suppose

d) to build

e) to run

241. Find the translation of the word “предполагать”:

a) to suppose

b) to destroy

c) to offer

d) to build

e) to run

242. Find the translation of the word “управлять”:

a) to run

b) to suppose

c) to destroy

d) to offer

e) to build

243. Find the right preposition: Have you seen this film ___ TV.

a) on

b) at

c) in

d) after

e) from

244. Find the right preposition: The novel was written ___ a well-known Kazakh writer.

a) by

b) at

c) in

d) after

e) for

245. Find the right preposition: I like to go ___ foot.

a) on

b) at

c) in

d) after

e) for

246. Find the right preposition: I usually go ___ bus.

a) by

b) at

c) in

d) with

e) for

247. Find the right preposition: What did you do ___ Sunday?

a) on

b) at

c) in

d) after

e) for

248. Find the right preposition: I am afraid ___the darkness.

a) of

b) at

c) in

d) after

e) for

249. Find the right preposition: I am busy ____ my work.

a) with

b) at

c) in

d) after

e) for

250. Find the right preposition: Take care ___ a child.

a) of

b) at

c) in

d) after

e) for

251. Find the right preposition: I’ll see you ___ next Friday.

a) --

b) at

c) in

d) after

e) for

252. Find the right preposition: I’ll be ___home

a) at

b) of

c) in

d) after

e) for

253. Find the right preposition: ___ my opinion the film was good.

a) In

b) According for

c) On

d) After

e) For

254. Find the right preposition: The cat is____ the chair.

a) on

b) in

c) according to

d) after

e) between

255. Find the right preposition: I’ll be free _____ an hour.

a) in

b) according to

c) on

d) after

e) through

256. Find the right preposition: He finished school ____ 2004.

a) in

b) according to

c) on

d) after

e) for

257. Find the right preposition: I am tired _____ your story.

a) of

b) according to

c) from

d) after

e) for

258. Find the right preposition: It’s cool _____ the trees.

a) among

b) at

c) along

d) after

e) for

259. Find the right preposition: There was a serious talk _____ Mary and John.

a) between

b) among

c) with

d) along

e) after

260. Find the right preposition: I was busy _____ three weeks.

a) for

b) of

c) along

d) after

e) –

261. Find the right preposition: Come ____ the water. It’s cold.

a) out of

b) among

c) along

d) after

e) for

262. Find the right preposition: Don’t enter ___ the room.

a) --

b) out of

c) in

d) into

e) after

263. Find the right preposition: He went to bed late ___ night.

a) at

b) in

c) along

d) after

e) for

264. Find the right preposition: Look ____ the blackboard. Read the first sentence, please.

a) at

b) among

c) along

d) after

e) for

265. Find the right preposition: I am waiting ___you.

a) for

b) among

c) at

d) on

e) --

266. Find the right preposition: Tom is leaving ___ London.

a) for

b) in

c) among

d) at

e) on

267. Find the right preposition: He knocked ___the door. Nobody answered.

a) at

b) for

c) in

d) among

e) --

268. Find the right preposition: Let’s go ___ a walk.

a) for

b) in

c) to

d) at

e) on

269. Find the right preposition: I’m looking ____ my glasses. I can’t find them anywhere.

a) for

b) in

c) among

d) through

e) on

270. Find the right preposition: Most children are fond ___ going to Circus.

a) of

b) in

c) with

d) at

e) --

271. Find the right preposition: Life is full ___ surprises.

a) of

b) in

c) among

d) with

e) on

272. Find the right preposition: My father has always been interested ____ football.

a) in

b) for

c) among

d) at

e) on

273. Find the right preposition: Multiply this number ___ nine.

a) by

b) on

c) among

d) with

e) at

274. Find the right preposition: If you contradict him, he will fly ___ a passion.

a) into

b) in

c) among

d) with

e) on

275. Find the right preposition: Don’t be ___ a hurry. We have enough time.

a) in

b) of

c) among

d) with

e) on

276. Find the right preposition: Yesterday he was ___ a low mood.

a) in

b) of

c) among

d) with

e) on

277. Find the right preposition: She always takes things too much ___ heart.

a) to

b) in

c) among

d) with

e) on

278. Find the right preposition: I’ve taken the wrong book ____ mistake.

a) by

b) in

c) among

d) with

e) on

279. Find the right preposition: I met her ____ chance.

a) by

b) in

c) among

d) with

e) on

280. Find the right preposition: He is a kind man ____ heart.

a) at

b) in

c) among

d) inside

e) on

281. Find the right preposition: You should learn this poem ___heart.

a) by

b) in

c) among

d) with

e) on

282. Find the right preposition: Don’t speak ___ a low voice.

a) in

b) of

c) among

d) with

e) on

283. Find the right preposition: ___ my opinion her dress is a bit old-fashioned.

a) In

b) Of

c) Among

d) With

e) On

284. Find the right preposition: He’ll take exams ___ next month.

a) --

b) of

c) among

d) with

e) on

285. Find the right preposition: Take that pencil _____ the box.

a) out of

b) of

c) among

d) with

e) on

286. Find the right preposition: I’ll go ___train. It’s much cheaper.

a) by

b) of

c) among

d) with

e) on

287. Find the right preposition: He likes to listen ___ music.

a) to

b) of

c) among

d) with

e) on

288. Find the right preposition: I’ll go out ___ an hour.

a) in

b) of

c) among

d) with

e) on

289. Find the right preposition: This hard work was done ___ me.

a) by

b) of

c) among

d) with

e) on

290. Find the right preposition: He is good ___ mathematics.

a) at

b) of

c) among

d) with

e) on

291. Find the right preposition: Let’s walk ___ a while.

a) for

b) of

c) among

d) with

e) on

292. Find the right preposition: These houses are made ___ stone.

a) of

b) in

c) among

d) with

e) on

293. Find the right preposition: I live far ___ the University.

a) from

b) of

c) among

d) with

e) on

294. Find the right preposition: Can I count ___ your help?

a) on

b) in

c) of

d) among

e) with

295. Find the right preposition: The girl went ___ tiptoe ___ the bedroom.

a) on,to

b) of, from

c) among, with

d) with, by

e) on, for

296. Find the right preposition: We were pleased ___ the results.

a) with

b) in

c) of

d) among

e) on


297. Find the right preposition: Switch the light ___ before leaving the room

a) off

b) after

c) among

d) with

e) on

298. Find the right preposition: Put the books ___ your bag.

a) into

b) of

c) among

d) with

e) on

299. Find the right preposition: She devotes much time ___ English.

a) to

b) of

c) among

d) with

e) on

300. Find the right preposition: The bus left the station ___ twenty minutes to ten.

a) at

b) of

c) among

d) with

e) on

301. Find the right preposition: Show your passports___ the official.

a) to

b) of

c) among

d) with

e) on

302. Find the right preposition: He is ___ a loss now.

a) at

b) of

c) among

d) with

e) on

303. Find the right preposition: We were ___ the foot of the mountain.

a) at

b) of

c) among

d) with

e) on

304. Find the right preposition: The teacher took a fancy ___ a new pupil.

a) to

b) of

c) among

d) with

e) on

305. Find the right preposition: He became blue ___ the face.

a) in

b) of

c) among

d) with

e) on

306. Find the right preposition: He stood ___ the head of the procession.

a) at

b) of

c) among

d) with

e) on

307. Find the right preposition: Don’t loose heart __ the face of danger.

a) in

b) of

c) among

d) with

e) on

308. Find the right preposition: He flew ___ a passion and stuck his son ___ the face.

a) into, in

b) of, out

c) from, among

d) with, except

e) on, at

309. Find the right preposition: Her behavior is strange. Keep an eye ___ her.

a) on

b) in

c) of

d) among

e) with

310. Find the right preposition: My little sister has an ear ___ music.

a) for

b) of

c) among

d) with

e) on


311. Find the right preposition: We can rely ___ this information.

a) on

b) as long as

c) of

d) among

e) with

312. Find the right preposition: He went___ school___ the age of 6.

a) to, at

b) of, from

c) in, at

d) on to, with

e) on, out

313. Find the right preposition: It rained much ___the beginning ___ autumn.

a) at, of

b) of, on

c) to, in

d) for, not

e) on, in

314. Find the right preposition: The doctor ordered her to stay ___ bed.

a) in

b) of

c) among

d) with

e) on

315. Find the right preposition: All of us paid attention ___ her new dress.

a) to

b) of

c) among

d) with

e) on

316. Find the right preposition: Whom will you invite ___ your party?

a) to

b) of

c) at

d) with

e) on

317. Find the right preposition: You can copy it ___ hand.

a) by

b) of

c) among

d) with

e) on

318. Find the right preposition: They walked hand ___ hand.

a) in

b) of

c) among

d) with

e) on

319. Find the right preposition: ___ one hand she seems to be guilty, ___ the other hand there is not enough evidence against her.

a) On, on

b) In, in

c) Of, out

d) For, among

e) At, with

320. Find the right preposition: She did it ___ purpose.

a) on

b) of

c) among

d) with

e) in

321. Find the right answer: “an assassin”

a) Murders for political reasons or reward

b) Get secret information from another country

c) Take control of a plane by force and makes the pilot change course

d) Hides on a ship or in a plane to get a free journey

e) Deliberately causes damage to property

322. Find the right preposition: I’m afraid ___ the storm.

a) of

b) in

c) among

d) with

e) at

323. Give the right Preposition: The novel was written ___ a well-known American writer.

a) by

b) at

c) in

d) after

e) for

324. Choose the correct variant: «Water at 100 degrees Celsius.»

A) boils

B) boiling

C) is boiler

D) froze

E) frees

328. Choose the correct variant: «The water. Can you turn it off?»

A) is boiling

B) are boil

C) were boils

D) had frosting

E) were froze


329. Choose the correct variant: «Look! That man to open the door of your car.»

A) is trying

B) was tries

C) were trying

D) are try

E) is try


330. Choose the correct variant: «Can you hear those people? What ______about?»

A) are they talking

B) do they talks

C) did they talking

D) is we talks

E) does she talking


331. Choose the correct variant: «The moon round the earth in about 27 days.»

A) goes

B) going

C) running

D) swimming

E) flies


332. Choose the correct variant: «I must go now. It late.»

A) is getting

B) are gets

C) were getting

D) were gets

E) was gets


333. Choose the correct variant: «_____ to work by car.»

A) I usually go

B) We always fly

C) He sometimes running

D) She usually ride

E) I usually gone


334. Choose the correct variant: «‘Hurry up! It’s time to leave.’ ‘OK, ______.’»

A) I am coming

B) I will coming

C) I was coming

D) We are comes

E) They are comes


335. Choose the correct variant: «I hear you’ve got a new job. How ______ on?»

A) are you getting

B) is you gets

C) are you got

D) were you getting

E) was you getting


336. Choose the correct variant: «Paul is never late. He______ to work on time.»

A) always gets

B) sometimes getting

C) usually got

D) every time getting

E) never gets


337. Choose the correct variant: They don’t get on well. They______________.

A) are always arguing

B) were always argues

C) was arguing

D) is argue

E) is never arguing


338. Do you _________ work on Sundays

A) have to

B) must

C) should

D) may

E) would

339. I don’t think you _______stay out late.

A) should

B) shouldn’t

C) must

D) may not

E) won’t

340. You _______bring anything special to the party.

A) don’t have to

B) must

C) should

D) won’t

E) wouldn’t

341. Nagima will get in touch ______she hears any news.

A) as soon as

B) while

C) until

D) since

E) from

342. Please look after the children ____I get home from work.

A) until

B) if

C) while

D) since

E) that

343. If I _____ some money, I’ll go on holiday next year.

A) save

B) saving

C) ’ll save

D) were saved

E) ‘d save

344. Will your parents buy you a car if you finish university?’_____’.

A) No, they won’t

B) No, they don’t

C) No, won’t

D) No, they shouldn’t

E) No, they must

345. Before I go out tonight, I ______ finish this work.

A) ’m going to

B) Am

C) going to

D) does

E) would

346. Do you want to go ______?

A) dancing

B) to dance

C) dance

D) dancer

E) to be dancing

347. Is coffee ___ in Kenya?

A) grown

B) must grow

C) grew

D) will grown

E) should grow

348. Since 2001, all Skoda cars ______ by Volkswagen.

A) have been produced

B) were produced

C) are produced

D) is produced

E) was produced

349. Is a lot of paper wasted in your office? ‘____’.

A) Yes, it is

B) Yes, it was

C) Yes, it has

D) Yes, there is

E) Yes, there were

350. If I _____ a famous person, I wouldn’t know what to say.

A) met

B) didn’t meet

C) meet

D) would met

E) were

351. They ______ more money if they saved a little every month.

A) would have

B) would be had

C) will not have

D) shouldn’t

E) wouldn’t have

352. If you ____ me, what would you do?

A) were

B) are

C) like

D) is

E) was

353. Emma is very busy so she _______ come to the party. She hasn’t decided yet.

A) might not

B) shouldn’t

C) mustn’t

D) hadn’t


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