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Call for participants

  1. Participants' profile
  2. Profile of the Participants



Youth Exchange „Raise your sails 2“

Th July – 25th July 2015


Call for participants


Dates: 15th July (arrival day) – 25th July (departure day) 2015

Countries: Estonia, the Netherlands, Italy, France, Spain, Greece, Czech Republic

Participants: 4 young participants (17 – 22 years old) and 1 leader (18+) per partner



Our vision:


Though the main goal of the youth exchange is based on the previous one, which was to help young people to find their path in life, there is a significant difference in terms of aims and general approach this time. The previous project has brought to light an issue of young people having low self-confidence and -esteem that negatively affects their life. It results in inadequate definition of personal abilities, thus limiting the choice and future opportunities.

This exchange idea thus is to fill the gap and provide young participants with the experience of self-learning, facilitate a goal setting process and through practical approaches to foster their active citizenship behavior.



How we are going to do it:


1. The first day Aboard is a day of arrival when we all get aboard of our improvised boat.

2. The main programme starts with Bon Voyage day with activities mainly oriented at getting to know each other, building a team and setting agreement.

3. The day three Dreaming incorporates the Dragon dreaming concept. The aim of this day is to reflect on personal life - its past, present and future, and let our consciousness to give us some future guidelines that our goals will be built upon. The Captain's log is a place where the information will be recorded. A letter for the future is a method that we have used several time in order to visualize a process of short-term goals achievement when participants can match their expectations with final results.

4. The Islands' day is about self-discovering when through different tasks (islands) participants will learn more about personal strengths and weaknesses, true desires and dreams. Their friends that participants will contact on-line would give a personal viewing and understanding of our features that might provide with new perspectives on inner-self.

5. The Storm day idea is to empower participants and encourage to explore possibilities without fear of mistake. The theater methods will be used for the purpose of difficult moments' and situations' simulation that participants will have to face and go through seeking for different solutions.

6. The Treasure day will be a next step from simulation to real challenge when participants will have to exercise personal abilities (treasure) by preparing and leading activities.

7. The planning day is a part of the Dragon dreaming concept and will be fully up to participants. Their task will be to decided, which idea or issue they want to address to passers-by the next day, define a method and prepare it. In case if it turns out a difficult challenges there is a number of possible solutions that participants could do on the streets (flash-mob, interview, questionnaire, quiz and etc.)

8. The Battle day is a third phase of facing the challenges. On this day participants will step out of their comfort zone in order to go deeper in self-assessment and learn about personal abilities in a stressful situation by talking to a perfect stranger.

9. According to the Dragon dreaming concept and our experience it is of the utmost importance to celebrate achievements. This day will be about the results assessment and recognition. The letter from the day 2 will help to enhance the whole learning process starting from the exchange beginning. The letter to the future will resemble the method, only this time the point is to track long-term goals (one month). The letter will be sent to all participants by post after one month.

10. On the last day participants will have more clear picture of their abilities and opportunities that should have them to help Raise their sails. This is a very good moment to explore the possibilities that have just opened up and set goals for the future, taking in consideration new skills and experience.

11. A new journey is about to start. Bon Voyage


Дата добавления: 2015-09-27 | Просмотры: 324 | Нарушение авторских прав

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