АкушерствоАнатомияАнестезиологияВакцинопрофилактикаВалеологияВетеринарияГигиенаЗаболеванияИммунологияКардиологияНеврологияНефрологияОнкологияОториноларингологияОфтальмологияПаразитологияПедиатрияПервая помощьПсихиатрияПульмонологияРеанимацияРевматологияСтоматологияТерапияТоксикологияТравматологияУрологияФармакологияФармацевтикаФизиотерапияФтизиатрияХирургияЭндокринологияЭпидемиология

Fill in prepositions where necessary

  1. XV. Insert articles where necessary. Retell the text.
  2. XV. Insert articles where necessary. Retell the text.
  3. XVI. Insert articles where necessary. Retell the text.
  4. XVI. Insert articles where necessary. Retell the text.


1. … night I felt a sharp pain … my right side … my leg.

2. A lot of people worldwide suffer …… diabetes.

3. Doctors should instruct their patients … self-glucose monitoring.

4. The cause of diabetes depends ….. the type.

5. You look ill. Why don’t you go and consult … the doctor. Health is worth taking care ….

6. Glucose absorption leads … changes in the shape of the lenses of the eyes.

7. Type 2 diabetes may be controlled … medications.

8. Most unfortunately he fell ill … pneumonia just … the middle … his holidays when he was on a tour … the south.

9. The boy falls ill … quinsy practically every other month.

10. I must have caught a flu on coming … an overheated cinema … the cold, damp air. I thought, judging … the symptoms, that it was only a cold, but when my temperature rose and my headache grew worse, I sent … a doctor. The doctor looked … my tongue, felt … my pulse. Listened … my heart and lungs and took my temperature. “It’s quite clear what’s wrong … you,” he said. You have got the flu. Stay … bed … few days and drink hot tea … lemon.”

11. He complained … splitting headache.

12. The doctor told the patient to strip … the waist and listened … his heart and lungs.

13. This medicine is very good … quinsy.

14. What’s the matter with you? – Oh, I’m feeling fit … nothing.

15. I was ill … bronchitis and had to stay out … … shool … a aweek.

13. Put the questions to the underlined words

1. There are three main types of diabetes.

2. Type 2 diabetes results from insulin resistance.

3. 171 million people worldwide suffer from diabetes.

4. The classical symptoms of diabetes are polyuria, polydipsia and polyphagia.

5. Type 2 diabetes may be controlled with medications.

6. Symptomatic hyperglycemia may persist for days or weeks.

7. All patient should be instucted in self-glucose monitoring.


Дата добавления: 2015-07-23 | Просмотры: 1990 | Нарушение авторских прав

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