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The effect on adults

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Velleja Research conducted a similar study with 40 adults who had a history of recurrent throat and ear infections. The group of adults was evenly split into a control group and those who were subjects for a 90-day treatment of K12. Of those 20 individuals who took the oral probiotic, 80 percent saw a reduction in episodes of streptococcal pharyngeal infection. Roughly 60 percent of participants saw a reduction in pharyngitis after the use of the product. Similar to the children, there were no side effects or dropouts reported.

Barry Richardson of BLIS Technologies told Nutraceutical Business and Technology:

We have seen that BLIS K12 probiotic, when taken on a daily basis, is very effective at establishing itself inside the mouth and throat. This is important because BLIS K12 has evolved a number of defense mechanisms, which protects it from other bacteria, such as those shown to cause tonsillitis etc; by protecting itself from harmful bacteria, BLIS K12 also protects us from harmful bacteria.

According to BLIS K12's official website, the strain is the first probiotic that was specifically developed to help support and maintain the immune system health of the ear, nose and throat, as well as the oral cavity. Richardson also noted that doctors have been aware of the effectiveness of the BLIS K12 from several years of research, but the third-party findings help to defend their work.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-20 | Просмотры: 223 | Нарушение авторских прав

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