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August, 2013

Youth Exchange

Kobuleti, Georgia

August, 2013


International youth exchange project - “Value of Peace for European Citizens" takes place in one of the most popular sea resort of Georgia _ Kobuleti, during 1 – 8th of August, 2013. The project will last during 8 days (including arrival and departure). It will bring together 40 young people from 8 different countries, from EU and EECA: France, Italy, Germany, Georgia, Spain, Azerbaijan, Russia and Armenia.

The themes of the project are: Understanding the concept and main values of European Citizenship, rights, responsibilities and opportunities of a responsible citizen, promoting tolerance, solidarity and peace without any discrimination, by dialogue among young people from different countries by different backgrounds, stimulate better understanding of diversities, and developing awareness of European Citizens.

This YE encourages the development of a peaceful, critical, democratic and creative European Citizenship as an active social, political and cultural role to construct a shared Europe.

The learning methods of project will be through non-formal and in-formal education. For to achieve the principal goals of YE we’ll use different activities, such as: mixed group works, discussion/presentations, special-cases, role-plays, team-building activities, intercultural evenings, flash-mobs, “peaceful movement” involving local communities and other creative activities.



Ø To give a possibility to youngsters from different regions of Europe (form EU and neighbouring countries) to understand the concept of European Citizenship, therights, responsibilities and opportunities of an European citizens;

Ø To make young people aware of common values European citizens share and to provide them with the skills;

Ø Experience and explore the potential of European Citizenship,by exploring and experiencing the potential of the notion of European Citizenship, for active democraticchanges in society;

Ø Find out the connection between European Citizenship,Peace, Human Rights, Democracy, Intercultural Learning and the underlying values.

Ø To share experience of the youth by different background, to know the different realities of the world and create the base of future cooperation;

Ø To manage live and work together representatives of different cultures and backgrounds and to rice up positive awareness and promote tolerance, common European culture and equality, in order to contribute peace and solidarity in Europe;

Venue: YE will take place inKobuleti, Georgia and will last for 8 days.

TARGET GROUP and age of participants: NGO members/ volunteers, young leaders, youth workers, multipliers, youth with fewer opportunities (18 – 25 years old)

Group size: 5 people from each country (4 + 1 leader)

Working language: English

Participant Countries: France, Italy, Germany, Georgia, Spain, Azerbaijan, Russia and Armenia.

project costs: 70% of the travel cost, accommodation, food and transportation during the project will be covered. Participation fee is 50 euro. Active participation during the whole event is obligatory.

(70 % of the travel cost will be reimbursed after the event by bank transfer)

Transport to the hotel and from the hotel:

The participants will be picked up from the Tbilisi airport to Kobuleti and back to the airport.



Дата добавления: 2015-09-27 | Просмотры: 232 | Нарушение авторских прав

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