АкушерствоАнатомияАнестезиологияВакцинопрофилактикаВалеологияВетеринарияГигиенаЗаболеванияИммунологияКардиологияНеврологияНефрологияОнкологияОториноларингологияОфтальмологияПаразитологияПедиатрияПервая помощьПсихиатрияПульмонологияРеанимацияРевматологияСтоматологияТерапияТоксикологияТравматологияУрологияФармакологияФармацевтикаФизиотерапияФтизиатрияХирургияЭндокринологияЭпидемиология


Learner`s Dictionary









Учебный словарь по английскому языку

для студентов 2 курса фармацевтического факультета



Составители: Н. В. Кислякова

Е. И. Клименко





Утверждено научно-методическим советом фармацевтического факультета

15 ноября 2011г., протокол № 1500-08-09


Рецензент канд. филол. наук Т. Н. Панкова


Учебный словарь подготовлен на кафедре английского языка естественно -научных факультетов факультета романно - германской филологии Воронежского Государственного Университета.


Рекомендуется для студентов 2-го курса дневного отделения фармацевтического факультета.


Для специальности 060108 - Фармация


Пояснительная записка


Предлагаемый учебный словарь предназначен для студентов 2 курса фармацевтического факультета, изучающих английский язык в сфере профессионального общения. Словарь содержит наиболее часто употребляемую терминологию в области медицинского и фармацевтического знания. Термины расположены в алфавитном порядке, снабжены транскрипцией, определением на английском языке и русским переводом. Для значительной части приводимых в словаре терминов дается дополнительная информация, разъясняющая конкретное явление в области фармации, медицины и биологии.


Absorb /əb`sɔ:b/ v – to take smth. in or to soak smth. up (впитывать,поглощать)

Absorption /əb`zɔ:pʃn/ n – 1) action of taking a liquid into a solid; 2) taking substances into the body, such as proteins or fats which have been digested from food and are taken into the bloodstream from the stomach and intestines (поглощение, впитывание)

Acid /`æsid/ n – a chemical substance which contains hydrogen and reacts with other substance to form salts (кислота)

phrases: acetic acid- уксусная кислота

acetyl-salicylic acid - ацетилсалициловая кислота

bile acid – желчная кислота

deoxyribonucleic acid – дезоксирибонуклеиновая кислота (ДНК)

hydrochloric acid – хлористоводородная кислота (HCL)

sulphuric acid – серная кислота

Acidify /ə`sidifai / v – to make or become acid; change into acid; make sour (окислять)

Acrid /`ækrid/ adj. – strong, sharp and usually unpleasant (e.g. smell or taste) (едкий,раздражающий)

Acuminate /ə`kju:mineit/ v – to make something sharp-pointed (заострять)
Acuminate /ə`kju:minit/ adj. - tapering gradually to a point, as acuminate leaves (остроконечный,острый)

Acute / ə'kjut/ adj. - severe but of short duration (острый)

Adenine /`ædəni:n/ n - a purine base, 6-aminopurine, occurring in RNA (ribonucleic acid) and DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) (аденин)

Adhere /əd`hiə/ v - to stick to something (прилеплять)

Adhesion /əd`hiʒ:ən / n – ability of one thing to sick firmly to another (прилипание)

Adjuvant /ə` ʤ uvənt / n - a substance or treatment that is used as a supplement to the primary treatment, usually amplifying its action (вспомогательный; вспомогательное лекарственное средство)

Administer /əd`ministə / v – to apply or to give something beneficial or suitable as a remedy or medicine (назначать, принимать лекарство)

Administration / ədminis`treiʃən/ n - act of dispensing or applying (i.e. drugs, medication) (применение, назначение)

phrases: drug administration- медикаментозное лечение, прием лекарств

external administration- внешнее применение

oral administration-пероральное применение, для приема внутрь

parenteral administration – парентеральное введение

Admix / əd'miks / v – to add an ingredient to the base by mixing (смешивать, подмешивать)

Admixture /əd`miksʧə/ n – a compound formed by mixing different substances together (смесь); an additional ingredient that is added by mixing with the base (добавка,примесь)

Adsorption /æd`sɔ:pʃən/ n – attachment of charged particles to the chemically active groups on the surface and in the pores of an ion exchanger (адсорбция)

Adulterate / ə`dʌltəreit/ v - to make impure by admixing other ingredients (подмешивать)

phrase: adulterated drugs – фальсифицированное лекарственное средство;

лекарства с примесями

Adventitious / ædven`tiʃəs/ adj. - out of the proper or usual place; as, adventitious buds or roots (побочный)

Agar /`ɑ:ga:/ n - a complex mixture of polysaccharides obtained from marine red algae, used as an emulsion stabilizer in foods, as a sizing in fabrics, as a gelling agent and as a solid substrate or media for the laboratory culture of microorganisms (студень из водорослей)

Agglutination / əglu:ti`neiʃən / n - sticking together of insoluble antigens such as bacteria, viruses or erythrocytes by a particular antibody (склеивание)

Albumin /`ælbjumin/ n- a simple protein widely distributed throughout the tissues and fluid of plants and animals (альбумин)

Albuminoid /æl`bju:minəid / adj. – resembling an albumin or albumen (белковидный); n – an insoluble simple protein found in connective and skeletal tissues (альбуминоид)

Aldehyde /`ældihaid / n - a chemical compound which can be converted into acid or alcohol (альдегид)

Alkali /`ælkəlai / (pl. – s;- es) n – a soluble base, any of class of bases which neutralize acids (щелочь)

Allele /`ælil/ n- an alternative form of a genetic locus; a single allele for each locus is inherited separately from each parent (аллель)

Alum /`æləm/ n – aluminum sulfate, commonly added during water treatment (квасцы)
Amine /`æmain/ n - a substance that may be derived from ammonia by the replacement of one or more of the hydrogen atoms by hydrocarbon radicals (амидогруппа,аминогруппа)
Amino Acid /ə`mi:no `æsid/ n - any of a group of twenty hydrocarbon molecules (containing the radical group NH2) linked together in various combinations to form proteins in living things (аминокислоты)

Ammonia /ə`mounjə/ n – a colourless liquid or gas with a strong, sharp smell; often called volatile alkali and spirits of hartshorn (аммиак; нашатырь)

Amplification /æmplifi`keiʃən/ n - increase in the number of copies of a

specific DNA fragment; can be in vivo or in vitro; the production of additional copies of a chromosomal sequence (увеличение численности, амплификация, экстракопирование (гена))

Ampoule /`æmpu:l/ n - a small glass vial sealed after filling and one of the earliest devices developed for safe storage of sterile injectable unit (ампула)

Anaerobe /`ænərəub/ n - a microorganism that grows better, or only, when deprived of oxygen (анаэроб);

phrase: anaerobic bacteria – анаэробная бактерия

Analgesia /ænæl`ʤiziə/ n - absence of sensibility to pain (аналгезия: обезболивание, отсутствие болевой чувствительности);

phrase: local analgesia - местная анастезия, обезболивание

Analog /`ænəlɔg/ n- an item which is analogous to another; an organ that differs in structure from another but performs the same function; a chemical compound that has a similar structure to another but differs in its composition (аналог; моделирующее устройство)

Annotation /ænəu`teiʃən/ n - a note, added by way of comment, or explanation (аннотация к лекарственным средствам)

Annual /`ænjuəl/ adj. - lasting or continuing only one year or one growing season; requiring to be renewed every year (однолетнее растение) (ex. annual plant)

Anther /`ænθə/ n - part of the flower which contains pollen (пыльник)

Antibiotic /`æntibai`ɔtik/ n - an organic substance of microbial origin (usually mold) that is either toxic or growth inhibiting for other organisms (ex. penicillin, tetracycline, and erythromycin) (антибиотик)

Antibody /`æntibɔdi/ n - any of a large variety of proteins normally present in the body or produced in response to an antigen which it neutralizes, thus producing an immuneresponse (антитело)

Antigen /`æntiʤən/ n - any of various foreign substances such as bacteria, viruses, foreign proteins, pollen, and vaccines, whose entry into an organism induces an immune response (antibody production, lymphokine production, or both) directed specifically against that molecule (антиген)

Antimitotic /æntimi`tɔtik / adj. - preventing division of a cell by mitosis (антимитотический, предотвращающий деление клеток)

Antiseptic /ænti`septik/ adj. - acting against sepsis (антисептический); n - an antiseptic agent formulated for use on living tissue to prevent or inhibit growth or action of organisms (антисептическое средство)

Aperient /ə`piəriənt / n – a substance which causes a bowel movement (слабительное cредство)

Apply /ə`plai/ v – to put smth. on or rub it into the surface (ex. ointment) (применять; наносить, втирать)

Application /æpli`keiʃən / n - act of applying; preparation that soothes when applied to the skin, preparation that has antiseptic or medicinal action when applied to the skin (применение, употребление лекарства, прикладывание пластыря или горчичника)

Ash /`æʃ / n - a residue that remains when something is burned (зола,пепел); phrases: ash insoluble in hydrochloric acid - зола, растворимая в растворе

хлористоводородной кислоты (HCL);

total ash – определение общей золы

Assay /æ`sei/ n - a quantitative or qualitative test of a substance to determine its components; frequently used to test for the presence or concentration of infectious agents or antibodies (анализ, биологическое испытание; проба, образец для анализа)

Astringent /æs`trinʤənt/ adj. – a substance causing contraction; stopping bleeding (стягивающий, вызывающий сокращение тканей; гемостатический, подавляющий секрецию или останавливающий кровотечение)

Astringent /æs`trinʤənt/ n – a substance that you put on your skin to make it less oily or to make cuts stop bleeding (вяжущее вещество)

Axil /`æksil/ n – an angle between the stem and a branch (цветоложе)



Bacterium (pl. bacteria) /bæk`tiəriəm/ n - any of a large group of microscopic organisms having round, rod-shaped, spiral, or filamentous unicellular or noncellular bodies that are often aggregated into colonies and enclosed by a cell wall or membrane (бактерия)

Bactericide /bəktiəri`said /n - an agent that kills vegetative bacteria (бактерицид)

Bacteriophage /bək`tiəriə`feiʤ / n – a virus that exclusively infects bacteria. One of the bacteriophages most extensively studied is the lambda phage, which is also one of the most important viral vectors used in rDNA work. Lambda promoters have been used to express eukaryotic proteins in E.coli. (бактериофаг)

Bald /bɔ:ld/ adj. - hairless; bare, exposed (оголенный, лысый)

Bark /`ba:k/ n - tough protective covering of the woody stems and the roots of trees and other woody plants (кора)

Base /beis/ n - an electropositive element or radical that unites with an acid to form a salt or a substance that when dissolved in water, dissociates to produce one or more hydroxyl ions (основание)

Benzaldehyde /ben`zældi`haid/ n - a colorless oily liquid used as a flavoring agent to make dyes, perfumes, and pharmaceuticals (бензойный альдегид)

Biannual /bai`ænjuəl/ adj. - occurring twice a year; that occurs every two years

Biconvex /bai`kɔnvəks/ adj. – convex on two sides (двояковыпуклый)

Bifacial /bai`feiʃəl/ adj. - having upper and lower surfaces that are structurally different (двусторонний)

phrase: bifacial structure – двусторонняя структура

Bilabiate /bai`leibieit/ adj. - having two lips, as the corollas of certain flowers (двугубый)

Bilocular /bai`ɔlkjulə/ adj. - divided into two cells or compartments; as, a bilocular pericarp (двухклеточный, двугнездный)

Bioactivity /`baiəuæk`tiviti/ n - a protein's ability to function correctly after it has been delivered to the active site of the body (in vivo) (биоактивность)
Bioassay /`baiəuə`sei/ n - the determination of the biological activity of a substance or a drug by observing its effect on an organism (биологический анализ,биотест)

Bioavailability /`baiəuəveilə`biliti/ n - a degree to which or rate at which a drug or other substance is absorbed or becomes available at the site of physiological activity after administration (биодоступность (напр. лекарственного вещества))

Biologic /baiəu`ɔʤlik/ adj. – attributing to biology (биологический)
Biotechnology /`baiəutek`nɔlɔʤi/ n - an industry that creates, develops and markets a variety of techniques that use living organisms or substances from those organisms to make or modify a product by microbial and biochemical processes (биотехнология)

Blade /bleid/ n – a flat expanded part of a leaf (листовая пластинка)

Blank test /blæŋk/ n - a preliminary analysis omitting only a sample to provide an unbiased reference point, baseline or comparison (слепой опыт, контрольная проба)

Bleach /`bli:ʧ/ v – to make white, whiten (обесцвечивать, отбеливать)

Bond / bɔnd/ n - a strong force of attraction holding atoms together in a molecule or crystal, resulting from the sharing or transfer of electrons (связь)

Bract /`brækt/ n - a leaf, usually smaller than the true leaves of a plant, from the axil of which a flower stalk arises (прицветник)

Break down /`breik daun/ v – to separate substances into constituent elements or parts, as chemical substances (расщеплять, распадаться на части)

Brittle /`britl/ adj. – easily broken (хрупкий, ломкий)

Bronchitis / brɔŋ`kaitis/ n - an inflammation of the mucous membrane in the bronchial tubes (бронхит)

Bud / `bʌd/ n – a small pointed lump that appears on a tree or plant and develops into a leaf or flower (почка)

Buffer /`bʌfə/ n - a substance capable of neutralizing both acids and bases in solution and maintaining the original acidity or causticity of the solution (буферный раствор, поддерживающий постоянную концентрацию ионов водорода)


Calyx / `ceiliks/ n – a protective outer layer of leaves on a bud (чашечка цветка)
Cancer /`kænsə/ n - the name given to a group of diseases that are characterized by uncontrolled cellular growth (рак)

Carbohydrate /ka:bo`haidreit/ n - a large class of carbon-hydrogen-oxygen compounds that includes the sugars and their polymers (mainly starch, glycogen and cellulose) (углевод)

Carcinogen /ka:`sinəʤən/ n - a substance that causes the development of cancerous growths in living tissue (канцероген)

Carpel / 'ka:pel / n - a female reproductive organ of a flower, consisting of an ovary, a stigma, and usually a style (плодолистик)

Carry out /`kæri/ v – to put into practice, accomplish, perform (выполнять, проводить)

Cauline /`kɔ:l`ain/ adj. -growing on a stem especially on the upper part of a stem (стеблевой)

phrase: cauline leaves – стеблевые листья

Cell /sel/ n – a fundamental unit of life (клетка)

Challenge /`ʧælinʤ / n – something that tests one's ability, difficult and stimulating task; a set of symptoms, provocative probe; testing vaccination (провокационная проба, проверочное вакцинирование; симптоматика, совокупность признаков; вызов)

Challenge /`ʧælinʤ / v – to cause discord, to be debatable, to stimulate, to provoke infection, to defy (ставить под сомнение; бросать вызов; делать инъекцию, вызывать

Chemotherapy /keməu`θerəpi/ n - treatment of disease by means of chemical substances or drugs (химиотерапия)

Chlorine /`klɔ:ri:n/ n - an element used to kill microorganisms in water; at room temperature and atmospheric pressure a greenish yellow gas (хлор; светло-зеленый)
Chromatography /krəɔ mə`tɔ grəfi/ n – a method of separating mixtures and identifying their components (хроматография);

phrases: adsorption chromatography – адсорбционная хроматография

ion exchange chromatography – ионообменная хроматография

high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) – жидкостная

хроматография высокого давления

thin-layer chromatography – тонкослойная хроматография

Cleavage /`kli:viʤ / n - splitting up a complex molecule into two or more simpler ones (расщепление)

Cluster '/klʌstə/ n - a group of similar things positioned or occurring closely together (кисть, гроздь)

Coagulation /kəuægju`leiʃən/ n - a change from a liquid to a thickened insoluble state not by evaporation but by some kind of chemical reaction (свертывание, коагуляция)

Coagulate /kəu`ægjuleit/ v – to change from a liquid to a thickened or solid state (свертываться, коагулировать)

Сoccus /`kɔ kəs/ (pl. cocci /`kɔ ksai/) n - a bacterium of round, spheroidal or ovoid form, including micrococcus, staphylococcus, streptococcus, and pneumococcus (кокк)

Complication /kɔ mpli`keiʃən / n – a medical problem that occurs as a result of another illness or disease (осложнение)

Comply (with) / kəm`plai / v – to be in accordance with a set of rules (соответствовать, подчиняться правилам)

Composition /kɔ mpə`ziʃən/ n – an act or art of forming a whole or integral structure by placing together and uniting different things, parts or ingredients (состав, составные части; составление, смесь)

Compound /`kɔ mpaund/ n – a substance that consists of two or more elements (соединение, смесь,состав)

Compounding /`kɔ ɔmpaundiŋ / n - bringing together of excipient and solvent components into a homogeneous mix of active ingredients (смешивание)

Condition /kən`diʃən/ n – a state of an illness or other medical problem (болезнь, состояние)

phrases: acute condition – острое заболевание, неотложное состояние

clinical condition – болезнь, патологический процесс

common condition – распространенное (типичное) заболевание

inflammatory condition – воспалительный процесс

painful condition – болезненный процесс

Conjugate /`kɔnʤugit/ adj. - united in pairs; yoked together; coupled (сопряженный, соединенный)

Consist (of) /kən`sist/ v – to be composed of, to be made up of (состоять из)
Constituent /kən`stitjuənt/ n – a thing or an ingredient from which a mixture, substance or system are formed (составная часть)

Contain / kən'tein / v – to keep things and ingredients in itself, to consist of (состоять из)

Contaminate /kən`tæmineit/ v – to make smth. dirty and harmful (загрязнять, портить, заражать)

Contamination /`kəntæmi`neiʃən/ n - undesired introduction of impurities of a chemical or microbiological nature, or of foreign matter into or onto a raw material or active pharmaceutical ingredient during production, sampling, packaging or repackaging, storage or transport (загрязнение,порча);

phrase: cross-contamination - перекрестное загрязнение

Contraindication /kəntrəindi`keiʃən/ n – a specific medical reason for not using a particular treatment for a medical condition in the usual way (противопоказание)

Corolla /kə`rɔ lə/ n – a part of the flower that consists of separate petals (венчик)

Cotyledon /kɔti`li:dn/ n - the first leaf or one of the first pair or whorl of leaves developed by the embryo of a seed plant or of some lower plants (as ferns) (семядоля)

Cotyledon /kɔti`li:dn/ adj. – any of a class or subclass of angiospermous plants that produce an embryo with one cotyledon (однодольное растение)

Crenate /krə`neit/ adj. - having a margin or surface cut into rounded scallops (зубчатый)

Cross-section /`kros`sekʃən/ n – what you would see if you cut straight through the middle of the object (поперечное сечение, поперечный разрез; профиль)
Crude /kru:d/ adj.- in a natural, unprepared form or unrefined state (необработанный, сырой; неочищенный)


/`deitə/ (pl. datum) n - information, facts (данные)
Deal (with) /di:l/ v – to handle, do business with or trade with (иметь дело с)
Decompose /dikəm`pouz/ v - to separate the constituent parts of; to resolve into original elements; to set free from previously existing forms of chemical combination; to rot or decay (разлагать на составные части, разлагать, гнить)

Decorticate /di`ko:tikeit/ v – to remove the outer layer of; to remove the peel (сдирать кожуру)

Decortication /di`ko:tikeiʃn/ n - removal of the outer covering of an organ or of a plant (очищение от кожуры, шелухи)

Dehydrate /di:`haidreit/ v - to deprive of water; to render free from water (обезвоживать)

Dense /`dens/ adj. – tight or thick (плотный)

Density /`densiti/ n– the relation of mass or weight of a substance to its volume; the quality of being dense, tight or thick (плотность)

Derive /di`raiv/ v– to get a substance by modification or partial substitution of parts of the whole (получать, извлекать)

Derivative /di`rivətiv/ n - a substance so related to another substance by modification or partial substitution as to be regarded as derived from it; (ex. the hydrocarbons are derivatives of methane, benzene) (производное вещество)

Desiccator /`desikeitə/ n – a closed container, usually made of glass or plastic, with an airtight seal used for drying materials (сушильный шкаф, сушильная печь, испаритель)

Diagnosis /`daiəg`nəusis/ n – presentation of a disease (диагноз)

Diagnostic /daiəg`nostik/ n - a complex of measures used to identify a disease by analyzing the cause and symptoms (диагностика)

Diagnostic /daiəg`nostik / adj. – referring to making a diagnosis (ex. procedures); (диагностический)

Dicotyledon /daikoti:`li:dən/ n - any of a class or subclass of angiospermous plants that produce an embryo with two cotyledons and usually have floral organs arranged in cycles of four or five and leaves with reticulate venation (двудольное растение)
Diffusion /di`fju:ʒən/ n – a random thermal motion of particles, which causes them to flow from a region of higher concentration to one of lower concentration (диффузия, рассеивание)

Digestion /di`ʤesʃən/ n – enzymatic hydrolysis of major nutrients in the gastrointestinal system to yield their building-block components (пищеварение)

Dilute /dai`lju:t/ v - to make thinner or more liquid by admixing with something; to dissolve by mixing (растворять, разбавлять, разжижать);

Dilute /dai`lju:t/ adj. - diluted, watered down, reduced in strength (разбавленный)

Dilution /dai`lu:ʃən/ n - lowering the concentration of a solution by adding a larger quantity of a solvent (растворение)

Diploid /di`ploid / n - a full set of genetic material, consisting of paired chromosomes; the diploid human genome has 46 chromosomes (диплоид)

Disaccharide /dai`sækəraid/ n - carbohydrate which can be reduced to two sugars (дисахарид)

Disease /di`zi:z/ n – an illness or sickness often characterized by typical health problems and physical signs or symptoms (болезнь)

Disintegrate /dis`intigreit / v - to separate into integral parts; to reduce to fragments or to powder; to break up (раздроблять, разделять на составные части)

Disorder /dis`o:də/ n – a condition in which there is a disturbance of normal functioning (расстройство, нарушение)

Dispense /dis`pens/ v - to deal out in portions; to distribute (распределять); to sell dispensed medicines (готовить и отпускать лекарства)

Dispensing /dis`pensiŋ/ n -the pouring or transferring of any material from a container, tank or similar vessel, whereby vapors, dusts, fumes, mists or gases may be liberated to the atmosphere (раздача, распределение, распространение, расфасовка)

Dissolve /di`zolv/ v – to mix a substance with a liquid; to separate into constituent parts; to disorganize; to break up (растворять; разлагаться на составные части)

Distil /dis`til/ v – to undergo condensation; change from a gaseous to a liquid state and fall in drops; to purify (перегонять, дистиллировать, очищать)

Distillation /di`stileiʃən/ n - the process of separating water from impurities by heating until it changes into vapor and then cooling the vapor to condense it into purified water (дистилляция,перегонка)

Distribute /dis`tribju(:)t/ v - to dispense; to administer (распределять, распространять)

Divergent /dai:`və: ʤənt/ adj. - branching off from a common point, going off in different directions from a center (расходящийся, отклоняющийся)

Diuretic /daijuə`retik/ n – a drug that helps eliminate excess body fluid; usually used in the treatment of high blood pressure and heart failure (мочегонное средство)

Dizziness /`dizinis/ n - giddiness; a whirling sensation in the head; vertigo (головокружение)

Dosage form /`dəusiʤ fo:m / n - the form in which the drug is delivered to the patient. This could be a tablet, oral form (liquid or dissolved powder), suppository, inhalation (лекарственная форма, форма дозировки)

Dosage group /`dəusiʤ gru:p/ n - a group of subjects in a clinical trial receiving the same dosage (amount) of a drug being tested (тестируемая группа людей)

Drug /drʌg / n – an article intended for use in diagnosis, cure, treatment, or prevention of disease in a man or other animals (лекарство, медикамент)

phrases: сrude drug – лекарственное сырье

habit-forming drug – любое вещество, вызывающее зависимость

parent drug – исходное лекарственное вещество

prescribed drug – прописанное лекарственное средство

prolonged-release drug - лекарственное средство пролонгированного


RX drug - лекарственное средство, отпускаемое по рецепту

Drugstore /`drʌgstɔ:/ n - store that sells medicines and fills prescriptions (synonym: apothecary's shop, chemist's, chemist's shop, pharmacy) (аптека)

Dropper /`drɔpə/ n – a small glass tube with a hollow rubber part on one end which you use for drawing up and dropping small amounts of a liquid (каплемер)

Drupe /dru:p / n - a one-seeded fruit having a hard bony endocarp, a fleshy mesocarp, and a thin exocarp that is flexible (as in the cherry) or dry (as in the almond ) (косточковый плод)

Drupaceous /dru:`peiʃəs/ adj. - pertaining to or resembling drupe; producing drupes (косточковый плод)

Dry /drai/ adj. - free from liquid or moisture; lacking natural or normal moisture or depleted of water; or no longer wet (сухой, высохший)



Effervescent /efə`vesnt/ adj. - charged naturally or artificially with carbon dioxide; "sparkling wine"; "sparkling water" (шипучий)

Efficacy /`efikəsi/ n - the ability of a substance to produce a desired effect (эффективность, сила, действенность)

Efficient /i`fiʃənt/ adj. – causing effects; producing results (действенный, эффективный)

Electron Microscopy (EM ) ph. - a technique for visualizing a material that uses beams of electrons instead of light rays and that permits greater magnification than is possible with an optical microscope (электронная микроскопия)

Electrolyte /i`lektrəɔlait/ n - any compound which in solution conducts a current of electricity and is decomposed by it (электролит)

Elliptical /i`liptikəl/ adj. - oval, egg-shaped; containing ellipsis (эллиптический, яйцеобразный)

Elongate /`i:lɔŋgeit/ adj. – about leaf shape: long and narrow (вытянутый, тонкий)

Eluate /`i:lueit/ v – to separate one solute from another by washing; to remove by means of a suitable solvent one material (absorbed material) from another (adsorbent) is insoluble in that solvent (эльюировать)

Elution /i`lju:ʃən/ n removal by means of one material (absorbed material) from another (adsorbent) one (эльюирование)

Embryo /`embriou/ n – a fetus, a young one of a human or an animal in its earliest stages of development (эмбрион, зародыш)

Emulsion /`imʌlʃn/ n – a mixture of two immiscible (unblendable) substances (эмульсия)
Endemic /en`demik /n - a disease present in a community or among a group of people; adj. – pertaining to a disease prevailing continually in a region эндемическое заболевание; эндемический (свойственный данной местности)

Endocrine /`endəukrain/ adj. - pertaining to the glands of inner secretion that secrete their products (hormones) into the blood which then carries them to their specific target organs; ex. endocrine glands are the pituitary, thyroids, adrenals, pancreas, ovaries (in females), and testes (in males) (эндокринный)

Enhance / in`ha:ns/ v –to improve, to make wider, to amplify (улучшить, расширить, усилить); ex. enhanced documentation /in`ha:nst dɔkjumen`teiʃən/ - collection of Engineering, Quality Control, and Regulatory Affairs documents, which will be required for the operation, validation, maintenance, and regulatory compliance of a pharmaceutical plant (улучшенная, расширенная и пересмотренная документация)

Entire /in`taiə/ adj. – a whole, consisting of a single piece, as a corolla (целый); having continuous edges as a leaf which does not have any kind of teeth (цельный)

Enzyme /`enzaim/ n – a substance accelerating chemical processes in the organism; any of numerous proteins or conjugated proteins produced by living organisms and functioning as complex biochemical catalysts (энзим, фермент)

Epidemic /epi`demik/ n, adj. - a disease attacking many people in a community simultaneously, pertaining to a disease (эпидемия)

Eruption /i`rʌpʃn/ n – an act or instance of bursting forth suddenly; an act or instance of breaking out (about a skin rash) (сыпь, высыпание)

Essential /ə`senʃəl/ adj.– important, significant (важный, существенный); ex. essential amino acids – acids, that cannot be synthesized by human and other vertebrates and must be obtained from the diet (незаменимые аминокислоты, основные аминокислоты, эссенциальные аминокислоты)

Ester /`estə / n – a substance, produced by a reaction of an alcohol and an acid (сложный эфир)

Ether /`i:θə/ n – a colorless liquid used as a solvent and formerly as an anesthetic (простой эфир, диэтиловый эфир)

Eukaryote /ju:`kæriɔt/ n - an organism that carries its genetic material physically constrained within a nuclear membrane, separate from the cytoplasm (эукариоты)

Evaporate /i`væpəreit/ v - to expel moisture from a substance (usually by means of artificial heat), leaving a solid portion (выпаривать, испаряться)

Evaporator /i`væpəreitə / n - apparatus used in distillation to heat a liquid and create a phase change from the liquid to the vapor state; ex. a steam boiler is an evaporator (испаритель)

Excipient /ek`sipiənt/ n - a more or less inert substance added to a prescribed drug compound (индифферентная составная часть лекарства, среда для лекарства)

Expiration Date /ekspaiə`reiʃən deit/ n - the date placed on the container/labels of an API (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient) designating the time during which the API is expected to remain within established shelf life specifications if stored under defined conditions, and after which it should not be used (срок годности, срок хранения)

Expose /iks`pouz/ v – to reveal, uncover, disclose; to make undergo some action (подвергать действию, выставлять)

Express /iks`pres/ v - to translate genetic information stored in the DNA into a protein; to squeeze, to extract; ex. genetic expression (выражать, выжимать)

Extract /iks`trækt / v – to obtain substance from something, for example by using industrial or chemical processes (извлекать, получать экстракт)

Extraction / iks`trækʃən/ n – a process of obtaining substances from something by means of chemical processes (извлечение, экстракция)



Facilitate /fə`siliteit/ v – to make easy, make easier; assist forward, promote (облегчать, содействовать, способствовать)

Fade /feid/ v – to lose freshness, vigor, or vitality; to disappear gradually (вянуть, блекнуть, постепенно исчезать)

Fall out /`f ɔ:laut/ v – to waste, residue; disperse (выпадать, осаждаться)

Ferment /`fə:ment / n – a substance, acting as a catalyst for chemical process in an organ; a substance capable of bringing about fermentation (фермент)

Ferment /fə:`ment/ v – to cause fermentation (вызывать брожение)

Fermentation /fə:men`teiʃən/ n – a process of growing microorganisms within an enclosed tank (fermenter) under controlled conditions of aeration, agitation, temperature, and pH. The different types organisms used as a basis for fermentation are: bacteria (E. coli), yeast and others (ферментация, брожение)

Fermenter /`fər`men`tər/ n - a tank or vessel used for carrying out fermentation (бродильная установка, аппарат)

Fever /`fi:və/ n - a condition of human body characterized by temperature well above the normal 98.6°F (37°C) (жар, лихорадка)

Fibre /`faibə/ n – a thin piece of flesh like a thread which connects nerve cells in a living body or of which muscles are made (волокно, нить)

Filament /`filəmənt/ n - a single thread or a thin flexible threadlike object (нить, волокно)

Filamentous / filə`mentəs/ adj. – having threads or a thin flexible threadlike objects (волокнистый, нитевидный)

Film / film/ n - a thin layer covering a surface (пленка)

Filtration / fil`treiʃən / n - removal of suspended matter from a fluid by passing it through a porous matrix that prevents particles from getting through, usually by entrapment on or in the filter matrix (фильтрация)

Fine /`fain / adj. – something that is very delicate, narrow and small (мелкий, тонкий)

Flake /`fleik/ v - to come off a surface in small thin pieces (выпадать в виде хлопьев, превращаться в чешуйки)

Flat /`flæt/ adj. – smooth or even, horizontal and not upright (плоский, ровный)

Flatten /`flætn/ v - to become or to make flat (выравнивать, расплющивать(ся)

Fleshy /`fleʃi/ adj. – something that is slightly too fat (толстый, мясистый)

Floret /`florit/ n - a small flower that is part of a large flower (цветок, отдельный цветок сложного цветка)

Floriiferous /flori`ifərəs/ adj. - something that has flowers (цветоносный) Foliiferous /fouli`ifərəs/ adj. – something that has leaves (листоносный)

Foreign matter /`fərin`mætə/ n – a substance which has something else, possibly by accident, and does not belong there (примесь)

Fragrant /`freigrənt/ adj. – something that has pleasant and sweet smell (ароматный)

Fungus /`fʌŋgəs / (pl. fungi - `fʌŋgai/ n - low forms of plant life unable to form protein and carbohydrates (heterotrophs) that are widespread in nature (грибок, плесень)




Gallon /`gælən / n – english measure of liquids and bulky substances (галлон, английская мера сыпучих и жидких тел = 4,546 л)

Gamete /'gæmi:t/ n – a mature male or female reproductive cell (sperm or ovum) with a haploid set of chromosomes (23 for humans) (гамета, половая клетка)

Gelatin /`ʤelətin/ n - a derived protein formed from the collagen of the tissues by boiling in water, sometimes called an albuminoid (желатин, животный клей)

Gene /ʤi:n/ n - a natural unit of hereditary material that is a physical basis for the transmission of the characteristics of living organisms from one generation to another. The basic genetic material is fundamentally the same in all living organisms. It consists of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) in most organisms and ribonucleic acid (RNA) in certain viruses, and is usually associated in a linear arrangement that constitutes the chromosome (ген).

phrases: dominant gene - доминантный ген

recessive gene - рецессивный ген

gene expression - экспрессия генов

Genetics /ʤi`netiks/ n - scientific study of heredity: how particular qualities or traits are transmitted from parents to offsprings (генетика)

Genotype /`ʤenəutaip/ n - genetic composition of an organism (including expressed and non-expressed genes), which may not be readily apparent (генотип)

Germicide /`ʤɜ:misaid/ n - an agent that destroys microorganisms, especially pathogenic microorganisms ("germs") (вещество, убивающее бактерии)

Germination /ʤɜ:mi`neiʃən/ n– a growth development of a plant (зарождение, развитие)

Glabrous /`gleibrəs / adj. smooth, not hairy (имеющий гладкую поверхность, голый, лысый)

Glyceride /` glisəraid/ n esters formed from glycerol and fatty acids (глицерид)

Granule / 'grænjul/ n - a small compact particle of a substance (гранула, мелкая частица)

phrases: coated granules – гранулы в оболочке

gastro –resistant granules – ингибиторы желудочного сока

effervescent granules - шипучие гранулы

Gum / gʌm/ n – a type of glue that is used to stick two pieces together (камедь, смола, каучук, резина)


Haploid /hə`ploid/ n - a single set of chromosomes (half a full set of genetic material), present in the egg and sperm cells of animals and in the egg and pollen cells of plants (гаплоид)

Hardness /`ha:dnis/ n – firmness, a concentration of calcium and magnesium salts in water, originally referred to the soap-consuming power of water (твердость, плотность, жесткость воды)

Harvesting /`ha:vistiŋ/ n –a separation of cells from growth media. It can be accomplished by filtration, precipitation, or centrifugation (культивирование клеток)

Hazardous /'hæzədəs/ adj. - explosive, flammable, toxic, poisonous, corrosive, oxidizing, irritant or otherwise harmful, likely to cause injury (опасный, вредный для здоровья)

Heat /hi:t/ n - a form of energy associated with the motion of atoms or molecules in solids and capable of being transmitted through solid and fluid media by conduction, through fluid media by convection, and through empty space by radiation. (теплота, жар)

Heavy Metals / 'hevi 'met(ə)ls/ n - high molecular weight metal ions, such as lead (тяжелые металлы)

Helix /'hi:liks/ n – a spiral staircase-like structure with a repeating pattern described by two simultaneous operations: rotation and translation. It is a natural conformation of many biological polymers. (спираль)

Hemoglobin /hi:mə(u)`gləubn/ n - a red protein responsible for transporting oxygen in the blood of vertebrates. Its molecule comprises four subunits, each containing an iron atom bound to a heme group (гемоглобин)

Hemostatic /hi:mə(u)'stætæk/ adj. – acting to arrest bleeding or hemorrhage (кровоостанавливающий)

Heparin /`hepərin / n- a sulphur containing polysaccharide that stops blood from clotting by preventing the conversion of prothrombin to thrombin and by neutralizing thrombin. (гепарин)

Herb /hə:b/ n – a plant whose parts are used in medicine (трава)

Herbaceous /hɜ:`beiʃəs/ adj. – having green stems, not hard woody stems (травянистый)

Herbal /`hɜ:b(ə)l/ adj. - relating to or made from herbs, especially those used in cooking and medicine (травяной);

phrase: herbal drugs – лекарственное растительное сырье (ЛРС)

Heredity /hi'rediti / n – a transfer of genetic information from parent cells to progeny (наследственность)

Homogeneous /hɔmə`ʤi:niəs/ adj. - consisting of parts all of the same kind (однородный, гомогенный)

Homology /ho`mələgi / n a s imilarity in DNA or protein sequences between individuals of the same species or among different species (гомологичность)

Hormone /'ho:məun/ n - a type of chemical messenger, occurring both in plants and animals, that acts to inhibit or excite metabolic activities (гормон)

Human Immunodeficiency Virus /`hju:mən `imjənəu di`fiʃənsi `vaiərəs/ n – a disease affecting a human immune system, weakening it and making it less resistant and more susceptible to infections (вирус иммунодефицита человека)

Hybridization /haibridai`zeiʃən/ n - a process of joining two complementary strands of DNA or each one of DNA and RNA to form a double-stranded molecule (гибридизация, скрещивание)

Hydrochloric acid /haidrəuklorik `æsid/ n – a colorless, strong acid containing hydrogen and chlorine (соляная кислота)

Hydrolysis /hai'drolisis / n - a chemical reaction between water and organic compounds, particularly esters, ketones and alcohols (гидролиз)

Hydrolyze /`haidrolaiz/ v – to break down (a compound) by chemical reaction with water (гидролизировать, подвергать гидролизу)

Hydroxylion /`haidrɔksil`aiən/ n - specialized ion with a negative charge, which is made of an oxygen atom and a hydrogen atom (гидроксил, гидроксильная группа)

Hypotension /haipə(u)`tenʃ(ə)n/ n – abnormally low blood pressure (пониженное кровяное давление)

Hypovitaminosis /`haipo`vaitəminozis/ n – a lack of vitamins in the organism (витаминная недостаточность)





Identity / ai`dentiti/ n – characteristics, true qualities that a person or a thing have (индивидуальность, подлинность)

Ignition /ig`niʃən/ n - an action of setting something on fire or starting to burn (прокаливание, воспламенение)

Immature /imə`tjuə/ adj. - not completely grown or fully developed (незрелый, неспелый)

Immune /i`mju:n/ adj. - resistant to a particular infection or toxin owing to the presence of specific antibodies (иммунный); ex. immune response /i`mju:n ris`pəns/ - a production of antibodies (humoral response) or particular types of cytotoxic lymphoid cells (cell-mediated response) on challenge with an antigen (иммунный ответ, реакция)

Immunity /i`mju:niti/ n - a state of an organism in which protection from many infectious diseases is afforded by prior exposure to the infectious agents (иммунитет, невосприимчивость к инфекции или болезни; невосприимчивость)

Immunogen /i`mju:nɔ:ʤi:n / n – a substance that is capable of causing antibody formation (иммуноген, иммунизирующее вещество)

Immunoglobulin (Ig) /i`mju:nə`globjulin/ n - a member of a class of proteins that functions as an antibody (иммуноглобулин)

Immunology /imju`nɔləʤi/ n - a study of how the body defends itself against disease (иммунология)

Imprinting / im'printiŋ/ n – a biochemical phenomenon that determines, for certain genes, which one of the pair of alleles, the mother's or the father's, will be active in an individual (импринтинг(влияние отцовских или материнских генов, эпигенез))

Impure / im'pjuə/ adj. - mixed with foreign matter, dirty (неочищенный, с примесью; грязный)

Impurity /im`pjuəriti/ n – contamination, dirtiness; presence of foreign component in the media or API (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient) that is not a desired entity (примесь)

Inert /i`nɜ:t/ adj. - lacking the ability or strength to dissolve in water or react chemically with other substances (инертный, недеятельный)

Infect in'fekt / v – to affect (a person, organism, etc.) with a disease-causing organism (заражать)

Infected /i n'fektid / - contaminated with extraneous biological agents and therefore capable of spreading infection (зараженный)

Infection /in'fek(ʃə)n/ n – a disease caused by germs or bacteria (инфекция)

Infectious / in'fekʃəs/ adj. - able to cause disease in a susceptible host (заразный, инфекционный)

Inflorescence / inflɔ:`res(ə)n(t)s/ n - a complete flower head of a plant including stems, stalks, bracts, and flowers (соцветие, цветение)

Infusion /in`fju:ʒ(ə)n/ n – an introduction of parenterals into a vein (intravenous)


Injection /in`ʤekʃ(ə)n/ n – a preparation intended for parenteral administration (вливание, инъекция)

Inhalation / inhə'leʃ(ə)n/ n – a process of inhaling or breathing in (вдыхание, ингаляция)

Inhibitor / in'hibitə / n -a substance which slows down or prevents a particular chemical reaction or other process or which reduces the activity of a particular reactant, catalyst, or enzyme (ингибитор)

Injurious / in`ʤuəriəs / adj. – causing damage or harm (наносящий вред, повреждение)

Innocuous / i'nokjuə/ adj. – completely harmless (= causing no harm); safe and not contaminated (безвредный, безопасный)

Inoculum /i`nokjuləm/ n - a substance used for vaccination(=inoculation) (прививочный материал)

Insoluble / in'soljəbl/ adj. - impossible to solve (нерастворимый)

Insomnia /in'somniə/ n - habitual sleeplessness; inability to sleep (бессонница)

Instill / in'stil/ v – to put a liquid substance into the body by drops (вливать по капле)

Involucre / 'invəlu:kə/ n - a rosette of bracts surrounding an inflorescence (обвёртка соцветия)

Irreversible /iri`vɜ:səbl/ adj. - impossible to return to a previous condition (необратимый)

Irritate /'iriteit/ v - to cause inflammation or other discomfort in a part of the body (вызывать раздражение, воспаление)

Irritant / 'irit(ə)nt/ n - a substance that causes slight inflammation or other discomfort in the body (раздражающее средство, раздражитель)



Jar / ʤɑ:/ n - a glass or clay container, with a wide opening at the top and sometimes a fitted lid (кувшин, банка);

phrases: bell jar - сосуд со стеклянным колпаком

graduated jar - мерный стакан, мензурка

Junction /`ʤʌŋkʃ(ə)n/ n - a point where two or more things are joined together (соединение, место соединения)




Karyotype /`kariə(ʊ)tʌip / n - a number and visual appearance of the chromosomes in the cell nuclei of an organism or species (кариотип)

Keratin / 'kerətin/ n – an insoluble protective or structural protein consisting of parallel polypeptide chains (кератин)

Kernel /`kɜ:n(ə)l/ n - a part of a nut that is inside the shell and can be eaten (ядро)




Labile /`leɪbaɪl/ adj. - easily broken down or displaced (неустойчивый)

Lamella / lə'melə/ (pl. lamellae) n - a thin layer, membrane, or plate of tissue, especially in bone; a membranous fold in a chloroplast (пластинка, тонкий слой ткани)

Lamillar /lə'melə/ adj. - composed of or arranged in lamellae; having the form of a thin plate (слоистый, чешуйчатый; пластинчатый, ламинарный, листовой)

Lanceolate /`la:n(t)siələit/ adj. – having a narrow oval shape tapering to a point at each end (ланцетовидный, копьевидный)

Leucocyte /`lju:kəusait/ n - a white blood cell which circulates in the blood and body fluids (лейкоцит)

Leukemia /lju:`ki:miə/ n - a serious disease in which the body produces too many white blood cells (лейкемия)

Lichen / 'laikən/ n - a grey, green or yellow plant-like organism that grows especially on rocks, walls and trees (лишайник)

Lid / lid/ n -a removable or hinged cover for the top of a container (крышка)

phrase: tight-fitting lid – плотно пригнанная крышка

Liquid / 'likwid/ n - a substance, such as water, that is neither solid nor a gas and that can be poured easily (жидкость)

Linear / 'liniə/ adj. - consisting of or predominantly formed using lines (линейный)

Linkage /`liŋkiʤ / n - the tendency for genes and other genetic markers to be inherited together because of their location near one another on the same chromosome (соединение, связь)

Longitudinal /lɔnʤi`tju:din(ə)l/ adj. - running lengthwise rather than across (продольный)

Lymphocyte /`limfəsait/ n - a type of white blood cell in humans (лимфоцит)



Macrophage /`mækrə(ʊ)feiʤ / n - a large phagocytic cell found in a stationary form in the tissues or as a mobile white blood cell, especially at the sites of infection (макрофаг, макрофагоцит)

Malignant / mə`lignənt / adj. - tending to become progressively worse and to result in death (злокачественный, болезнетворный);

phrases:. malignant tumour - злокачественная опухоль

malignant bacteria – болезнетворная бактерия

Manufacture / mænjə'fækʧə/ n -a production of articles on a large scale using machinery; all operations connected with production, packaging, repackaging, labelling, quality control, release, storage and distribution of articles, drugs (производство)

Manufacturer /mænjə`fækʧ(ə)rə/ n - a person or a company that makes goods for sale (производитель, изготовитель)

Manufacturing /mænjə`fækʧ(ə)riŋ/ adj. - producing goods in large numbers (производственный)

phrase: manufacturing processпроизводственный процесс

Material / mə'tiriəl/ n – a physical substance from which something is made of (материал); a general term used to denote starting ingredients, reagents, process aids, solvents, intermediates, APIs (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients) and packaging and labelling substances (вещество)

Matter /mætə/ n – a physical substance in general which occupies space and possesses rest mass, especially as distinct from energy (вещество)

Media (pl. medium) / 'mi:diə/ n - substances used to provide sterile nutrients to the fermentation or cell growth process, supporting the growth of the live microorganisms. Media may be liquid (broth) or solid, and generally include sucrose or glucose as a carbon source, various minerals, a nitrogen source and a selected growth factors (среда)

Medicine / 'medsin/ n – a science or practice of the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease (медицина, терапия); a drug or other preparation for the treatment or prevention of disease (лекарственное средство, медикамент)

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