Английский язык
[q] 3:1 Complete the sentence: These are my... newspapers.
[a] Sisterss
[a] [+]Sisters'
[a] Sistern
[a] Sisters
[a] Sister
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct answer: __a good clothes shop not far from here.
[a] There will
[a] There have
[a] [+]There is.
[a] There are.
[a] There be
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct answer: In towns you have to drive slowly. You... drive
faster than 50 kHz
[a] Doesn't have
[a] [+]Mustn't
[a] Hasn't to
[a] Haven't to
[a] Don't have to
[q] 3:1 Choose the right equivalent: Two thousand one hundred and twenty-eight.
[a] [+]2128
[a] 8122
[a] 2182
[a] 2281
[a] 1228
[q] 3:1 Choose the right variant: "The 172 -nd".
[a] The one hundred and seventy-two
[a] The one hundred and seventieth-two
[a] The one hundredth and seventieth-two
[a] [+]The one hundred and seventy —second
[a] The one hundredth seventy-second
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct answer: What is opposite of the word 'friendly'?
[a] [+]Unfriendly
[a] Young
[a] Old
[a] Interesting
[a] Beautiful
[q] 3:1 Find the right variant: We must send a very (...) letter.
[a] Stable
[a] Easy
[a] Overseas
[a] [+]Important
[a] Open
[q] 3:1 Choose the word that does not belong to professions:
[a] Painter
[a] Dentist
[a] Driver
[a] [+]Customer
[a] Teacher
[q] 3:1 Find the right variant: I couldn't hear her because of ___noise of the train.
[a] An
[a] The
[a] Any
[a] [+]-
[a] A
[q] 3:1 Choose the right variant: How much coffee ___there in the cup?
[a] Does
[a] Will
[a] Has
[a] Have
[a] [+]Is
[q] 3:1 Choose the right variant:... Bob... what I want?
[a] Is... know.
[a] Does... to know.
[a] Do.. knows.
[a]... knows.
[a] [+]Does... know.
[q] 3:1 Complete the sentence: She... to the dean on the phone.
[a] Talking.
[a] [+]Is talking.
[a] Are talking.
[a] Talk.
[a] Am talking.
[q] 3:1 Choose the right variant: The machinery....
[a] [+]Wasn't damaged
[a] Hasn't damaged
[a] Haven't damaged
[a] Weren't damaged
[a] Isn't damaged
[q] 3:1 Choose the right variant:... you pass me the salt, please?
[a] Should
[a] Must
[a] [+]Can
[a] May
[a] Had to
[q] 3:1 Choose the right variant: _____husband is a travel agent.
[a] [+]Her
[a] She's
[a] Mine
[a] I
[a] Hers
[q] 3:1 Find the right variant: She was looking... her notes.
[a] For
[a] With
[a] To
[a] After
[a] About
[q] 3:1 Choose the right variant: My dog is... than yours.
[a] [+]Well
[a] Better
[a] Good
[a] The best
[a] The worst
[q] 3:1 Find the right variant: Boris asked them how he... get to the railway station.
[a] [+]Could
[a] Can
[a] Will be able
[a] Be able
[a] May
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct variant: If I found a fly in my soup, I...to manager of the cafe.
[a] Will complain
[a] Complained
[a] Complain
[a] [+]Would complain.
[a] Would be complained
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct variant: He is playing … football in … yard.
[a] A/ the
[a] 0 /
[a] [+]0 / the
[a] The / 0
[a] The / the
[q] 3:1 Choose the right variant. Маке the sentence:
There is – 1; a large -2; in front -3; park -4; of -5; our -6; house -7.
[a] [+]6,4,1,3,5,2,7
[a] 7,3,2,1,5,6,4
[a] 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
[a] 2,4,1,3,5,6,7
[q] 3:1 Choose the right variant: I didn't recognize Jane because she ______changed a lot.
[a] Has
[a] Have
[a] Have had
[a] [+]Had
[a] Will have
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct answer: I … got any sisters.
[a] Am not
[a] Won’t
[a] Didn’t
[a] Hasn’t
[a] [+]Haven’t
[q] 3:1 Find the right variant: English and other subjects... very important to me.
[a] [+]Are
[a] Do
[a] Am
[a] Be
[a] Does
[q] 3:1
Find the right variant: How many books... there on the table?
[a] [+]Are
[a] Was
[a] Shall be
[a] Is
[a] Be
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct answer: … I open the window?
[a] Would
[a] Will
[a] [+]Shall
[a] Should
[a] Am
[q] 3:1 Choose the right variant: January is the ___month of the year.
[a] Second
[a] One
[a] Third
[a] [+]First
[a] One of
[q] 3:1 Find the right variant: This old … can read without glasses.
[a] Boy
[a] [+]Man
[a] Tree
[a] Girl
[a] House
[q] 3:1 Find the right variant: We turned the house upside down but we couldn't find
your ring....
[a] Somewhere
[a] [+]Anywhere
[a] Nowhere
[a] Nothing
[a] Everywhere
[q] 3:1 Find the right variant: rewrite
[a] Подписывать
[a] Переписанный
[a] [+]Переписывать
[a] Списывать
[a] Переписал
[q] 3:1 Complete the sentence: Do you know my... husband:
[a] A sister
[a] Sisters's
[a] Sister
[a] [+]Sister's
[a] Sisters
[q] 3:1 Find the right variant: There … a school here in 1920.
[a] Weren’t [a] Don’t [a] Aren’t [a] Isn’t [a] [+] Wasn’t
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct article: He bought...few books yesterday and I bought 2 ones.
[a] [+]A
[a] Any
[a] The
[a] An
[a] -
[q] 3:1 Complete the sentence: The teacher is busy now. He... a new grammar rule:
[a] Explained
[a] Was explaining
[a] Explains
[a] Has explained
[a] [+]Is explaining
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct answer: His novel ______into eight languages.
[a] Has been translated
[a] To be translated
[a] [+]Was translated
[a] Have translated
[a] Have been translated
[q] 3:1 Find the right variant: You...go there today.
[a] Are
[a] [+]Needn't
[a] Has
[a] Been
[a] Have
[q] 3:1 Choose the right variant: ___are you looking for?
[a] Whose
[a] At what
[a] For whom
[a] Which
[a] [+]What
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct answer: I am sorry____the students who failed and I’m also sorry ____being late.
[a] With / about
[a] For/about
[a] [+]For/for
[a] About /to
[a] About / about
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct answer: He seemed rather bored throughout the play, or the plot was ______dramatic to be taken seriously by a realistic person ______ him.
[a] So / as
[a] More/than
[a] Just/for
[a] [+]Too / like
[a] Very/as
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct answer: When I came home my parents ….
[a] Watched TV
[a] Will watch TV
[a] Are watching TV
[a] Watch TV
[a] [+]Were watching TV
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct answer: I really wish I _____so much to do for tonight; then I could come out with you.
[a] Don't have
[a] [+]Didn't have
[a] Hadn't had
[a] Won't have
[a] Wouldn't have
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct variant: Can I help you...that heavy case?
[a] [+]To carry
[a] Carry
[a] Be earring
[a] In carrying
[a] Carrying
[q] 3:1 Choose the right variant: She ________thought of it yet
[a] Doesn't
[a] Wasn't
[a] [+]Hasn't
[a] Isn't
[a] Didn't
[q] 3:1 Complete the sentence: The speech... by David yesterday.
[a] Is written
[a] Has been written
[a] Will write
[a] Will be written
[a] [+]Was written
[q] 3:1 Choose the right variant: The shop of his friend.
[a] Her friend's shop
[a] He friend shop.
[a] His friends' shop
[a] [+]His friend's shop
[a] His friend shop
[q] 3:1 Choose the right variant: She has _______ headache.
[a] [+] A
[a] The
[a] -
[a] This
[a] An
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct answer: Today ______ weather is very hot.
[a] An
[a] This
[a] A
[a] [+]The
[a] –
[q] 3:1 Find the right variant: When my grandmother... young, she... an actress.
[a] [+]Was / was
[a] Were / was
[a] Was / were
[a] Was / is
[a] Were / were
[q] 3:1 Find the right variant: I am very glad that Jenny... speak French.
[a] Must
[a] Have to
[a] [+]Can
[a] Should
[a] Shall
[q] 3:1 Find the right equivalent: 7.15 o'clock.
[a] It's ten minutes past seven.
[a] It’s a quarter past seven.
[a] [+]It's half past seven.
[a] It's a quarter to eight.
[a] It's half past eight
[q] 3:1 Find the right variant: Seventy minus fifty five is....
[a] [+]Fifteen
[a] Fivety
[a] Fifty
[a] Five
[a] Fiveteen
[q] 3:1 Choose the right variant: The ___ should do something about this problem.
[a] Governing
[a] [+]Government
[a] Govern
[a] Governmen
[a] Governer
[q] 3:1 Find the right variant: There … a table and four chairs in my sister's room.
[a] Were
[a] [+]Is
[a] To be
[a] Be
[a] Are
[q] 3:1 Complete the sentence: What time...you... your work yesterday?
[a] Did \finished
[a] Will \ finish
[a] Have \ finished
[a] Do \ finish
[a] [+]Did \ finish
[q] 3:1 Find the right variant: They... English very well.
[a] Speaks
[a] Speaking
[a] To speak
[a] Speaked
[a] [+]Speak
[q] 3:1 Complete the sentence: Such interesting films... on this channel.
[a] Showed
[a] Show
[a] [+]Are often shown
[a] Shown
[a] Is often shown
[q] 3:1 Choose the right variant: You _ help your mother about the house, it's your duty.
[a] Can
[a] [+]Must
[a] Might.
[a] May
[a] Would
[q] 3:1 Choose the right variant: I was very busy _ day.
[a] Same
[a] These
[a] Such
[a] [+]That
[a] Those
[q] 3:1 Complete the sentence: Have you been learning English...... a long time?
[a] After
[a] [+]For
[a] Of
[a] In
[a] During
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct answer: Yesterday it was the...day we have had this summer.
[a] Most hottest
[a] Hot
[a] More hot
[a] [+]Hottest
[a] Hotter
[q] 3:1 Choose the right variant: He's... intelligent than I am.
[a] Very
[a] Most
[a] [+]More
[a] Is more
[a] Well
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct answer: She... to the University yesterday when I saw her.
[a] Is going
[a] Go
[a] [+]Was going
[a] Went
[a] Goes
[q] 3:1 Find the right variant: You can do it when you … time.
[a] Has
[a] Will have
[a] Had
[a] Don't have
[a] [+]Have
[q] 3:1 Find the right variant: Is there any _ between the two crimes?
[a] Connector
[a] Connecting
[a] Connecter
[a] Connect
[a] [+]Connection
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct answer: Judy goes to __ on the bus.
[a] An work
[a] Some work
[a] [+]Work
[a] The work
[a] A work
[q] 3:1 Complete the sentence: She... in hospital since Monday.
[a] Was
[a] Would have been
[a] Were has been
[a] [+]Has been
[a] Had been
[q] 3:1 Find the equivalent Passive Voice:
We shall do the work tomorrow.
[a] [+]The work will be done tomorrow.
[a] The work has been done tomorrow.
[a] The work did tomorrow.
[a] The work is done tomorrow.
[a] The work is being done tomorrow.
[q] 3:1 Choose the right variant: Many____.
[a] Dressen. [a] [+]Dresses.
[a] Dresess.
[a] Dressis.
[a] Dress.
[q] 3:1 Complete the sentence:... it Tuesday today?
[a] Are
[a] Did
[a] [+]Is
[a] Does
[a] Do
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct answer: Mr. Smith stayed at his office late because be __ a lot of work.
[a] Will have
[a] Has
[a] Have
[a] Is
[a] [+]Had
[q] 3:1 Find the right variant: You ought... the weather before starting off.
[a] Checks
[a] Checking
[a] Check
[a] [+]To check
[a] Checked
[q] 3:1 Complete the sentence: Your dog is... than your cat.
[a] The funniest
[a] Funniest
[a] Funnyer
[a] [+]Funnier
[a] Many funnier
[q] 3:1 Choose the right variant: My parents' parents are my___.
[a] Grandfathers
[a] [+]Grandparents
[a] Great-grandparents
[a] Grandchildren
[a] Grandmothers
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct answer: There is often the danger of a … of many diseases in dirty places.
[a] Extension
[a] [+]Spread
[a] Enlargement
[a] Extend
[a] Surround
[q] 3:1 Find the right variant:... head of the country is the King.
[a] Of
[a] That
[a] [+]The
[a] An
[a] It
[q] 3:1 Choose the right variant: He would feel better if he ___the medicine.
[a] Will be taking
[a] Will have taken
[a] Has taken
[a] [+]Had taken
[a] Will take
[q] 3:1 Find the right variant: I like.....
[a] Bе swimming
[a] Have been swimming
[a] [+]Swimming [a] Swim
[a] Is swimming
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct variant: My car _____ now.
[a] Will repair
[a] Be repaired [a] Is repairing
[a] Is repaired
[a] [+]Is being repaired
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct answer: Since we have to be there before 9 o'clock, we ___ take a taxi. Otherwise, we'll be late.
[a] [+]Had better
[a] Can
[a] May
[a] Would
[a] Are able to
[q] 3:1 Choose the right pronoun: There is...place like home.
[a] Any
[a] Somewhere
[a] [+]No
[a] Anywhere
[a] Some
[q] 3:1 Choose the right variant: He left his land in 1950.
[a] [+]Nineteen fifty
[a] Nine five
[a] Ninety fifty
[a] The fifty
[a] Ninetieth fifty
[q] 3:1 Find the right variant: "14/10"
[a] The October and fourteen.
[a] [+]The fourteenth of October.
[a] The fourteen of October.
[a] The fourteen October.
[a] The fourteenth October.
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct answer: Julia went ___ the kitchen to get the salt.
[a] Along
[a] For
[a] Near
[a] [+]To
[a] By
[q] 3:1 Choose the right variant: On my days off I wake up later than ___.
[a] Usually
[a] More usually
[a] [+]Usual
[a] Most usual
[a] More usual
[q] 3:1
Find the right variant: I knew that he... a very clever man.
[a] Been
[a] Is
[a] To be
[a] [+]Was
[a] Were
[q] 3:1
Choose the correct answer: If the machine breaks down, we'll have to finish the job ___.
[a] [+]Manually
[a] Spontaneously
[a] Verbally
[a] Mechanically
[a] Wisely
[q] 3:1 Choose the right variant: The house was very quiet when I...home. Everybody... to bed.
[a] Got / went
[a] Hade got / had gone
[a] Will get / will go
[a] Has got / has gone
[a] [+]Got / had gone
[q] 3:1 Choose the right variant: I've lost the key. I ought... it in a safe place.
[a] To have put
[a] To be putting
[a] To putting
[a] That I put
[a] [+]To put
[q] 3:1 Choose the right variant: By the time we came back, the house... by an American.
[a] Was bought
[a] Bought
[a] Is bought
[a] Will been bought
[a] [+]Had been bought
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct answer: He is Mrs. Taylor's ____ husband.
[a] An
[a] A
[a] His
[a] [+]The
[q] 3:1 Find the right variant: Could you close... window, please.
[a] [+]The
[a] Of
[a] An
[a] -
[a] A
[q] 3:1 Find the right variant: English and other subjects... very important to me.
[a] Am
[a] [+]Are
[a] Be
[a] Do
[a] Does
[q] 3:1 Choose the right equivalent: One hundred and sixty three.
[a] 196
[a] 116 [a] 178
[a] 136 [a] [+]163
[q] 3:1 Find the right variant: My watch is... minutes fast.
[a] A third
[a] The ninth
[a] Fifth [a] [+]Ten
[a] The tenth
[q] 3:1 Find the plural form of "Mouse":
[a] Mousis
[a] Mousies
[a] [+]Mice
[a] Mise
[a] Mouses
[q] 3:1 Complete the sentence: I... dinner when you rang me up.
[a] [+]Was having
[a] Had
[a] Haved
[a] Having
[a] Were having
[q] 3:1 Complete the sentence: I... a headache earlier but I feel fine now.
[a] [+]Had
[a] Will have
[a] Would have
[a] Has
[a] Have
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct variant: The monument_____ away.
[a] [+]Has been taken
[a] Takes
[a] Is taking
[a] Took
[a] Taken
[q] 3:1 Choose the right variant: We...do our lessons everyday.
[a] Could
[a] [+]Must
[a] Had to
[a] Will have to
[a] Might
[q] 3:1 Choose the suitable modal verb: This carpet costs $500, but I ___ get a discount of this little spot in the corner.
[a] Was able to
[a] Can
[a] Could
[a] Am able to
[a] [+]Might
[q] 3:1
Choose the correct answer:
-Listen, ____ is trying to break into your house from the garden door.
-No, there is ____in the garden, it is just____ dog.
[a] No one / someone / your
[a] Somebody / anybody / your
[a] [+]Someone / no one / my
[a] Anyone / no one / my
[a] Someone / anyone / your
[q] 3:1 Choose the right variant: She serves people … food and drinks.
[a] [+]With
[a] To
[a] On
[a] For [a] By
[q] 3:1 Choose the right variant: These shoes cost... mine.
[a] Many than
[a] [+]As much as
[a] As more as
[a] Much than
[a] More
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct variant: "I haven't seen my friend for years," he says.
[a] He says he isn't seen his friend for ages.
[a] He says he hadn't seen his friend for ages.
[a] He says he will seen his friend for ages.
[a] He says he wasn't seen his friend for ages.
[a] [+]He says he hasn't seen his friend for ages.
[q] 3:1 Find the right variant: I (to work) at the Ministry when I graduate from the University:
[a] Shall to work
[a] Will be work
[a] [+]Shall work
[a] Worked
[a] Work
[q] 3:1 Find the right variant: If I want to buy a jacket I always....
[a] Try it
[a] Try on it
[a] Try it off
[a] [+]Try it on
[a] It try on
[q] 3:1 Find the right variant: It is a pity you are ill.
[a] You are not ill [a] I wished you were ill. [a] I wish you to be ill. [a] You wish me to be ill. [a] [+]I wish you were not ill.
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct variant: I made up my mind...my father as soon as I returned home.
[a] To telling
[a] Be telling
[a] Telling
[a] [+]To tell
[a] Tell.
[q] 3:1 Define the right form of Passive Voice: The table (to make) of wood.
[a] Was maked
[a] Am made
[a] Are maken
[a] Were made
[a] [+]Was made
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct answer: She is on … holiday.
[a] The
[a] These
[a] An
[a] A
[a] [+] -
[q] 3:1 Put the correct article: … postman comes every morning.
[a] An
[a] Any
[a] -
[a] A
[a] [+]The
[q] 3:1 Find the right variant: There … no clouds in the sky. The sun is shining brightly.
[a] Is
[a] Aren’t
[a] Were
[a] [+]Are
[a] Was
[q] 3:1 Find the right variant: … there many students at the lecture yesterday?
[a] Are
[a] [+]Were
[a] Is
[a] Was
[a] Be
[q] 3:1 Choose the right variant. Lion is the … animal.
[a] Stronger
[a] [+]Strongest
[a] Most strong
[a] Not strong
[a] As strong as
[q] 3:1 Choose the right variant: His parents were worried because they … from him for a long time.
[a] [+]Hadn’t heard [a] Didn’t heard [a] Hasn’t heard [a] Don’t hear [a] Haven’t heard
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct answer:
A good statesman, like any other sensible human being, always learns more from his _____than from his fervent supporters.
[a] Faults
[a] Comrades
[a] Lovers
[a] Enemies
[a] [+]Opponents
[q] 3:1 Find the correct Plural form: These … are teachers.
[a] Man
[a] Woman
[a] A woman
[a] A men
[a] [+]Women
[q] 3:1 Complete the sentence: The teacher is busy now. He … a new a grammar rule.
[a] Explains
[a] Has explained
[a] [+]Is explaining
[a] Was explaining
[a] Explained
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct variant: The water level… every week.
[a] [+]Is checked.
[a] Is being checked
[a] Was checked
[a] Is being check
[a] Is check
[q] 3:1 Find the right variant: Why … go to the police station yesterday?
[a] Must she
[a] She had to
[a] She had to
[a] [+]Did she have to
[a] Mustn’t she
[q] 3:1 Complete the sentence: The students … not miss classes.
[a] Shall
[a] Have
[a] Might
[a] Cannot
[a] [+]Must
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct answer: We shall buy ____ more fruits as there ___left in the fridge.
[a] Far/ is a lot
[a] A little/ are several
[a] Some/ is some
[a] Few/ are abundant
[a] [+]Some/ aren’t any
[q] 3:1 Choose the right variant: How do you say the following big number “624,112”?
[a] Six-two-four and eleven-two
[a] [+]Six hundred and twenty-four thousand, one hundred and twelve
[a] Six hundreds, twenty-four, one hundred and twelve thousand
[a] Six hundreds and twenty-four thousands, eleven hundreds and two.
[a] Six hundreds and twenty -four thousands, one hundreds and twelve.
[q] 3:1 Choose the right variant: The house was constructed in the ___ century.
[a] [+]Nineteenth
[a] Ninety
[a] Nine
[a] Nineties
[a] Nineteen
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct answer: The contest will last____ six___ seven.
[a] From / and
[a] For / to
[a] [+]From / until
[a] Until / and
[a] Of / until
[q] 3:1 Choose the right variant: They moved ___through the hall.
[a] The quietest.
[a] Quiet
[a] Quietest
[a] [+]Quietly
[a] Quieter.
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct variant: “I’m writing a letter,” she said.
[a] She said she writing a letter.
[a] She said she were writing a letter.
[a] [+]She said she was writing a letter
[a] She said she writes a letter
[a] She said she writes a letters
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct variant: The golden eagle is a rare bird … lives in the North of Scotland.
[a] Where
[a] [+]Which
[a] Whom
[a] Who
[a] When
[q] 3:1 Find the antonym: Work
[a] Meet
[a] Travel
[a] Walk
[a] [+]Relax
[a] Move
[q] 3:1 Choose the right variant: We ____finished all the house work by six o’clock this afternoon.
[a] Had
[a] [+]Have
[a] Will have
[a] Has
[a] Has had
[q] 3:1 Choose the right variant: Her story made everybody ….
[a] Laughing
[a] to laugh
[a] [+]Laugh
[a] Laughed
[a] to laughing
[q] 3:1 Complete the sentence: The child was … with the toys.
[a] To amaze
[a] [+]Amazed
[a] Amazing
[a] Were amazed
[a] Is amazing
[q] 3:1 Find the correct plural form: A foot.
[a] Foots
[a] Footes
[a] [+]Feet
[a] Feat
[a] Feats
[q] 3:1 Choose the right variant: Rita plays _____ violin and her sister plays _______ guitar.
[a] The/an
[a] [+]The/the
[a] A/the
[a] -/-
[a] A/a
[q] 3:1 Find the right variant: Look! … books that John brought here yesterday.
[a] [+]These are
[a] This is
[a] Those is
[a] That is
[a] We are
[q] 3:1 Find the right variant: “The 30th”:
[a] The fortieth
[a] The thirty
[a] The twentieth
[a] [+]The thirtieth
[a] The twenty
[q] 3:1 Find the right variant: “The 21st”
[a] The twenty and first
[a] The twenty and oneth
[a] The twenty-oneth
[a] The twenty one
[a] [+]The twenty first
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct answer: We had ________ time at the disco yesterday.
[a] [+]Really nice
[a] Really a nice
[a] Really nice
[a] The really nice
[a] An really nice
[q] 3:1 Find the right synonym “Good”:
[a] Warm
[a] Eather
[a] Better
[a] Bad
[a] [+]Nice
[q] 3:1 Choose the right variant: ___ chocolates which I ate last night tasted very strange.
[a] An
[a] A
[a] [+]The
[a] Any
[a] –
[q] 3:1 Choose the right variant: _______ much milk in the bottle.
[a] [+]There is
[a] There will
[a] There does
[a] There are
[a] There has
[q] 3:1 Choose the right variant: ___ she come yet?
[a] [+]Has
[a] Is
[a] Had
[a] Have
[a] Was
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct answer:
The hotel was so awful that we wrote a letter of ______ to the agency when we got back home.
[a] Relief
[a] [+]Complaint
[a] Warning
[a] Thanks
[a] Recommendation
[q] 3:1 Choose the right variant: Students _______ a lot of home work to do everyday.
[a] Is given
[a] Were given
[a] [+]Are given
[a] Am given
[a] Be given
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct answer: ‘Why are you in a hurry? You ______ be in your office before half past eight.’
[a] Had better not
[a] Might not
[a] Couldn’t
[a] Mustn’t
[a] [+]Aren’t supposed to
[q] 3:1 Complete the sentence: I … go to the doctor.
[a] Can
[a] Is to
[a] May
[a] [+]Ought to
[a] Have not to
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct answer: The man _______ I bought my second-hand car turned out to be a thief.
[a] Which
[a] From whom
[a] That
[a] Of which
[a] [+]Whose
[q] 3:1 Find the right variant: Who is looking … the children this afternoon?
[a] [+]After
[a] Of
[a] On
[a] For
[a] At
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct answer: For many people there are few things ______ having to speak in public.
[a] The most terrified
[a] Terrifying enough
[a] So terrifying that
[a] [+]More terrifying than
[a] As terrified as
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct answer: I looked out and saw that ….
[a] It rains
[a] It rained
[a] It will rain
[a] [+]It was raining
[a] It is raining
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct variant: There are … great lakes in the USA.
[a] No
[a] [+]Five
[a] Four
[a] Two
[a] Three
[q] 3:1 Choose the right variant: When I got to the theatre, the play ______ already.
[a] Will start
[a] Was starting
[a] Started
[a] Would started
[a] [+]Had started
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct variant: This button … while the experiment is in progress.
[a] Must be being touched
[a] Mustn’t be being touched
[a] [+]Mustn’t be touched
[a] Must touch
[a] Must being touched
[q] 3:1 Find the right variant: The … standing near the window is my ….
[a] Mans/father
[a] Men/fathers
[a] Men/father
[a] Mans/fathers
[a] [+]Man/father
[q] 3:1 Complete the sentence: It … a table.
[a] [+]Is
[a] Does
[a] Are
[a] Did
[a] Will
[q] 3:1 Choose the right variant: How ____ you?
[a] Am
[a] Is
[a] Have
[a] [+]Are
[a] Was
[q] 3:1 Find the right variant: Sorry, but I … come to your party on Sunday.
[a] Must to
[a] [+]Can’t
[a] Needn’t
[a] Need to
[a] Should to
[q] 3:1 Find the right synonym: Fat
[a] Long
[a] Angry
[a] [+]Plump
[a] Old
[a] Difficult
[q] 3:1 Choose the right variant: There were many interesting art works of this … at the exhibition.
[a] Actor
[a] Surgeon
[a] Dentist
[a] [+]Painter
[a] Pupil
[q] 3:1 Choose the right variant: When the eldest grandson, Peter, reached … seventh summer, … was old enough to go up the mountains with … father.
[a] His / he / him [a] [+]His / he / his [a] Its / him / his [a] His / he / their [a] He / his / his
[q] 3:1 Find the right variant: There is … picture on page 20.
[a] In
[a] An
[a] The
[a] [+]A
[a] –
[q] 3:1 Find the right variant: He wrote an article … his impressions of the trip.
[a] Is desribing
[a] Describes
[a] [+]Describing
[a] Described
[a] To describe
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct variant: Don’t forget … me tomorrow.
[a] Telephone
[a] [+]To telephone
[a] For telephoning
[a] Be telephoned
[a] Telephoning
[q] 3:1Choose the right variant: I’ve just ____ _____ about it.
[a] Am told
[a] [+]Been told
[a] Was told
[a] Be told
[a] Were told
[q] 3:1
Choose the correct answer: I thought it ______ be great help to him for me ______ the books he wanted.
[a] Will/bring
[a] Could/brought
[a] Will/bring
[a] May/bringing
[a] [+]Would/to bring
[q] 3:1 Make the right choice: Is there … interesting at the cinema today?
[a] Nothing
[a] Something
[a] Nobody
[a] Somebody
[a] [+]Anything
[q] 3:1 Find the right variant: It is a pity you are ill.
[a] You are not ill [a] I wished you were ill. [a] I wish you to be ill. [a] You wish me to be ill. [a] [+]I wish you were not ill.
[q] 3:1 Choose the right variant: Why did you quarrel ______ your friend ______ such a small matter?
[a] Against/over
[a] At/about
[a] With/over
[a] For/about
[a] [+]With/on
[q] 3:1 Complete the sentence: My sister knows English … than my brother.
[a] The best
[a] Well
[a] Good
[a] Best
[a] [+]Better
[q] 3:1 Choose the right variant: On my days off I wake up later than ______.
[a] Usually
[a] [+]Usual
[a] More usually
[a] Most usual
[a] More usual
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct variant: “I don’t like going to parties,” she’s told me.
[a] She’s told me she didn’t like going to parties.
[a] She’s told me she weren’t like going to parties.
[a] She’s told me she isn’t like going to parties.
[a] She’s told me she wasn’t like going to parties.
[a] [+]She’s told me she doesn’t like going to parties.
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct answer: Larry is a friendly person. He meets new people ______ he goes.
[a] [+]Wherever
[a] Whoever
[a] Whatever
[a] Whomever
[a] Whenever
[q] 3:1 Choose the right answer: … my works I went out for a walk.
[a] [+]Finishing
[a] Will finish
[a] Having finished
[a] Is finishing
[a] Finished
[q] 3:1 Complete the sentence: The theatre … built in 1970.
[a] [+]Was
[a] Is
[a] Are
[a] Be
[a] Were
[q] 3:1 Choose the right equivalent: More than 4570 students study at the University.
[a] Fourty-five and seventy
[a] Four thousand and five hundred and seventy
[a] [+]Four thousand five hundred and seventy
[a] Four thousand five hundred seventy
[a] Fourty five thousand and seventy
[q] 3:1 Find the right variant:
My father … not a teacher, he … a scientist.
[a] Am/is
[a] Is/are
[a] Is/am
[a] [+]Is/is
[a] Am/am
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct answer: … an engineer. I enjoy it.
[a] I would like to be
[a] I would to be
[a] I want be
[a] [+]I like being
[a] I want to be
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct answer: My brother … new football boots.
[a] Needing
[a] Don’t need
[a] Not needs
[a] Is not need
[a] [+]Doesn’t need
[q] 3:1 Choose the right variant:
John lives in flat ….
[a] The fortieth.
[a] Fourty
[a] [+]Forty
[a] Fortieth
[a] Forth
[q] 3:1 Choose the right variant:
Speed: 128 kilometers an hour.
[a] One hundreds twenty-eight
[a] One thousand twenty-eight
[a] [+]One hundred and twenty-eight
[a] Hundred twenty-eight
[a] One thousand and twenty-eight
[q] 3:1 Find the right variant “to be going to”:
I’m going to … them.
[a] Watch
[a] Wash
[a] [+]Help
[a] Dry
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct answer:
His … was the smallest among the … living here.
[a] [+]Mouse, mice.
[a] Mouse, mouses.
[a] Mice, mouse.
[a] Mice, mouse
[a] Mousse, mousse.
[q] 3:1 Find the right variant: I … not see Ann yesterday.
[a] Have [a] [+]Did [a] Is [a] Are [a] Do
[q] 3:1 Make the right choice:
[a] A/a
[a] [+]A/-
[a] A/the
[a] The/a
[a] The/the
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct article:
I have just bought … copy of the latest book.
[a] –
[a] [+]A
[a] The
[a] An
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct variant: We aren’t leaving soon, ….
[a] Do you?
[a] [+]Are we?
[a] Shall we?
[a] Don’t you?
[a] Aren’t we?
[q] 3:1 Choose the right variant:
Where ____ you ____ on holiday last year?
[a] Will/go
[a] Do/go
[a] Does/go
[a] [+]Did/go
[a] Are/going
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct variant: The water level … every week.
[a] Was checked.
[a] Is check
[a] Is being check
[a] [+]Is checked
[a] Were being checked
[q] 3:1 Find the right variant: Is there … strange in what I’m saying?
[a] [+]Anything
[a] Nothing
[a] Some
[a] Any
[a] Anyone
[q] 3:1 Find the right variant: The work … be done at once.
[a] Was
[a] Is
[a] Were
[a] [+]Must
[a] Has
[q] 3:1 Choose the right variant: Lion is the … animal.
[a] As strong as
[a] Most strong
[a] Stronger
[a] As no strong as
[a] [+]Strongest.
[q] 3:1 Choose the right variant: These shoes cost … mine.
[a] [+]As much as
[a] As more as
[a] More
[a] Many than
[a] Much than
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct answer:
He guided the guests _______ he were the owner of the house.
[a] [+]As if
[a] Since
[a] Therefore
[a] Although
[a] While
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct answer:
If the chairman ______ ill, the meeting wouldn’t have been cancelled.
[a] [+]Hadn’t been
[a] Wouldn’t be
[a] Wasn’t
[a] Wouldn’t have been
[a] Won’t be
[q] 3:1 Complete the sentence:
The house is very dirty. We … it … several days.
[a] [+]Haven’t cleaned/for
[a] Wouldn’t clean/for
[a] Haven’t cleaned/since
[a] Didn’t clean/for
[a] Hasn’t cleaned/for
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct answer:
As a politician, Ronald Reagan is no longer mentioned, but tenth years ago people _____ about him a lot.
[a] Have talked
[a] Had talked
[a] Have been talking
[a] Are used to talking
[a] [+]Used to talk
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct variant: A whistle … if there is an emergency.
[a] Would be blown
[a] Will blown
[a] Would blown
[a] [+]Will be blown
[a] Will be being blown.
[q] 3:1 Find the right variant:
… white hat is my mother’s.
[a] An [a] [+]The [a] Some [a] A [a] –
[q] 3:1 Find the right variant:
This morning I had … apple and some toasts for breakfast.
[a] Some [a] The [a] - [a] [+]An [a] A
[q] 3:1 Choose the right variant:
She … sixteen last year.
[a] Has been [a] Will be [a] Are [a] Is [a] [+]Was
[q] 3:1 Find the right variant:
My father … not a teacher, he … a scientist.
[a] Am/is
[a] Is/are
[a] Is/am
[a] Is/is
[a] [+]Am/am
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct answer: … an engineer. I enjoy it.
[a] I would like to be
[a] I would to be
[a] I want be
[a] [+]I like being
[a] I want to be
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct answer: My brother … new football boots.
[a] Needing
[a] Don’t need
[a] Is not needs
[a] Not needs
[a] [+]Doesn’t need
[q] 3:1 Choose the right variant:
John lives in flat ….
[a] The fortieth.
[a] Fourty
[a] [+]Forty
[a] Fortieth
[a] Forth
[q] 3:1 Find the right variant “to be going to”:
I’m going to … them.
[a] Watch
[a] Wash
[a] [+]Help
[a] Clear
[a] Dry
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct answer: His … was the smallest among the … living here.
[a] [+]Mouse, mice.
[a] Mouse, mouses.
[a] Mice, mouse.
[a] Mice, mouse
[a] Mousse, mousse.
[q] 3:1 Choose the right variant:
Speed: 128 kilometers an hour.
[a] One hundreds twenty-eight
[a] One thousand twenty-eight
[a] [+]One hundred and twenty-eight
[a] Hundred twenty-eight
[a] One thousand and twenty-eight
[q] 3:1 Find the right variant: I … not see Ann yesterday.
[a] Have [a] [+]Did [a] Is [a] Are [a] Do
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct variant: We aren’t leaving soon, ….
[a] Do you?
[a] Don’t you?
[a] Shall we?
[a] [+]Are we?
[a] Aren’t we?
[q] 3:1 Choose the right variant:
Where ____ you ____ on holiday last year?
[a] Will/go
[a] Do/go
[a] Does/go
[a] [+]Did/go
[a] Are/going
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct variant: The water level … every week.
[a] Was checked.
[a] Is check
[a] Were being checked
[a] [+]Is checked
[a] Is being checked
[q] 3:1 Find the right variant: Is there … strange in what I’m saying?
[a] [+]Anything
[a] Nothing
[a] Some
[a] Any
[a] Anyone
[q] 3:1 Find the right variant: The work … be done at once.
[a] Was
[a] Is
[a] Were
[a] [+]Must
[a] Has
[q] 3:1 Choose the right variant: Lion is the … animal.
[a] As strong as
[a] Most strong
[a] Stronger
[a] As no strong as
[a] [+]Strongest.
[q] 3:1Make the right choice:
She has ____ good sense of ____ dress.
[a] A/a
[a] [+]A/-
[a] A/the
[a] The/a
[a] The/the
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct article:
I have just bought … copy of the latest book.
[a] –
[a] [+]A
[a] The
[a] Any
[a] An
[q] 3:1 Choose the right variant: These shoes cost … mine.
[a] [+]As much as
[a] As more as
[a] More
[a] Many than
[a] Much than
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct answer:
He guided the guests _______ he were the owner of the house.
[a] [+]As if
[a] Since
[a] Therefore
[a] Although
[a] While
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct answer.
If the chairman ______ ill, the meeting wouldn’t have been cancelled.
[a] [+]Hadn’t been
[a] Wouldn’t be
[a] Wasn’t
[a] Wouldn’t have been
[a] Won’t be
[q] 3:1 Complete the sentence:
The house is very dirty. We … it … several days.
[a] [+]Haven’t cleaned/for
[a] Wouldn’t clean/for
[a] Haven’t cleaned/since
[a] Didn’t clean/for
[a] Hasn’t cleaned/for
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct answer:
As a politician, Ronald Reagan is no longer mentioned, but tenth years ago people _____ about him a lot.
[a] [+]Have talked
[a] Had talked
[a] Have been talking
[a] Are used to talking
[a] Used to talk
[q] 3:1Choose the correct variant: A whistle … if there is an emergency.
[a] Would be blown
[a] Will blown
[a] Would blown
[a] [+]Will be blown
[a] Will be being blown.
[q] 3:1 Find the right variant:
… white hat is my mother’s.
[a] An [a] [+]The [a] Some [a] A [a] –
[q] 3:1 Find the right variant:
This morning I had … apple and some toasts for breakfast.
[a] Some [a] The [a] - [a] [+]An [a] A
[q] 3:1 Choose the right variant:
She … sixteen last year.
[a] Has been [a] Will be [a] Are [a] Is [a] [+]Was
[q] 3:1 Complete the sentence:
These are my... newspapers.
[a] Sisterss
[a] [+]Sisters'
[a] Sistern
[a] Sister
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct answer: __a good clothes shop not far from here.
[a] There will
[a] There have
[a] [+]There is.
[a] There are.
[a] There be
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct answer: In towns you have to drive slowly. You... drive faster than 50 kHr.
[a] Doesn't have
[a] [+]Mustn't
[a] Hasn't to
[a] Haven't to
[a] Don't have to
[q] 3:1 Choose the right equivalent:
Two thousand one hundred and twenty-eight:
[a] [+]2128
[a] 8122
[a] 2182
[a] 2281
[a] 1228
[q] 3:1 Choose the right variant: "The 172 -nd".
[a] The one hundred and seventy-two
[a] The one hundred and seventieth-two
[a] The one hundredth and seventieth-two
[a] [+]The one hundred and seventy —second
[a] The one hundredth seventy-second
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct answer: What is opposite of the word 'friendly'?
[a] [+]Unfriendly
[a] Young
[a] Old
[a] Interesting
[a] Beautiful
[q] 3:1 Find the right variant: We must send a very (...) letter.
[a] Stable
[a] Easy
[a] Overseas
[a] [+]Important
[a] Open
[q] 3:1 Choose the word that does not belong to professions:
[a] Painter
[a] Dentist
[a] Driver
[a] Customer
[a] [+]Teacher
[q] 3:1 Find the right variant:
I couldn't hear her because of ___noise of the train.
[a] An
[a] The
[a] Any
[a] [+]-
[a] A
[q] 3:1 Choose the right variant:
How much coffee ___there in the cup?
[a] Does
[a] Will
[a] Has
[a] Have
[a] [+]Is
[q] 3:1 Choose the right variant:
... Bob... what I want?
[a] Is... know.
[a] Does... to know.
[a] Do.. knows.
[a].. knows.
[a] [+]Does... know.
[q] 3:1 Complete the sentence:
She... to the dean on the phone.
[a] Talking.
[a] [+]Is talking.
[a] Are talking.
[a] Talk.
[a] Am talking.
[q] 3:1 Choose the right variant: The machinery....
[a] [+]Wasn't damaged
[a] Hasn't damaged
[a] Haven't damaged
[a] Weren't damaged
[a] Isn't damaged
[q] 3:1Choose the right variant:
... you pass me the salt, please?
[a] Should
[a] Must
[a] [+]Can
[a] May
[a] Had to
[q] 3:1 Choose the right variant:
_____husband is a travel agent.
[a] [+]Her
[a] She's
[a] Mine
[a] I
[a] Hers
[q] 3:1 Find the right variant:
She was looking... her notes.
[a] [+]For
[a] With
[a] To
[a] After
[a] About
[q] 3:1 Choose the right variant: My dog is... than yours.
[a] Well
[a] [+]Better
[a] Good
[a] The best
[a] The worst
[q] 3:1 Find the right variant:
Boris asked them how he... get to the railway station:
[a] [+]Could
[a] Can
[a] Will be able
[a] Be able
[a] May
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct variant: If I found a fly in my soup, I...to manager of the cafe.
[a] Will complain
[a] Complained
[a] Complain
[a] [+]Would complain.
[a] Would be complained
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct variant:
He is playing … football in … yard.
[a] A/ the
[a] 0 /
[a] [+]0 / the
[a] The / 0
[a] The / the
[q] 3:1 Choose the right variant. Маке the sentence:
There is – 1; a large -2; in front -3; park -4; of -5; our -6; house -7.
[a] [+]1,2,4,3,5,6,7
[a] 6,4,1,3,5,2,7
[a] 7,3,2,1,5,6,4
[a] 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
[a] 2,4,1,3,5,6,7
[q] 3:1 Choose the right variant:
I didn't recognize Jane because she ______changed a lot.
[a] Has
[a] Have
[a] Have had
[a] [+]Had
[a] Will have
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct answer:
I … got any sisters.
[a] Am not
[a] Won’t
[a] Didn’t
[a] Hasn’t
[a] [+]Haven’t
[q] 3:1 Find the right variant:
English and other subjects... very important to me
[a] [+]Are
[a] Do
[a] Am
[a] Be
[a] Does
[q] 3:1 How many books... there on the table?
[a] [+]Are
[a] Was
[a] Shall be
[a] Is
[a] Be
[q] 3:1 Complete the sentence:
Almaty is the southern … of Kazakhstan.
[a] Department
[a] Region
[a] Mountain
[a] [+]Capital
[a] River
[q] 3:1 What does the word Bachelor mean?
[a] [+] Бакалавр
[a] Доктор наук
[a] Студент
[a] Преподаватель
[a] Степень
[q] 3:1 Answer the question: What does the word confine mean?
[a] [+]Ограничивать
[a] Соединять
[a] Пересматривать
[a] Делать вывод
[a] Сравнивать
[q] 3:1 Answer the question: What is tuition fee?
[a] Стипендия
[a] Пенсия
[a] Пособие
[a] [+]Оплата за обучение
[a] Заработная плата
[q] 3:1 Find Russian equivalent for the word degree.
[a] [+]Степень
[a] Градус
[a] Группа
[a] Срок обучения
[a] Преподаватель
[q] 3:1 Answer the question: What is Russian for income?
[a] [+]Доход
[a] Расходы
[a] Спрос
[a] Потребление
[a] Предложение
[q] 3:1Answer the question: What is Russian for the head of the state?
[a] [+] Глава государства
[a] Глава правительства
[a] Начальник охраны
[a] Депутат
[a] Подразделение
[q] 3:1 Answer the question: What does veto mean?
[a] Одобрение
[a] [+]Запрет
[a] Санкция
[a] Министр
[a] Вексель
[q] 3:1Answer the question: Who is the head of government in Kazakhstan?
[a] Президент
[a] Парламент
[a] Министр
[a] [+]Премьер министр
[a] Мажилис
[q] 3:1 Answer the question: What are the Houses of the Parliament of Kazakhstan?
[a] The House of Lords and the House of Commons
[a] The House of Representatives and Senate
[a] [+]The Senate and Majilis
[a] The House of Commons and Majilis
[a] Majilis and the House of Representatives
[q] 3:1 Answer the question: What is Russian for elect?
[a] [+]Избирать
[a] Голосовать
[a] Управлять
[a] Закреплять
[a] Исполнять обязанности
[q] 3:1 Answer the question: What are the chambers of British Parliament?
[a] The Congress and the Senate
[a] [+]The House of Lords and the House of Commons
[a] The House of Representatives, the House of Lords
[a] The House of Commons and Majilis
[a] Majilis and the House of Representatives
[q] 3:1 Answer the question: What is the Queen’s residence?
[a] [+]Buckingham Palace
[a] The House of Lords
[a] Westminster Abbey
[a] Trafalgar square
[a] British musium
[q] 3:1 Answer the question: What are the parts of American Congress?
[a] House of Lords and Senate
[a] House of Representatives and House of Commons
[a] [+]House of Representatives and Senate
[a] The House of Commons and Majilis
[a] Majilis and the House of Representatives
[q] 3:1 Answer the following questions:
What is the official enrollment age for primary school in Kazakhstan?
[a] 5 year
[a] [+]6 or 7 years
[a] 9 years
[a] 8 years
[a] 4 years
[q] 3:1 Answer the following questions:
What are the stages of general education institutions
[a] [+]Primary, basic and high.
[a] Secondary, basic and high.
[a] School, college and institute.
[a] Primary, basic and preliminary
[q] 3:1 Answer the following questions:
What is the schooling period of general secondary education school?
[a] 11 years.
[a] [+]12 years.
[a] 10 years.
[a] 13 years.
[a] 9 years.
[q] 3:1 Answer the following questions:
What system of training specialists do Kazakhstan higher education institutions use?
[a] [+]Credit system.
[a] Standard Soviet system of higher education.
[a] Owned and private higher educational institutes.
[a] School system
[a] Nursery school
[q] 3:1 Answer the following questions:
What is the Internet?
[a] Software
[a] [+]Computer network
[a] Hardware
[a] A message
[a] Computer
[q] 3:1 Find out the beginning of the following sentences.
What does the word support mean?
[a] предавать
[a] мешать
[a] [+]поддерживать
[a] проживать
[a] помогать
[q] 3:1 Complete the sentences with the correct preposition:
People like to do it because they feel free … the Internet.
[a] In
[a] With
[a] [+]On
[a] under
[a] at
[q] 3:1 Match English and Russian equivalents:
computer network
[a] научно – исследовательская работа
[a] свобода выбора
[a] [+]компьютерная сеть
[a] мышка
[a] клавиатура
[q] 3:1 Translate into English:
improve your language skills
[a] [+]совершенствовать речевые способности
[a] послать сообщение
[a] говорить на иностранном языке
[a] переводить тексты
[a] грамматика языка
[q] 3:1 Match English and Russian equivalents.
annual economic growth
[a] [+]годовой экономический рост
[a] пищевая промышленность
[a] минеральные ресурсы
[a] годовой экономический кризис
[a] рост безработицы
[q] 3:1 Match English and Russian equivalents.
“raw material”
[a] внутренние ресурсы
[a] [+]сырье
[a] легкая промышленность
[a] перерабатывающая промышленность
[a] внутренний валовой продукт
[q] 3:1 Complete the sentence: Kazakhstan has taken the path of sustained ….
[a] development
[a] stability
[a] [+] economic growth
[a] national resources
[a] economic decrease
[q] 3:1 Answer the question:
What is English for foreign languages?
[a] родной язык
[a] иностранный язык
[a] [+]иностранные языки
[a] английский язык
[a] знание языков
[q] 3:1 Answer the question:
What does the word scientific literature mean?
[a] познавательная литература
[a] художественная литература
[a] детская литература
[a] [+]научная литература
[a] классическая литература
[q] 3:1 Complete the sentences with the appropriate words.
Knowledge of …..…helps people from different countries to ……each other.
[a] foreign languages, advertisement
[a] opportunity, understand
[a] [+]foreign languages, understand
[a] improve, learn
[a] know, write
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct variant: Lake Loch Ness is situated in ….
[a] Ireland
[a] Wales
[a] England
[a] Australia
[a] [+]Scotland
[q] 3:1 Choose the correct variant. There are … great lakes in the USA.
[a] no
[a] [+]five
[a] four
[a] two
[a] three
[q] 3:1 Indicate the correct answer:
What is the capital of Wales?
[a] Belfast
[a] [+]Cardiff
[a] Birmingham
[a] Edinburgh
[a] Coventry
[q] 3:1 Choose the right variant. Where are the Rocky mountains situated?
[a] Mexico
[a] Great Britain
[a] Northern Ireland
[a] [+]USA
[a] Kazakhstan
[q] 3:1Choose the right variant. Semey was founded in …:
[a] [+]1820
[a] 1905
[a] 1718
[a] 1605
[a] 1920
[q] 3:1
Choose the right variant. What is “White house”?:
[a] University
[a] House where people live.
[a] The resident of Indians.
[a] The exhibition of president.
[a] [+]The residence of president.
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