Fish and chips together
You will be asked whether yоu want 'salt and vinegar'. Some fish and chip shops still wrap your meal in newspaper. Others use special bags to keep it warm. Some give you a plastic fork.
• The following kinds of white fish are usually available: cod haddock plaice
Another kind of white fish called `huss` is also available in certain parts of the country.
• Fish and chip shops also sell cooked pies and sausages.
• Other common kinds of take-aways are Indian and Chinese.
Dinner at home
It is difficult to give rules about the evening meal in a British home. It varies from family to family. One family will call it dinner and eat around 7 pm. Another may call it tea and eat around 6 pm. Dinner may consist of a three-course meal. Tea may consist of a cooked main course or a salad, plus a dessert.
When you are offered food or drink
Would you like some…?
Yes please.
No thank you.
No thank you, I'm fine.
No thank you I really couldn't manage any more.
Refusing something
Help yourself to the marzipan cake.
No thank you. I'm afraid I'm not very keen on marzipan
No thank you. I’m afraid marzipan doesn't agree with me.
Avoid saying direct to your host I don't like...
Asking for more
I wonder if:
-another (piece of bread)
- some more (milk)
Saying you dont want much
Дата добавления: 2015-09-18 | Просмотры: 444 | Нарушение авторских прав
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