Knowledge and experiences
What type of training (if any) have you followed regarding international youth work, active participation, E+ programme?
What is your level of knowledge of the programmes listed bellow?
| Low
| Medium
| High
| EU “Erasmus +” programme in general
| KA1
| KA2
| KA3
| Please shortly describe which part of Erasmus + you feel experienced and can share with the others during the seminar?
Motivation and Expectations:
Please describe briefly your youth work experience?
Please describe briefly your understanding about active participation?
What would you like to learn, understand and experience during this seminar?
What contributions can you bring for the seminar?
Please describe your idea (if you have such now) for future projects with young people?
How do you plan to use the experience from this seminar in your work within your organisation afterwards?
Please indicate us the name and full contact details of a person to be contacted in case of emergency during the seminar:
| Complete address
| Postal code
| Town
| Country
| Phone [with full international dial codes]
| Fax [with full international dial codes]
| Email
Please take note of the following conditions that will apply, if you are selected to take part in the seminar.
1. I commit myself to participate in the whole process, including:
· to prepare myself carefully for the seminar and to do all remote preparation work the team will ask for;
· to take part in the full duration of the seminar;
· to participate in the whole evaluation process
2. I understand that the information I provided on my special needs does not remove my own personal responsibility for ensuring my own health.
Signature of applicant: Date:
Supporting signatures:
I confirm my organisation / institution / Local Authority wishes to take part in transnational activities through the seminar “You(th)r work and Erasmus+”, and that the above named person has the support of my organisation and has obtained full permission to be released from his/her usual duties to undertake this seminar.
Name and Position (manager / senior officer / board member) of organisation’s representative:
Signature of organisation’s representative: Date:
Applications should be sent by e-mail to not later than 30 June, 2014.
If for any reason you are no longer able to attend the seminar, please inform us as soon as possible so that the seminar organisers can ensure a replacement from the waiting list.
Дата добавления: 2015-09-27 | Просмотры: 412 | Нарушение авторских прав