E x e r c i s e s
I. Analyze the use of the Perfect Forms. Translate the sentences into Russian. A. 1. I was sure I had never seen that man before. 2.No one had finished his work by the appointed time. 3. When we reached the house the windows were dark as everybody had gone to bed. 4. After they had left the room together he sat in front of the fire for a long time thinking about them. 5. She opened the door only after I had told her who I was and what I wanted. 6. They had prepared everything by 4 o’clock. B. 1. Don’t come for the article at 6 o’clock. We shall not have finished it by that time. 2. I am sure we shall have prepared everything when you return. 3. If you don’t hurry, the train will have gone by the time you reach the station. 4. By the time you make up your mind to tell him about it he’ll have heard of everything from somebody else. 5. They will have read the first chapter of the book by the end of the week.
II. Change the following sentences into interrogative and negative: 1. He had translated the article by Thursday. 2. The secretary had sent all the faxes off when he came. 3. When we got to the hall, the concert had started. 4. When I entered the room, the telephone had stopped ringing. 5. He had greatly enlarged his vocabulary by the end of the first term. 6. They had passed all the exams by January the 25th. 7. She will have done the job by the beginning of the week. 8. By the time I arrive he’ll have explained the problem in detail. 9. We’ll have arranged everything necessary before the delegation arrives. 10. They’ll have completed the construction by the end of May.
III. Use "had" or "shall/will have". 1. When we came to the station the train... left. 2. Her friend... waited for her till 5 o'clock and then left. 3. When I walked in Sam... left the room. 4. We... finished all preparations by the time the guests come. 5. He... had a terrible day and looked very tired. 6. We hope they... landed safely in Paris by that time. 7. She... forgotten all about him by the time he returns. 8. The taxi... arrived before we were ready. 9. At last I learnt what... happened to him. 10. By the end of last month they... not completed the experiment yet. 11. She... left the house before you return.
IV. Use "after," "when," "by," "by the time," "before," "until": 1. My parents had eaten the dinner... I got home. 2. He had been a worker... he became a businessman. 3. It will have grown completely dark... 8 o'clock. 4. Bill had already left... we got there. 5.... the guests had left I went to bed. 6.... she gets the letter, he will have been far away. 7. Where did your sister work... she had graduated from the Institute? 8. Her eyes were red... she had cried. 9. I had never seen any of Turner's paintings... I visited the art museum. 10.... the end of next year her son will have finished school. 11. The train hadn't left yet... they came to the station. 12. Ann hadn't come to Paris... the end of May. 13. I went to the chemist's... I had visited my sick friend. 14. Nick had studied French... he entered the University. 15. She hadn't been able to swim... he taught her. 16.I had seen a new Italian film... the news. 17. He went to London... she had learned English. 18. They had been studying at the University for two years... the war broke out. 19. They won't have left the town... you send them a fax. 20.I hope... the end of the winter I'll have learned to ski.
V. Combine the sentences using Past Perfect and conjunctions "after," "before," "when," "by the time," "until". Model: The librarian came back. Peter looked through the magazine. — When (by the time) the librarian came back Peter had looked through the magazine.
1. My friend called on me. I had my breakfast. 2. We went out into the street. The rain stopped. 3. The students reached the camp. The sun set. 4. My father left for the airport. We bought the tickets. 5. Nelly arrived. I baked the cake. 6. I came to her place. She translated the texts. 7. She got home. The table was laid. 8. We got there. She left. 9. He went home. He finished work. 10. John came home. The family had supper. 11. They got married. Her parents gave their consent. 12. We did not disturb him. He finished writing his report. 13. Mother switched off the TV. The film was over. 14.I didn't answer his letter. I received another letter from him. 15.I turned on the light. It got dark. 16. The boat sailed. The lava hit the town. 17. The rescue team took the child out. The house collapsed. 18. The police came. The robber didn't leave the bank.
VI. Make up as many sentences as you can using a) Past Indefinite or Past Perfect:
- Он вернулся
at 6 o'clock by 6 o'clock on Saturday by Monday at that time - Я закончил работу
by that time before you came while you were away b) Future Indefinite or Future Perfect:
- Он вернется
at 6 o'clock by 6 o'clock on Saturday by Monday
- Я закончу работу
at that time by that time before you come while you are away VII. Open the brackets using a) Past Perfect: 1. She hoped I (to pay) for the tickets. 2. When we came the plane (to take off). 3. I went to sleep as soon as the show (to finish). 4. By the end of the year he (to complete) five courses. 5. When they came home mother (to do) everything about the house. 6. I went to see the sights after I (to buy) a map of Moscow. 7. We knew our itinerary only after the leader of the group (to tell) us. 8. After I (to spend) all the money I turned to my father. 9. She understood the letter after she (to read) it a second time. 10. We (to keep) waiting until we lost patience. b) Future Perfect: 1. When the father returns from his round the world trip his son (to become) a grown-up man. 2. By the end of this year I (to read) all the books of this writer. 3. You (to finish) typing my papers by this evening? 4. If you come late, the party (to end). 5. When you come she (to leave). 6. By the end of July you (to pass) your last entrance exam. 7. I'm not sure if I (to translate) this text by Monday. 8. By the time they return from the honeymoon trip we (to rebuild) the house for them.
VIII. Complete the sentences using Past Perfect: A. Model: I was tired (to work). — I was tired after I had worked the whole day. 1. They started discussing their plan (to come). 2. He helped his mother about the house (to finish). 3. He invited his friends to the party (to win). 4. Her coat was wet (to walk). 5. He understood the meaning of the telegram (to read).6. She tore up the letter (to read). 7. They settled the quarrel (to talk). 8. She was very upset (to fail).
B. Model: I was tired (to work). —I was tired because I had worked the whole day. 1. She could speak Spanish fluently (to live). 2. He rang me up (to ask). 3. The cake was too sweet (to put). 4. She was crying (to lose). 5. They didn't meet (to leave). 6. I didn't want to go to the cinema (to see). 7. I couldn't get into my flat (to lose). 8. I didn't know their address (to move).
IX. Change the following sentences according to the model. Model: The student borrowed a book from the library and read it. – The student read the book he had borrowed from the library. 1.He wrote a letter and went to the post office to post it. 2. She bought a picture but didn’t show it to us. 3. She wrote an exercise on the blackboard and we wrote it down in our note-books. 4. The teacher gave us some key words and we made up a story about up-to-date computers. 5. We took a final decision and let them know it. 6. We discussed the agreement but our boss disapproved of it. 7. He was asked a lot of questions on the terms of the agreement and he managed to answer them. 8. The cable was delivered yesterday and we had to reply immediately. 9. He prepared the report on the pollution of the environment and we listened to it with great interest. 10. She typed all the faxes and asked me to send them off.
X. Rewrite the sentences adding the given words. Make all necessary changes.
· She has finished the work by 3 o’clock.
· They have left before we returned.
· Everyone has had breakfast by the time she got up.
· Everything has been ready long before they came.
· We shall discuss the plan before you come.
· You will forget about you disease by then.
· I shall overcome my bad habit before it does me harm.
XI. Translate the first part of the sentences. Pay special attention to the adverbial phrases in the second part. 1. Они будут обсуждать (обсудят) проблему tomorrow. парникового эффекта. while you are writing a test. by your return. by the time you are here. before their scientific supervisor comes.
2. Он выступал (выступил) с докладом по the day before yesterday. проблеме охраны окружающей среды. before you came. while you were receiving a foreign delegation. by then. XII. Complete the following sentences: 1. By the end of October... 2. I decided to start working after... 3. The bell had rung before... 4. I met my school-mate after... 5. By the time you finish translating the article... 6. By the end of this decade... 7. We shall not start discussing the problem if... 8. Before she leaves for work... 9. He won’t be able to do this work unless...
XIV. Put the verb in brackets in the correct tense-form: 1. “You ever (to see) any plays by O. Wide?” “Yes, I (to see) one last week.” 2. He (to graduate) from the University in 1999. 3. By 5 o’clock they (to complete) their experiment and left laboratory. 4. By the end of the next week they (to receive) final results on the concentration of smoke in the air. 5. At last we managed to learn what (to happen) as a result of ozone depletion. 6. When we arrived, the conference (not to begin) yet. 7. It was five to ten a.m. The exhibition (not to open) yet but all the preparations for the opening ceremony (to be made). 8. I am sure by that time new methods of environmental protection (to be developed). 9. Before we joined “the Green Party”, many laws and decisions on this problem (to be adopted). 10. Much more people (to be involved) in various international organizations and “green parties” by the end of the century.
XV. Translate into English.
· Когда я приехал повидаться с руководителем “партии зеленых” в гостинице, он уже дал интервью журналистам и отдыхал.
· Когда я приехал к нему в гостиницу, мы связались с нашими партнерами по телефону и назначили с ними встречу.
· Когда прибыл ваш факс, мы еще не получили определенного ответа по концентрации вредных веществ в воздухе.
· Молодой ученый выполнил огромную предварительную работу по проблемам нарушения экологического равновесия перед тем, как сделал доклад на конференции.
· К концу следующего столетия большая часть проблем, связанных с истощением озонового слоя, будет решена успешнвого слоя, будет решена успешн Когда представители большинства стран присоединятся к движению по охране окружающей среды, они примут необходимые меры, чтобы защитить наши леса, реки, озера и моря.
· Мы узнали, что наши партнеры еще не приняли окончательного решения по проблеме сотрудничества.
XVI. Translate the sentences. Mind the word one. 1. One must cross a street under the green light. 2. It is one of those things that one cannot do oneself. 3. These exercises are more difficult than the ones in unit one. 4. One must always keep one’s word. 5. If one can’t have what one likes, one must like what one has. 6. One difference between these two dresses is cost. 7. Environmental protection is one of the most difficult and acute problems.
XVII. Translate the verbs with the prefix re -: recycle, reutilize, reprocess, reuse, rearrange.
XVIII. Form new words with the prefix re -: to write, to read, to open, to sell, to construct, to elect, to form.
Работа с текстом.
Text A. Once again about Ozone Holes
High above the earth's atmosphere there is a thin veil in the stratosphere called the ozone layer, which protects the earth from the sun's destructive ultraviolet (UV) rays.
This protective layer is being damaged by chemicals known as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), which are released into the atmosphere by the daily use of such industrial and household products as refrigerators, air conditioners, foam insulation, cleaning chemicals, and food packaging. The CFCs rise into the ozone layer, where the sunlight decomposes them, releasing chlorine. The chlorine attacks the ozone molecules, thinning or even making a "hole" in the ozone layer. This "hole" allows more UV rays to penetrate to the earth.
Overexposure to UV rays can increase the risk of skin cancer, weaken the immune system, and damage the retina. It is estimated that in the United States alone one in six Americans will develop skin cancer as a result of overexposure to UV rays.
Not only are humans at risk; so, too, are animals, plants, and the environment in general. With the thinning of the ozone layer, UV rays can penetrate the oceans, seriously impairing the growth of plankton, an essential part of the marine-life food chain, and can reduce the yields of economically important crops such as soybeans, cotton, and rice.
The scientists point out that the global ecological crisis cannot be precluded unless all countries join their efforts to render mutual ecological help on a non-governmental basis. Now the planet's "green lungs" are being destroyed, its ozone layer ruined, the global warming sets in, the acid rains fall out, the rivers grow shallower, and the oceans get polluted. This is why the major humanistic aim of the Ecological International is to change from an uncontrolled development of the machine-based civilisation to a conscientious development of a society of natural and technological type.
A feature of such a non-governmental body is a combination of the social ecological aid with technological activities to conserve the environment (cleaning of sewerage and gas exhausts, and utilisation of industrial wastes).
The scientists the world over made a long-term investigation only to come to a conclusion that the Planet's ozone layer is thinning out globally. To save this layer, it is necessary to take measures now and to use only ecologically friendly technologies. It is tackling of this problem which is urgent for the Earthlings that the early efforts of the Ecological International of the Green Cross and Green Crescent will be devoted to. What is implied here is an extensive international project "Resuscitation of Ozone Layer." Materialisation of the project would involve new technologies advanced by the scientists and experts from the Russian key aerospace companies.
The patching up of the ozone holes is feasible technologically. This would call for the creation of a superpowerful unit flying at the height of 25-30 km and capable of generating several thousand tons of ozone a month. The world community (and isn't this the problem of the mankind's concern) needs as few as 30-45 such units to save our Planet from the "ultraviolet death."
To materialise the project, an international industrial ecological consortium is being set up which will take up the solution of scientific, financial and other problems.
poison, v отравлять disturb, v нарушать wastes, n отходы layer, n слой ray, n луч damage, v приносить вред, вредить, разрушать fertilizers, n минеральное удобрение dangerous, a опасный on the brink of extinction на грани исчезновения penetrate, v пронизывать, проникать (в) acid rains кислотные дожди greenhouse effect парниковый эффект ozone depletion истощение озонового слоя harm, n вред substance, n вещество emit, v выбрасывать, выделять offender, n виновник, преступник threat, n угроза pollution, n загрязнение adopt, v принимать protect, v защищать increase, v увеличивать, повышать destroy, v разрушать aid, n помощь environment, n окружающая среда sewerage, n канализация come to a conclusion прийти к выводу do good (harm) приносить пользу (вред)
I. Give the three forms of the verbs: to grow, to destroy, to fall, to get, to devote, to join, to set, to protect, to know, to make, to come, to take.
II. Suggest Russian renderings for:
1. The scientists the world over made a long-term investigation.
2. It is tackling of this problem which is urgent for the Earthlings that the early efforts of the Ecological International of the Green Gross and Green Crescent will be devoted to.
3. What is implied here is an extensive international project “Resuscitation of Ozone Layer”.
4. The “patching up of the ozone holes” is feasible technologically.
5. It’s necessary to take measures now and to use only ecologically friendly technologies.
III. Give the English equivalents for the following phrases. Consult the text ‘ Once again about the Ozone Holes’: предотвратить экологический кризис; объединить усилия; на неправительственной основе; разрушить озоновый слой; сознательное развитие; промышленные отходы; принимать меры; главные аэрокосмические компании; мировое сообщество; технически возможный.
IV. a) Give synonyms for the following words: to prevent, purpose, help, to preserve, to dedicate, to be meant, possible, to require, interest, to implement, to establish.
b) Give antonyms to the following adjectives and verbs: local, governmental, controlled, short-term, unnecessary, powerless, man-made, to break, to construct, to erect, to exclude, to give up, to do good.
c) Give corresponding nouns:
1. to pollute, to control, to develop, to combine, to conclude, to utilize, to waste, to investigate, to create, to set, to solve, to measure;
2. international, governmental, global, uncontrolled, natural, necessary, ecological, friendly, urgent, feasible, technological, capable, industrial, scientific, financial.
V.Match the adjectives and the nouns:
superpowerful ecological scientific mutual ultra-violet global conscientious non-governmental machine-based long-term friendly aerospace companies
efforts development civilization investigation technologies unit problems crisis warming death body
VI. Read the text ’Once again about the Ozone Holes’. Answer the following questions:
· What is the way to preclude the global ecological crisis?
· Why is it necessary to change from an uncontrolled development of the machine-based civilization to a conscientious development of a society?
· What does the non-governmental body aim at?
· Are there any ways of saving the Planet’s ozone layer?
· What will the early efforts of the Ecological International of the Green Cross and Green Crescent be devoted to?
· Is the “patching up of the ozone holes” feasible technologically or a fantastic idea only?
· How many superpowerful units are able to save our Planet from the “ultra-violet death”?
VII. Use the verbs in brackets in the correct tense form. 1. Overpopulation, pollution and energy consumption (to create) some dangerous planet-wide problems recently. 2. If nothing (to be done) about it, one million species of flora and fauna (to become) extinct by 2010. 3. The Environmental movement (to gain) a lot of supporters long before our country (to manage) to join it indeed. 4. The problem of environmental protection (to become) a part of political programs in many countries by the end of the century. 5. Our non-governmental body aimed at implementing some useful laws and decisions on the problem which (to be adopted) before.
VIII. Agree or disagree with the following statements. Begin you answer with: You are right (wrong, mistaken)..., How could you say that..., That’s true (not true)..., I agree with you here..., I can’t (don’t) agree with you..., Excuse my interrupting you but... To my mind..., in my opinion..., It goes without saying, (There is) nothing to argue about...
· Though each of us must do everything possible to keep the land, air and water clean, the problem can’t be solved by the only man in the only country.
· The pollution of the environment is one of the greatest dangers to human beings on earth.
· The concentration of smoke in the air is so high in some industrial centers that it is deadly dangerous just to breathe there.
· The ecological harmony is disturbed on earth.
· Now the planet’s “green lungs” are being destroyed, its ozone layer ruined, the acid rains fall out and the oceans get polluted.
· Our aim at present is to change from an uncontrolled development of the machine-based civilization to a conscientious development of a society.
· The world community needs 30-45 superpowerful units at least to generate several thousand tons of ozone a month.
IX. Read the following selections using the dictionary. "The most alarming of all man's assaults upon the environment is the contamination of air, earth, rivers and sea with dangerous and even lethal chemicals."—Rachel Carson, Silent Spring
Air pollution is the result of man's use of lethal chemicals, and is a common hazard in both industrial and developing countries. One form of air pollution is acid rain.
Acid rain results from the release into the atmosphere of sulfur oxide and nitrogen oxide. Electrical generating plants, industrial boilers, large smelters, and automobiles are among the chief source of these emissions. The gases react with water droplets, forming a diluted mixture of sulfuric acid and nitric acid, and it is this mixture that returns to earth in the form of acid rain, mist, or snow. Pushed by wind currents, the acid rain often falls to the ground far from its point of origin.
Acid rain is killing vast stretches of forest in Canada, the United States, and central and northern Europe. In Europe nearly every species of tree is affected. Symptoms include thinning of leaves and needles, deformed growth, and, in some cases, death. Acid rain has acidified lakes and streams, rendering them unable to support fish, wildlife, plants, or insects. In Sweden at least 40,000 of the 90,000 lakes have been affected, and in the United States one in five lakes suffers from this type of pollution.
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