Ex. 6. Compose 2-3 sentences using the words of the VOCABULARY.
Ex. 7. Insert the missing letters:
Ma_ure; estation; fertiliation; embro; femle; fets; pregnany; pacenta; sensit ve.
Ex. 8. Translate the following words and word-combinations into Ukrainian:
Pregnancy; a growing fetus; pregnant female; embryo; the embryo is sensitive to assaults; burrow; rudiments of a spinal cord; arm and leg buds; gestational week; it can kick; less transparent; beyond the fingers.
Ex. 9. Read the following words and word-combinations:
Initial; para; similarly; particularly; doubling; miniature; previous; beyond vertebrae; more noticeable; trimester; heart.
Embryo at 4 weeks after fertilization
Fetus at 8 weeks after fertilization
Fetus at 18 weeks after fertilization
Fetus at 38 weeks after fertilization
| Development of Fetus
Ex. 10. Read and memorize the following medical terms and their definitions:
embryo – conceptus between time of fertilization to 10 weeks of gestation
fetus – from 10 weeks of gestation to time of birth
gravidity (G) – number of times the woman has been pregnant
infant – time of birth to 1 year of age
preterm infant – delivered between 24-37 weeks
previable infant – delivered prior to 24 weeks
term infant – delivered between 37-42 weeks
first trimester – up to 14 weeks of gestation
second trimester – 14 to 28 weeks of gestation
third trimester – 28th week to delivery (пологи)
full term refers to the end of 36 weeks (nine months) from the first day of the woman's last menstrual period – the end of gestation. If a woman gives birth earlier than this, it is classed as a premature birth.
Ex. 11. Read the following text:
Pregnancy is the term used to describe when a woman has a growing fetus inside of her. Human pregnancy lasts about 40 weeks, or just more than 9 months. The medical term for a pregnant female is gravida, which is a word rarely used in common speech. The term embryo is used to describe the developing human during the initial weeks, and the term fetus is used from about two months of development until birth. A woman who is pregnant for the first time is known medically as a primigravida or "gravida 1", while a woman who has never been pregnant is known as "gravida 0". Similarly, the terms "para 0", "para 1" and so on are used for the number of times a woman has given birth.
Pregnancy is typically divided into three periods, or trimesters. Trimester means about three months.
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