The term "surgery" comes from Greek. Surgery is the branch of medicine in which various mechanical therapeutic manipulations (incisions, punctures, suturing, reductions of dislocations and so on) performed by the physician are used. These procedures are designated by the words "surgical operation" or merely by one word "operation".
For a very long time surgical operations were performed only on the superficial parts of the body, but even after such operations severe inflammations due to the infection of the wound were frequently met with, causing death.
Only during the second half of the 19th century, the general development of natural science made it possible to solve this difficult problem. The brilliant Russian surgeon N. I. Pirogov was the first to voice the assumption that wounds were infected by invasion of special causative agents named by him "miasmas". In 1863 the famous French scientist Pasteur published the results of his remarkable studies of the processes of putrefaction. Pasteur proved that these processes were evoked by minute living organisms—bacteria. On the basis of Pasteur's works the British surgeon Lister concluded that the purulence of wounds was also caused by. bacteria which found their way into the wounds from the air. To protect the wounds from the penetration of bacteria or to destroy these bacteria after their penetration into the wounds Lister began to irrigate the wounds with a solution of carbolic acid and to treat the instruments and dressing material to be used in the operations with the same solution.
The method elaborated by Lister was given the name of.antiseptic. This method gave fine results.
During the years that followed scientists found that to protect the wounds from infection it was enough to treat all objects to be handled and used during an operation with a physical agent namely, heat. This new method of disinfection was given the name of asepsis.
The antiseptic and aseptic methods of treating wounds revolutionised surgery and almost completely eliminated the danger of infecting wounds to be operated on.
incision - иссечение, разрез, надрез;
puncture n- пункция, прокол;
suturing - наложение шва;
reduction of dislocation- вправление вывиха;
superficial parts of the body - поверхность тела;
infection of the wound- заражение раны;
to voice - высказать;
special causative ['ko:zativ] agents- специфические возбудители;
miasmas от miasma - миазмы;
putrefaction -гниение;
minute - living organisms мельчайшие живые организмы;
purulence - нагноение;
solution of carbolic acid- раствор карболовой кислоты;
to treat the instruments- обрабатывать инструменты;
dressing material - перевязочный материал;
antiseptic – антисептический;
antisepsis - антисептика;
namely- именно;
asepsis –асептика
" 1. Where does the term "surgery" come from? 2. What do the words "surgical operation" mean? 3. What were inflammatory processes after operations due to? 4. When was this difficult problem solved? 5. What made it possible to solve the problem? 6. Who was the first to discover the real cause of wound infection? 7. What did the famous French scientist Pasteur publish? 8. What did Pasteur prove? 9. What did the British surgeon Lister conclude on the basis of Pasteur's works? 10. What did Lister begin to do to protect the wounds from the penetration of bacteria?11. With what did he treat the instruments to be used in the operations?12. What name was given to Lister's method? 13. What new method did the scientists find during the years that followed? 14. What is the significance of the antiseptic and aseptic methods for surgery?
*Translate into Russian;
1. The brilliant Russian surgeon N.I. Pirogov was the first to voice the assumption that wounds were infected by invasion of special causative agents. 2. Lister began to irrigate the wounds with a solution of carbolic acid and to treat the instruments and dressing material to be used in the operations with the same solution. 3. During the years that followed scientists found that to protect the wounds from infection it was enough to treat all objects to be handled and used during an operation with heat. 4. These methods of treating wounds completely eliminated the danger of infecting wounds to be operated on. 5. The patient to be examined was brought to the casualty ward where he was first asked to give his name, age and address. 6. The patient to be admitted to the clinic had a very high temperature and showed evidence of an acute illness. 7. Measures to be taken to protect the health of people are various
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