АкушерствоАнатомияАнестезиологияВакцинопрофилактикаВалеологияВетеринарияГигиенаЗаболеванияИммунологияКардиологияНеврологияНефрологияОнкологияОториноларингологияОфтальмологияПаразитологияПедиатрияПервая помощьПсихиатрияПульмонологияРеанимацияРевматологияСтоматологияТерапияТоксикологияТравматологияУрологияФармакологияФармацевтикаФизиотерапияФтизиатрияХирургияЭндокринологияЭпидемиология

Tests and tasks for verification of initial level of knowledges. The general anesteziologiya is that reanimation

Semantic module 3.

The general anesteziologiya is that reanimation

Practical employment № 12

Theme: inhalation anesthesia. No the inhalation anesthesia


The I. Actoualnist themes

In our time from 85 to 90 % operative interferences is executed under the common anaesthetizing. This method has the row of substantial advantages before local anaesthesia and allows to execute any on a volume, by a character and duration operative interferences, the students of a 3 course must be got base knowledges on the given theme, so as they are needed for the study of surgery and anesteziologii on senior courses and practical activity of doctors-surgeons and anaesthetists.


ІІ. Whole employments:

1. To know determination of notion, terminology, classification and types of the common anaesthetizing (a=II).

2. To know the theories of anesthesia, preparation of patients to anesthesia, chart of premedicatsii (a=II).

3. To know the mechanism of action of narcotic preparations and muscular relacsantiv (a=II).

4. To know the method of conducting of mascovogo anesthesia, his clinical stages, and also methods of conducting of endotrahealnogo, intravenoznogo, vnoutrishnom’yazevogo narcopharynx (a=II).

5. To know vehicles and instruments for anesthesia, instruments for intoubatsii of trachea and method of implementation of her (a=II).

6. To know complication of anesthesia, care of patients under time and after anesthesia (a=II).

7. To capture the method of introduction of rotoglotcovogo povitrospryama (a=III).

8. To capture the method of sanatsii of overhead respiratory tracts by means эlectrovidsmoctouvacha (a=III).


ІІІ. Providing of initial level of knowledges-abilities



1. Cherenco M.P., Vavric G.M. General surgery. – Kiev: "Health", 1999.

2. Gouchenno S.P., Geliba M.D., Himich S D. Zagalna surgery. – Kiev: "Health", 1999

3. Gostishev V.C. Obshaya hirourgiya. – Moscow: "Medicine", 1993.

4. Petrov V.S. Obshaya hirourgiya. - S. Petersburg, 1999.


1. Chepciy L.A., Galco-Titarenco V.F. Anesteziologiya and reanimatologiya. – Kiev: "High school", 1983.


Tests and tasks for verification of initial level of knowledges


1 Indirect actions of fentanilou:

a 1 oppression of breathing (+)

2 oppressions of cashlovogo reflex (+)

a 3 sharp kidney insufficiency

a 4 sharp hepatic insufficiency

a 5 hemorrhage in a brain


2 Which are to the stage of ether anesthesia:

1 analgezii (+)

2 peredozouvannya

a 3 braking

4 excitations (+)

a 5 renewal


3 To inhalations anesteticiv belong:

a 1 nitrous oxide (+)

2 gecsenal

3 ftorotan (+)

a 4 tiopental sodium

5 cetamin


4 To no the inhalations anesteticiv belong:

a 1 nitrous oxide

2 ftorotan

a 3 ether

a 4 tiopental sodium (+)

5 cetamin (+)


a 5 Purpose of premedicatsii is:

a 1 reduction of analgetichnoi action of anestetica

2 reductions of metabolism, that to lower a necessity in oxygen (+)

a 3 providing of sedativnogo effect (+)

4 increases of salivatsii

a 5 reduction of protective action of analgezii


6 For intoubatsii of trachea use:

1 bronhoscop

2 stetoscop

a 3 laryngoscope (+)

a 4 intoubatsiynou tube (+)

a 5 inhalation mask


7 For introductory anesthesia use:

a 1 tiopental sodium (+)

a 2 nitrous oxide

3 ftorotan

a 4 ether

a 5 sodium of ocsiboutirat (+)


a 8 Destroying from anesthesia consists in stopping of serve of anestetica to ending of operation after:

1 3 minutes

2 10 minutes (+)

3 15 minutes (+)

4 20 minutes

5 30 minutes


9 it is needed to apply Before intoubatsieyo:

a 1 giperventilyatsiyo by a mask (+)

2 analgetici

3 sedativni preparations

4 protizapalni preparations

5 antibacterialni preparations

6 miorelacsanti (+)


10 For premedicatsii the following preparations are used:

a 1 tiopental sodium

a 2 atropine the sulfate (+)

a 3 sodium of ocsiboutirat

4 droperidol (+)

5 ftorotan

6 cetamin


11 For premedicatsii the following preparations are used:

1 aminazin (+)

a 2 phenobarbital (+)

3 protizapalni preparations

4 fentanil

5 cetamin

a 6 tiopental sodium


a 12 Purpose of premedicatsii is:

a 1 increase of metabolism, that to lower a necessity in oxygen

2 removals of sedativnogo effect

3 increases of analgetichnoi action of anestetica (+)

4 reductions of salivatsii (+)

a 5 reduction of protective action of analgezii


a 13 Contra-indication for conducting of cetaminovogo anesthesia is:

1 gipertenziya (+)

a 2 shock

a 3 bleeding

a 4 eclampsia (+)

a 5 introductory anesthesia

a 6 anaesthetizing of births


no a 14 Inhalation anestetici it is possible to enter:

1 hypodermic

2 vnoutrishnoshcirno

3 endotrahealno

4 nazotrahealno

5 intravenously (+)

6 vnoutrishnom yazevo (+)


a 15 Inhalation anestetici it is possible to enter:

1 nazotrahealno (+)

2 hypodermic

3 intravenously

4 vnoutrishnom yazevo

5 vnoutrishnoshcirno

6 endotrahealno (+)

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