Человек неболеет от естественного иммунитета а не от обещанного искусственного (Проф. Столешников А.П.)
"Здравствуйте, Профессор!В очередной раз еще одно научное подтверждение тому, что ваша теория верна. Желаю всего самого доброгo! http://blogs.mercola.com/sites/vitalvotes/archive/2011/11/01/could-this-type-of-vaccine-be-behind-the-autism-epidemic.aspx b http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21993250 - In 1988, the first conjugate vaccine was approved for use in the U.S. It was intended to protect infants and young children against Haemophilus influenzae type b. Since that time the vaccine has been approved in most developed countries -- such as Denmark and Israel where the vaccine was added to their national vaccine programs in 1993 and 1994, respectively. Starting in the later 1980’s, there was a marked increase in the reported prevalence of autism spectrum disorders among children in the U.S. A similar increase was seen in Denmark and Israel starting approximately 5years later. The continuation of the trend toward increased rates of autism spectrum disorders could be further explained by increased usage of the vaccine. According to a study reprinted on the website Green Med Info: “Conjugate vaccines fundamentally change the manner in which the immune systems of infants and young children function... conjugate vaccines may have disrupted evolutionary forces that favored early brain development over the need to protect infants and young children from capsular bacteria. ”
Финляндия - первое государство открыто признало, что вакцина от свиного грипа вызвает тяжёлые, неизлечимые неворологические болезни. http://www.naturalnews.com/033816_swine_flu_vaccines_neurological_disorders.html -The nation of Finland has now openly admitted that the swine flu vaccine “conclusively” causes Chronic Nervous System Disorders
"Официальный медицинский орган в США Institute of Medicine (IOM) дипломатически признал, что вакцины не свободны от опасных эффектов. http://www.activistpost.com/2011/10/institute-of-medicine-admits-vaccine.html
"Тем не менее снова началась осенняя кампания за вакцинацию против гриппа несмотря на отчётливую связь вакцин с прогрессирующими заболеваниями ЦНС. http://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/flu-vaccine-pushed-despite-nerve-disease-link. - The push for the H1N1-loaded 2011 flu vaccine has begun, with the CDC calling on healthcare workers and citizens around the world to become vaccinated. The call comes almost a full year after government health chiefs confirmed a link between the H1N1-containing seasonal flu vaccination and the killer nerve disease known as Guillain-Barre Syndrome.
"Прививки против гриппа содержат ртути в 250 раз больше допустимого": http://www.activistpost.com/2011/10/flu-shots-contain-more-than-250-times.html
"3 девочки мерты, другие госпитализированы после применения вакцины от папилома вируса" http://www.activistpost.com/2011/09/3-girls-dead-others-hospitalized-after.html - Это точно начали делать на Украине и в России, но молчат.
"Прививки против гриппа содержат ртути в 250 раз больше допустимого": http://www.activistpost.com/2011/10/flu-shots-contain-more-than-250-times.html
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