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Teaching in collages

  1. Approaches to improving teaching
  2. Methods of language teaching and language education.
  3. Oral approach (situational language teaching).
  4. Principles for Effective Teaching

Lecture 1.

Teaching in colleges is marked by historic paradox: though institutions constantly talk up its importance, they evaluate faculty primarily on the basis of scholarly achievements outside the classroom. Teaching is what almost every professor does, but it seems to suffer commonness.

There seems to be an ingrained academic reluctance to regard teaching in the same way the profession regards every other set of skills: as something that can be taught. Professors who take painstaking care for method within their discipline of chemistry, history, or psychology, for example, all too often are unreflective when it comes to teaching.

Some professors even regard teaching as so straightforward that it requires no special training. Others find it so personal that no training could ever meet its multiplicity of demands. But most share the common folk belief that teachers are born and not made.

In fact, the marginal truth in this belief applies no more to teaching than to any other profession. Those who are naturally great at these professions invariably spend an unnatural amount of time acquiring skills and practicing in the vortex of intense competition. Potentially great teachers become great teachers by the same route: through conditioning mind, acquiring skills, and practicing amidst intense competition.

The interest in improved teaching has mushroomed rapidly in recent years, burrowing into all areas of the country and all types of institutions.

The concept of improving teaching is hardly new. Now the concept is based on three assumptions: first, the primary professional activity of most professors is teaching; second, instructional behavior is not inborn, but rather a learned web of skills, attitudes, and goals; and third, faculty can be taught how to improve their classroom performance.

The "new" emphasis on teaching stems from "new" social and political forces. Demographics have changed the student population and their educational needs. The advent of educational technology has forever altered concepts about teaching and learning. And public outcries demanding reaching accountability have roused legislators and governing boards to actions. All forces rally for improved teaching.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-18 | Просмотры: 531 | Нарушение авторских прав

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