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FLEX Alumni Coordinator/Program Assistant

  1. FLEX Alumni Coordinator Job Description

Ashgabat, Turkmenistan


This is a great position for anyone who loved their FLEX year and who wants to keep the spirit alive in Turkmenistan! This full-time position will also provide general support to other American Councils programs. In addition to incredible practical experience, and a dynamic work environment, this position will help you network with the international NGO community, and it looks terrific on a resume/CV for those applying to university or considering other careers. If you’re organized and responsible and have energy and excitement about FLEX and American Councils programs Turkmenistan, then this position is for you!



American Councils for International Education seeks an outstanding FLEX alumna/us to serve as the FLEX Alumni Coordinator/Program Assistant in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan. The FLEX Alumni Coordinator works with FLEX staff to coordinate and report on FLEX alumni activities.


Candidates should have successfully completed the FLEX program, possess strong verbal and written communication skills, as well as a talent and enthusiasm for organizing events. Demonstrated leadership ability will also be highly regarded. Computer skills, including email, internet, database, word processing and spreadsheets, are also desirable.


This full time position will start at the beginning of July 2013. The deadline for submission of applications is June 20, 2013. To apply, please fill out the attached application form and submit a resume and cover letter to Tatiana Kopytova at flex@americancouncilstm.org


· Writing monthly reports on alumni activities to be submitted to the Eurasia alumni coordinator by the 7th of the next month;

· Providing coordination and encouragement to alumni as they plan and execute alumni activities;

· Managing finances and providing financial reports for alumni events;

· Working with alumni to develop proposals and budgets for alumni projects. Submitting these proposals to his/her supervisor;

· Organizing monthly alumni meetings;

· Working with supervisor to develop the annual activities calendar, based on alumni interests;

· Updating the FLEX alumni database on an ongoing basis;

· Reporting alumni news to share on the American Councils website and other publications;

· Actively gathering information about alumni successes for the monthly report;

· Encouraging alumni to contribute to The Bradley Herald. Assisting in distributing the newsletter to alumni;

· Assisting the program manager in all aspects of program administration

Дата добавления: 2015-09-27 | Просмотры: 497 | Нарушение авторских прав

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