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FLEX Alumni Coordinator Job Description

  1. Act as an interpreter. Translate the description of N-type and P-type- semiconductors given by your group mates from English into Russian.
  2. Description of the ship
  3. FLEX Alumni Coordinator/Program Assistant


Alumni Coordinators work with American Councils FLEX staff to coordinate and report on FLEX alumni activities in their hubs. Alumni Coordinators are supervised by their Program Hub Directors and report to them on a regular basis. They also report on activities and successes to the Eurasia FLEX Alumni Office on a monthly basis.


The goals of the FLEX alumni program are to encourage alumni involvement in a variety of activities, including: community service, civic participation, English language and American studies, professional and personal development and social events. Activities planned by the alumni should be balanced among these types of activities.





· Writing reports on alumni activities of one month on the 7th of the next, to be submitted to the Eurasia FLEX Alumni Program Manager and Program Officer;

· Providing coordination and encouragement to alumni as they plan and execute alumni activities;

· Working with alumni to develop proposals and budgets for alumni projects and submitting these proposals to one’s supervisor;

· Organizing monthly alumni meetings;

· Working with one’s supervisor to develop the annual activities calendar, based on alumni interests;

· Updating the online Eurasia FLEX alumni database on an ongoing basis;

· Reporting alumni news to share on the American Councils website, through Eurasia FLEX social media and in other publications;

· Actively gathering information about alumni successes for the monthly report;

· Encouraging alumni to contribute to The Bradley Herald, and promoting the online newsletter.




· Initial appointment for up to one year, beginning no later than September 2, 2013 (if possible from mid-August).

· Flexible part-time position, 20-25 hours per week. No vacation or sick time is accrued.

· Readiness to participate in the AC Training Conference in Moscow (September 20-23)

· Honorarium from $340 month


Дата добавления: 2015-09-27 | Просмотры: 436 | Нарушение авторских прав

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