In the Meeting of the Department of Tourism and Hospitality
Minutes No 1, 08.01.2014
Head of the Department________________
[Dr. oec. I.Bērziņa]
Professional Bachelor Study Programme
Title of the study course
| Code of the course
Field of science
| VAD1118P
| Credits
| Total number of hours
| Total number of lessons
| -
| Number of hours of self-dependent studies
| EKI level
| Preliminary knowledge
| -
| Surname
| Degree, position
| Maija
| Rozīte
| Dr.geogr, professor
The aim of the Course paper I is to strengthen the theoretical knowledge gained by carrying out in depth study of scientific literature in the chosen speciality and develop the students’ scientific research skills and creative abilities by defining, studying and working out solutions for the problems identified.
TASKS (expected RESULTS):
The tasks set for the Study paper I are to acquire in depth and consolidate the knowledge gained in the study courses Tourism and hospitality, Food and beverage operations and service, Information technologies, Quantitative research methods, and Communication psychology by carrying out independent research work. The study paper would facilitate the understanding of actual economic development correlations and principles and the processes occurring in national economics.
The student during the course of the study paper would master professional competences such as information gathering, processing and the use of modern information gathering and processing methods; systemisation and analysis of the information gathered, defining the problematic issues and the research hypothesis (main research issue); research methods and selection of data and problem solving skills.
The definition of the study paper aims, tasks and identification of research hypothesis and drawing conclusions would strengthen the student’s critical thinking skills and ensure the acquisition of knowledge, practice, data and skills.
Requirements to receive credits:
Tasks to be carried out during the course and their weightage:
Course paper I foresees the acquisition of 2 credit points provided:
1) student has compiled the study paper in compliance with the programme;
2) the study paper supervisor has approved the study paper;
3) student has successfully defended the study paper at a commission approved by the dean.
The study paper content comprises 60%, layout -10%, defence and answers to questions posed by the commission - 30% out of the total study paper evaluation.
- introductory seminar on compilation of study paper
- individual consultations with the study paper supervisor
- independent studies and compilation of study paper
- presentation and defence of study paper
Methodological provision of course:
- Examination regulations
- Regulations on compilation and defence of study papers
- Samples of study papers and presentations available at the department of Tourism and Hospitality
Language of studies:
Course paper 1 foresees the in depth acquisition and analysis of topics and theories included the following study courses:
· Tourism and hospitality
· Food and beverage operations and service
· Information technologies
· Quantitative research methods
· Communication psychology
The author in 1st study paper must use at least one primary data collecting method – document analysis, interview, survey, observation etc.
Scope of the study paper: 23-25 pp.
Structure of the study paper:
· Title page
· Application/ evaluation sheet
· Introduction – approx. 1- 1.5 pp.; reflects the actuality of the theme, relevance to the theoretical course; research aims and tasks; methods used and data; limits of the research (if any)
· Theoretical part of the study paper – at least 5 pp., based on at least 5 special, professional and literature sources (monographs, text books, articles from professional and scientific journals), apart from internet sources. Describes the theoretical research issues (concepts, definitions, theories, existing research), including a subchapter on methods and necessary (on relevant issues) data.
· Analysis of the situation – at least 5-7 pp., providing a description of the relevant issues on a global, European and Latvian perspective based on the analysis of latest information and statistical data (using primary sources of statistical data, publications in professional journals, internet resources and mass media)
· Practical, independent research – at least 7 pp., reflecting the research methods chosen by the author, primary data gathered and its analysis. The data analysed shall be illustrated in tables and figures (diagrams, charts, photos).
· Conclusions and recommendations – approx. 1 pp. Conclusions shall be presented as concise bulleted points and numbered (2-3 sentences per point), and shall be based on the situation analysis carried out by the author and research results gathered and shall reflect the author’s conclusions. The recommendations shall be in respect to study paper aims and results summarised.
· List of literature and sources (in accordance to SBAT Regulations)
· Appendices
Defence of the study paper:
The study paper must be submitted to the department of Tourism and hospitality within the deadlines set and with the approval of the supervisor. The presentation of the study paper (Power Point) shall reflect the research methods, research data, results and main conclusions and recommendations and must be defended at a commission at the time and place designated by the department. Length of the presentation: 5-7 minutes.
| Finn, M., Elliott-White, M., Walton, M. (2000). Tourism and leisure research methods: data collection, analysis and interpretation. Harlow: Pearson Longman, 285 pp.
| 2.
| Tourism Research Methods: integrating theory with practice. (2005). Ritchie, B.W., Burns, P., Palmer, C. (ed.). Oxfordshire; Cambridge: CABI Publishing, 232 pp.
| 3.
| Clark, M.A., Riley, M.J., Wilkie, E. u.c. (2003). Researching and writing dissertations in hospitality and tourism. London: Thomson, 281 lpp.
| 4.
| Kristapsone, S. (2008). Zinātniskā pētniecība studiju procesā: mācību grāmata augstskolu sociālo zinātņu studiju programmu studentiem. Rīga: Biznesa augstskola Turība. 349 lpp.
| 5.
| Kroplijs, A., Raščevska, M. (2004). Kvalitatīvās pētniecības metodes sociālajās zinātnēs. Rīga: Izdevniecība RaKa, 178 lpp.
| 6.
| Vergina, G., Kārkliņa, V. (2005). Statistika ekonomistiem. Rīga: Kamene, 91 lpp.
| 7.
| Veal, A.J. (2011). Research Methods for Leisure and Tourism. 4th ed. Pearson education, 592 p.
| 8.
| Tūrisms Latvijā 2010.gadā. (2011). Rīga: Centrālā statistikas pārvalde,
| 9.
| Tourism Management. Research, policies, Practice. Elsevier.
| 10.
| Annals of Tourism Research. Elsevier.
| 11.
| Journal of Travel Research. Sage Publications.
| 12.
| International Journal of Hospitality Management Elsevier.
| 13.
| Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing. Routledge.
| Interneta resursi:
| Tourism. Journal for tourism professionals.;
| 2.
| Tourism portal-
| 3.
| Biznesa informācijas ziņu rakstu datubāze. Tūrisms, viesnīcu -
| 4.
| Full text journals in English – EBSCO:
- Journal of Sustainable Tourism
- Tourism Geographies etc.
| 5.
| Full text journals in English – EMERALD:
- International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management
- International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research
- Worldwide Tourism and Hospitality Themes
- European Journal of Marketing
- International Marketing Review
- Tourism Review etc.
| 6.
| Portal:
| Authors’ Signature:
___________________________ Maija Rozīte
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