Study the information.
The hull is made up of steel frames. They are covered with steel plating.
What is inside the hull?
The hull contains cargo space, machinery space and different tanks. The cargo space is divided into holds (in dry cargo ships) or into tanks (in liquid cargo ships). The machinery space includes the engine room and a few auxiliary rooms. There is a fore peak tank, an after peak tank, and double bottom tanks. All these tanks are used for fuel, fresh water and ballast water. The superstructure is above the main deck. The superstructure includes: the forecastle, which is at the fore end of the ship, the bridge superstructure and the poop. The bridge superstructure can be amidships or aft. The poop is aft.
Answer the questions using Exercises 4 and 5 and your own experience.
1) What are three main parts of the hull?
2) What are the foremost and the rearmost parts of the hull called?
3) What is the hull made up of?
4) What divides the hull into watertight compartments?
5) What are bulkheads?
6) What are tween decks?
7) What is the cargo space divided into in dry cargo ships?
8) What is it divided into in liquid cargo ships?
9) What tanks are at the fore and after ends of a ship?
10) What are they used for?
11) Where arc the double bottom tanks?
12) What are they for?
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