Cost of services
| Cost
| Publication of 1 page of text (1800 characters without blank characters), including title page, footnotes and references
| 7 euro / 10 USD
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| + 20% to the total cost of the publication of article
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| 25 euro / 33 USD
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Contact details of the publishing company:
Kyiv National Linguistic University
Economic Faculty
Ukraine, Kyiv 03150
Post box 281
Advice to Authors for the Preparation of the Final Submission
John Doea, Name of 2nd authora, and Name of 3rd author – different University (no titles, university names affiliations etc.)b
aThe College of Hospitality and Technology Leadership University of South Florida, USA
b Name of the institute / department Name of the University, Country
Manuscripts for NRMCTBS 2015 proceedings use photo‑offset printing and require special care in preparation. Please heed these guidelines carefully; technically unsuitable manuscripts will be rejected. The simplest way to follow the guidelines is to replace the text in this file with your own words – using the styles provided as far as possible. Both abstract and full paper submitted files should be in Word file (file extensions "doc "or "docx").
Дата добавления: 2015-09-27 | Просмотры: 390 | Нарушение авторских прав