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Excerpt from Japanese Reports Concerning the Verification of the new Campione, Beginning of the 21st Century

  1. A) What do these people want others to do for them? Fill in the table. Remember that The Complex Object is translated into Russian beginning with words чтобы, что, как.
  2. B. Answer the same questions but concerning Russia.
  4. Education in the 21st Century
  5. Match the beginnings of the sentences with their ends. Pay attention to the verbs used with the Complex Subject.


Excerpt from the Italian mage Alberto Ricardo's Book, Demon King, 19th Century

......To those who accomplished this formidable feat, I grant them the title of Campione – Godslayer –.

Among all virtuous readers, some will probably believe that I over-exaggerate with that title and frown, while others will think that I am making undue fuss over it.

However, I want to emphasize it, once again.

Campione – Godslayer – is the supreme ruler.

Since he can kill a celestial being, he can therefore call on the highly divine powers held by the gods.

Campione – Godslayer – is a lord.

Since the power to kill a deity is in their hands, they therefore have the power to dominate the mortals on Earth.

Campione – Godslayer – is a devil.

Therefore of the entire humanity living on earth, those who have the power to oppose them do not exist!


Excerpt from the Letter of Cardinal Antonio Tebes, Addressed to the Vatican, Early 20th Century

For the purpose of going against Providence, playing with the demonic knowledge of mages, he received the title of King from them.

Concerning the name that you were hearing more or less.

Campione – Godslayer – is Epimetheus's[1A 1] illegitimate child. The devil.

Unfortunately, we mortals cannot fight against them.

The ones who can fight against them, are his fellow Campiones, Our Heavenly Father's angels, and the taboo pagan gods......


Excerpt from Japanese Reports Concerning the Verification of the new Campione, Beginning of the 21st Century

In the Persian mythology, Verethragna[1A 2] was a god which had many complex attributes.

He was originally a follower of the chief god of the Indian mythology —— Mithra's[1A 3] war god, and after Zoroastrianism[1A 4] began to worship him as a war god, he had been promoted as a divine guard.

And this god had the characteristics of having ten forms.

At the beginning, his form was one of an impetuous wind, but he can also have the form of a bull, a white horse, a camel, a boar, an adolescent, a bird, a ram, a goat and a warrior with a golden sword.

Even if Verethragna continuously changed forms, he would still win, and brought victories to his worshipers —— to make it simple. After his deification, he became the symbol of what he represented, victory.

It was after Kusanagi Godou killed the god of victory, that he became a young Campione.


[Report on Kusanagi Godou], Compilation of the Greenwich assembly

As mentioned in the document above, Kusanagi Godou had seized the powers of Verethragna and became [The Persian Warlord]; it was deduced that he had several restrictions.

Since he cannot use this power at his own will, he is not at the level of the other Campiones, and thus does not have absolute authority.

However, everyone, please do not forget.

Even though his powers might seem to be incomplete, it cannot be denied that he is a Campione. Towards fragile humans such as mages like me, he is still a devil standing above us.

Furthermore, Kusanagi Godou, whether it's then or now, is without any knowledge of magic or spells.

This might prove the theory of the person who said thus; instead of claiming that the highest presence among the mages are the campione, it is more correct to say that in the end, mages are mere imitations of the campione.


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