Engineer, to navigate, loading, to discharge, board, to stow, water.
Task 2. Find English equivalents in the text:
корпус судна; суда, перевозящие жидкие грузы; разделен; палубы; специальный тип груза; холодильные трюма; надстройка; навигационный мостик; погрузить груз; каюты; предназначенные; спасательная лодка;каюта старшего механика, камбуз, погрузка и разгрузка груза, лоцман, машинное отделение, фрукты, танки, палуба.
Task 3. Are the following sentences true or false? Correct the false ones. Check your answers with the text:
a) The main part of a ship is the hull.
¨ True ¨ False
b) This is the area between superstructure, the port side and the forecastle.
¨ True ¨ False
c) The hull is divided up into a number of airtight compartments by decks and bulkheads.
¨ True ¨ False
d) Decks divide the hull horizontally.
¨ True ¨ False
e) The accommodations above the main deck are known as weather deck.
¨ True ¨ False
f) The engine room is below the first deck.
¨ True ¨ False
g) Vessels designed for carrying cargo must have cargo handling gears for loading and discharging cargo.
¨ True ¨ False
i) For dry cargo ship main superstructure consists of engine room
¨ True ¨ False
h) All ships have lifeboats
¨ True ¨ False
j) There are only two decks on many ships.
¨ True ¨ False
k) Above the laundry there is the rating’s mess room.
¨ True ¨ False
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