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Exercise 4. Reproduce the situations from the text in which the above expressions are used.

  2. Exercise 10. Translate into English. Check yourself by the key.
  3. Exercise 2
  4. Exercise 2. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian, paying attention to Complex Subject.
  5. Exercise 3
  6. Exercise 4. Reproduce the situations from the text in which the above expressions are used.
  7. Exercise 4. Reproduce the situations from the text in which the above expressions are used.
  8. Exercise 4. Reproduce the situations from the text in which the above expressions are used.
  9. Exercise 4. Reproduce the situations from the text in which the above expressions are used.


Exercise 5. Translate into Russian:

1. They were invariably the misfits of the community, solitary souls whom life had either mistreated or passed by. 2. She was a spinster music teacher with only two possessions of any importance: her piano and her cat. 3. She could still enjoy the crackle of leaves under her feet, thrill to the lonely, going-places whistle of a distant train, watch with a sense of adventure the flying wedge of geese honking their way south. 4. Improbable sort of yarn, but marvelous mood…



Exercise 6. Paraphrase:

1. …she skimmed through the pages of a notebook… 2. “ Why don’t you get another estimate?” 3. “Why don’t you …stop pouring money down a drain?” 4. It wasn't luck. Brookfield was outclassed … 5. No longer did she spark the forward line. 6. Where had she been when the rest of the girls were learning the unfathomable things that made them desirable. 7. Jane could scarcely stifle a smile. 8. He hesitated, for the first time seeming abashed


Exercise 7. Comment or explain:

1. Alone once more, Jane had the grace to be ashamed. 2. Never, if she [Jane] lived to be a million years old, could she learn to be a glamour girl. 3. …no matter how wisely Trudy tried to advise her, no matter how hard she might study, she would never make up for lost time. 4. He pronounced been like bean, which sounded very stilted to Jane’s ears. 5. “There is a little town called Broadway, …that seems to enchant the Americans.” 6. Jane was torn between amusement, incredulity, and a sort of unwilling interest.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-27 | Просмотры: 682 | Нарушение авторских прав

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