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Famous supermodel

Claudia Schiffer is a very successful German supermodel. She has appeared on the covers and fashion pages of all the major fashion magazines. Claudia now is in her mid-thirties, is a very beautiful woman. She is tall, slim with very long legs. Her most stunning feature, though, is her attractive heart-shaped face with her sparkling eyes and straight nose. She wears her shoulder-length blond hair loose. Claudia is not only a professional model but she is also a very successful businesswoman. She has her own
video and she is a partner in the new chain of “Fashion Cafés”. She is also very kind and generous and spends a lot of time working with various charity organizations, helping those in need. Claudia is sociable too, and likes going to parties, but she rarely stays out late. When Claudia is not modeling or doing charity work, she likes spending free time with her family. She also enjoys reading and watching old films. It is a pleasure to meet a famous model who remains down-to-earth and sincere in a world where fame and success can often harm people’s character. Claudia Schiffer believes that working hard is the only way to succeed in life.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-27 | Просмотры: 1369 | Нарушение авторских прав

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