АкушерствоАнатомияАнестезиологияВакцинопрофилактикаВалеологияВетеринарияГигиенаЗаболеванияИммунологияКардиологияНеврологияНефрологияОнкологияОториноларингологияОфтальмологияПаразитологияПедиатрияПервая помощьПсихиатрияПульмонологияРеанимацияРевматологияСтоматологияТерапияТоксикологияТравматологияУрологияФармакологияФармацевтикаФизиотерапияФтизиатрияХирургияЭндокринологияЭпидемиология
Points to remember
· When describing people’s physical appearance you should give details in the following order: height/build/age, facial features, hair, clothes moving from the most general adjectives to the most specific ones, e.g. Julie is quite short and slim. She’s got a round face with beautiful almond-shaped eyes and a slightly upturned nose. She wears her long blond hair loose. She is often casually dressed in a T-shirt and jeans.
· When describing character and behaviour, support your idea with examples, e.g. Tom is very reserved. He never talks about his feelings. When you want to describe negative qualities, you should use mild language, e.g. He can be rude/ He is a bit rude/ He is sometimes rude not He is rude.
· Make your composition more interesting by using a wide range of adjectives.(fabulous, superb, gorgeous, stunning, sparkling)
· Use more complex sentences joined with connections, e.g. Although Julia is quite reserved, she is a kind person who will listen to your problems and try to help you.
· Use narrative techniques in your descriptive composition to gain your reader’s interest. For example, while giving the name of the person described, the time and place you saw or met him/her, you can set the scene by narrating the incident. Instead of saying: ” I met John at Jane’s birthday party last Saturday. He was tall, skinny with spiky hair” you can say: “As soon as I entered Jane’s flat last Saturday I noticed a strange mixture of people gathered to celebrate her birthday. It wasn’t long before my eyes fell on a tall, skinny man with spiky hair, His name was John.”
Дата добавления: 2015-09-27 | Просмотры: 860 | Нарушение авторских прав