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Theme and Objectives of the Seminar

  1. General Seminar presentation
  2. Theme and Objectives of the Seminar
  3. Who can participate in the seminar?


Если Вы являетесь волонтером Фонда и Вам интересны такие темы как работа со школами и развитие организационной структуры в новых и небольших AFS организациях, развитие местных отделений, заполните заявку на участие в международном семинаре “Inclusive Europe”, который организует Европейская Федерация по межкультурному обучению (EFIL).


На семинаре обсудят, как понимают активную гражданскую позицию в различных культурах и как это связано с миссией AFS, важность межкультурного обучения в контексте развития гражданского общества, особенности организации волонтерами мини-проекты по межкультурному обучению, обмен опытом молодежных организаций (работа со школами, другими некоммерческими организациями, проекты на местном уровне…)


Inclusive Europe is seminar that focuses on two different topics: school relations as an important element of AFS programmes and one way to engage in civil society and organisational development in new and smaller AFS organisations. School relations are obviously also very relevant in new organisations, but this is not the only concern of new organisations.

In 2012 EFIL has held a successful training on school relations. “Inclusive Europe” will include elements of the 2012 seminar, but will also go beyond. As this year is EFIL’s year of Citizenship Education, we would like to address active citizenship in schools, as well as in society. In the framework of this seminar we will be able to visit a school and possibly organise an Intercultural Dialogue Day (IDD) activity with them that should be linked to active citizenship. Topics such as formal vs non-formal approaches and intercultural learning in the class room will also be addressed. Sharing about how we approach schools and what AFS has to offer to schools will also be included.

For new and smaller partners we would like to include a parallel track for some sessions focusing on current needs of partners, such as chapter development, communication, promotion and setting up new programmes. Participants will also be able to suggest topics that are urgent needs to be addressed.

The seminar aims at improving school relations by offering intercultural learning and active citizenship elements to schools to increase the outreach and impact of our AFS work and strengthen new and smaller organisations. The objectives are:


1. Discuss what Active Citizenship means in different cultures, how it links to the AFS mission

  1. Reflect on the importance of intercultural learning in the context of Citizenship Education through the engagement in schools in particular and civil society in general, in diverse cultural and political contexts

3. Share good practice examples of youth organisations engaging in civil society (schools, cooperation with other NGOs, local projects…)

4. Empower volunteers to develop, implement and evaluate mini projects on intercultural learning and/or active citizenship that can be implemented on Intercultural Dialogue Day reaching out beyond the “AFS bubble”

5. Support and strengthen new and smaller organisations in their current struggles

  1. Plan future steps to incorporate the results of the project into local/national reality, as well as international cooperation


Overall the programme will empower volunteers to take concrete actions in developing and maintaining partnerships with local schools and will empower volunteers to strengthen their national organization.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-27 | Просмотры: 401 | Нарушение авторских прав

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