АкушерствоАнатомияАнестезиологияВакцинопрофилактикаВалеологияВетеринарияГигиенаЗаболеванияИммунологияКардиологияНеврологияНефрологияОнкологияОториноларингологияОфтальмологияПаразитологияПедиатрияПервая помощьПсихиатрияПульмонологияРеанимацияРевматологияСтоматологияТерапияТоксикологияТравматологияУрологияФармакологияФармацевтикаФизиотерапияФтизиатрияХирургияЭндокринологияЭпидемиология

Much, many, little, few

Исчисляемые существительные Неисчисляемые существительные
many - много few - мало a few - несколько much - много little - мало a little - немного
a lot of, lots of, plenty of - много

Местоимения many (много), few (мало), a few (несколько) употребляются перед исчисляемыми существительными и отвечают на вопрос How many? Сколько?

I have many (few) English books.
У меня много (мало) английских книг.

Местоимения much (много), little (мало), a little (немного) употребляется перед неисчисляемыми существительными и отвечают на вопрос How much? Сколько?

I have little (much) free time today.
У меня сегодня мало (много) свободного времени.


слова much, little, a little имеют значение наречий, когда они определяют глагол, а не существительное.

She works very much. Она очень много работает.
She speaks English a little. Она немного говорит по-английски.

3. Indefinite (Simple) Tenses

(Неопределенные времена)

Времена группы Indefinite (Present, Past, Future) употребляются для выражения обычных, постоянных или повторяющихся действий в настоящем, прошедшем или будущем времени без указания на их длительность или завершенность.

Present Indefinite Tense (Active)


1. Present Indefinite Tense образуется от инфинитива глагола без частицы to;

2. В 3 л. ед. ч. глагол принимает окончание -s; если глагол оканчивается на гласную, шипящую или свистящую, окончание имеет форму -es.

ask + s = asks

go + es = goes

cross + es = crosses

3. Вопросительная и отрицательная формы образуются с помощью вспомогательного глагола do(does) и инфинитива смыслового глагола без частицы to.

Обратите внимание!
Вспомогательный глагол употребляется в форме does только в 3 лице ед. ч.

Утвердительная форма Вопросительная форма Отрицательная форма
I ask He asks Do I ask? Does he ask? I do not (don’t) ask He does not (doesn’t) ask

Present Indefinite Tense выражает:

а) факты, отдельные действия.

The Sun rises in the East. Солнце восходит на востоке.

б) обычные, регулярно повторяющиеся действия.

I go to the Institute every day. Я хожу в институт каждый день.

в) последовательность событий, действий.

I get up, do my morning exercises and go to the bathroom.
Я встаю, делаю зарядку и иду в ванную комнату.

г) будущее действие, связанное с расписанием транспорта, программами радио, телевидения и т.д.

The football match starts at 8 o’clock.
Футбольный матч начнется в 8 часов.


1. Present Indefinite Tense часто употребляется с обстоятельствами:

  always всегда
  as a rule как правило
  every day (year, month, etc.) каждый день (год, месяц и т.д.)
  from time to time время от времени
  generally обычно, как правило
  often часто
  seldom редко
  sometimes иногда
  regularly обычно
  usually обычно
  never никогда

2. Глаголы в Present Indefinite Tense переводятся на русский язык глаголами настоящего времени несовершенного вида.

They live in Moscow. Они живут в Москве.

The computer controls the motion of the robot arm. ЭВМ управляет движением руки робота.


1. Обстоятельства as a rule, every day (week, month, year...) могут стоять в начале или в конце предложения.

Every day we read newspapers.
We read newspapers every day.
As a rule I get up at 7 o’clock.
I get up at 7 o’clock as a rule.

2. Наречия often, seldom, usually, always, sometimes, как правило, стоят:

а) перед смысловым глаголом:

They often read English newspapers
They seldom go out in the evening.

б) после глагола to be, если сказуемое выражено глаголом to be:

His marks are always good.
She is usually on time.


1. Употребите much, many, few, little со следующими словами:


  pens tables water students snow men   mistakes furniture news people time money   children women work mice bread clothes  

2. Вставьте much, many, few, little, a few, a little, a lot of:

1. I have... questions to ask. 2. Is there... furniture in your cottage? 3. Has he... or... free time? 4. There were so... people in the room that we couldn’t move. 5. She is a quiet person. She doesn’t say.... 6. Pat has got... work today. 7. Don’t put... salt into his soup. 8. Is there... space in your room? - No, not very.... 9. I know... English traditions. 10. She is so lonely. She has... friends.

3. Употребите how much? или how many?:

1.... mistakes are there in your dictation? 2.... time is left? 3.... friends have you got? 4.... money do you need? 5.... times did I tell you this? 6.... feet is your room? 7.... sheep has this farmer got? 8.... have you read?

4. Выберите правильное слово:

1. Do you have (some, any) work to do? 2. My son has (some, any) French books at home. 3. I haven’t got (some, any) questions. 4. Please, bring me (some, any) chalk. 5. Give me the newspaper, please. I’ve got (some, any) time to read it now. 6. Please, take (some, any) magazine you like. 7. Do you learn (some, any) foreign languages? 8. There isn’t (some, any) paper on the desk. 9. There are (some, any) books on your desk. 10. Are there (any, some) students in the room? 11. Does your friend have (any, some) English books at home? 12. Were there (any, some) new films on TV yesterday? 13. Do you write (any, some) dictations at your English lessons? 14. Is there (nobody, somebody, anybody) in the room? 15. They have (any, some) friends in Moscow. 16. You can take (some, any) book. 17. There are (any, some) new words in this text. 18. Do you know (nothing, anything, something) about England? No, I don’t know (anything, nothing, something). 19. Is there (nobody, somebody, anybody) at home? Yes, there is (anybody, nobody, somebody).

5. Употребите some, any, every, no или их производные:

1. It is so dark here. I can’t see.... 2. You can ask him... question, he will answer it. 3. I want to tell you... interesting. 4. The party was dull, there were... interesting people. 5. Can you give me... money? 6. If... happens let me know. 7. I need... to help me with my English. 8.... must be on time for classes. 9. Are you going... for the weekend? 10. Do we have... milk? - No, we don’t have..., go and buy.... 11. She felt unhappy, she had... to speak to,... to do. 12. Would you like... to drink? 13. Do you live... near Nick? 14. There’s... at the door. Can you go and see who it is? 15. Can I have... milk in my coffee, please? 16. She doesn’t want to eat.... 17. Can you give me... information about places to see in your town? 18. You can take... book you like. 19. Does... know Jim? 20. Do you have... to read? 21. She is very secretive. She never tells...... (two words).

Составьте предложения. Используйте подстановочные таблицы.


  There   is   a des blackboard picture door window student computer   in the room. in the corner.
  are some many few five two desks windows pictures students computers lamps on the wall.


Is there a book copy book ball point pen pencil on the desk? on the table? in your bag?
Are there   any pencil pens books copy books on the desk? on the table? in your bag?
There is no tabl computer pencil lamp in the corner. on the desk. in the room.
are chair desks TV-sets cassette players tape-recorders in the bag. at the table.


  There   was were will be a / an one English lesso nice film test dictation new student on TV at the lesson in our town yesterday. last week. a week ago.
some many few five two mistake students lectures institutes libraries in the dictation in our group tomorrow. next month. in a week.


Was Were Will there be a / an one some English lesson students mistakes lectures on TV at the lesson yesterday. last Monday. a week ago.
many five two universities new student tests new film in our town in the dictation in our group in a week. next month. tomorrow.

I. Составьте предложения с оборотом there is / there are. Используйте приведенные ниже образцы:

а) образец: a book ---> on the table
There is a book on the table.

a girl --------> in the room
a cat --------> on the chair
some students -------> in the classroom
some books -------> on the desk
a pen -------> on the book
a picture -------> on the wall
a desk -------> near the window
ten students -------> in our group
two windows -------> in the classroom
many new words -------> in the text

б) образец: a book -------> on the table
Is there a book on the table?

a table -------> in the room
a chair -------> in the corner
some pictures -------> on the wall
two students -------> at the blackboard
five lamps -------> in the room
a TV-set -------> on the table
a pen -------> on the desk
a sentence -------> on the blackboard
a cat -------> under the table

в) образец: some books -------> on the table
There are no books on the table.
There aren’t any books on the table

a door -------> in the room
two pictures -------> on the wall
a pen and a pencil -------> on the desk
one window -------> in the room
ten students -------> in the group
some desks -------> in the classroom
many new words -------> in the text
a cassette player -------> in the room

II. Завершите следующие вопросы обстоятельствами и ответьте на них:

1. Are there any desks...? 2. Was there a university...? 3. Is there a door...? 4. Will there be many people...? 5. Are there any words...? 6. Were there many students...? 7. Will there be an English lesson...? 8. Were there many mistakes...?

III. Согласитесь со следующими утверждениями. Используйте в речи оборот there is / there are.

Образец: You’ve got three members in your family. - Yes, there are three members in my family.

1. You can see a student in the picture. 2. You’ve got a book in front of you. 3. You’ve got no laboratory on the first floor. 4. You can see a TV-set in the hall. 5. You can see many difficult words in this text. 6. She’s got three mistakes in her test.

IV. Закончите следующие предложения в письменной форме:

1. In this country there.... 2. In our library there.... 3. In the street there.... 4. In the University there.... 5. On the table there.... 6. In Asia there.... 7. On the wall there.... 8. Under the window there....

V. Сделайте следующие предложения а) отрицательными; б) вопросительными:

1. There is a blackboard in our room. 2. There are English books on my desk. 3. There was a telegram on the table. 4. There will be five lessons tomorrow. 5. There were many mistakes in your dictation. 6. There are many new words in this text. 7. There is a picture on the wall. 8. There was a nice film on TV yesterday. 9. There will be many people at the concert on Sunday. 10. There are two universities in our town. 11. There are many photos in this album. 12. There are few people in the hall. 13. There are many students in the lab. 14. There is somebody at home.

VI. Употребите глагол to be в правильной форме:
1. There... a pen and two pencils on the desk. 2. There... two pencils and a pen on the desk. 3. There... much snow in the streets. 4. There... six chairs and a table in the room. 5.... there any chalk on the blackboard? 6. How many pages... there in the book? 7. There... a nice film on TV yesterday. 8. There... many students at the meeting next Monday. 9. There... two institutes in our town 30 years ago. 10. There... many people in the park last Sunday.

VII. Вставьте it или there:

1.... is winter.... is a lot of snow. 2.... was Christmas.... were a lot of presents under the Christmas tree. 3. I think... is high time to begin. 4.... is a student from Britain in our group. 5. Where... is life,... is hope. 6.... is no smoke without fire. 7.... never rains but... pours.

VIII. Задайте вопросы относительно того места, которое вам необходимо найти. Используйте образец.

Образец: I want to see a new film.
Is there a cinema near here?

1. I want to buy a new dress. 2. I want to post a letter. 3. I want to buy some food. 4. I am hungry. 5. I want to buy a newspaper. 6. I want to consult a doctor. 7. I want to make a call home. 8. I want to get to the centre.

IX. Переведите письменно:

1. В комнате нет телевизора. 2. Сколько книг на парте? 3. В этой комнате три окна. 4. Вчера по телевизору был хороший фильм. 5. Завтра будет диктант на уроке английского языка. 6. У тебя в диктанте было две ошибки. 7. В нашей группе было 13 студентов, теперь будет 10. 8. У вас было много уроков вчера? 9. Какие книги у тебя на парте? 10. Сколько университетов у вас в городе? 11. На парте есть несколько английских книг и две русские книги. 12. Вчера на уроке английского языка не было двух студентов. 13. На следующей неделе будет 3 урока английского языка.

X. Составьте предложения разных типов. Используйте подстановочные таблицы.


Окончание -s (-es) добавляется только в 3-ем лице ед. числа (he, she, it):

а) утвердительные предложения:

I We You They   usually often seldom sometimes read(s) listen(s) to write(s) go(es) come(s) watch(es) translate(s) book texts the radio exercises the music TV to the Universit home in the evening in the morning on weekends after classes
He She

б) отрицательные предложения:

I We You They He She do not does not read write listen to watch come go translate books exercises texts the music the radio TV to the University home in the evening in the morning after classes on weekends  

в) вопросительные предложения:


Do you we they read write texts exercises books English breakfast to the University to the office home some coffee some beer hands dishes in the morning in the evening on weekends every day after lunch before lunch before dinner
Does he she translate study
What Where Why When How do you we they get have come drink wash up
does he she wash
    Who goes reads has writes studies comes drinks

I. Составьте предложения по образцу. Используйте глаголы, приведенные в скобках.

Образец: а) We ___ (to write) dictations in class.
We write dictations in class.

б) He ___ (to do) exercises at home.
He does exercises at home.

а) 1. We ___ (to read) English books every day. 2. They ___ (to speak) English at the lesson. 3. I ___ (to listen) to the music in the morning. 4. You ___ (to go) to the University on weekdays. 5. I ___ (to prepare) my homework in the evening. 6. We ___ (to have) breakfast at 7 o’clock.

б) 7. He ___ (to write) letters home every month. 8. She ___ (to arrive) at the University at 7.30. 9. My friend ___ (to like) music very much. 10. He ___ (to speak) English very well. 11. She ___ (to have) breakfast at 9. 12. He ___ (to go) to the University by tram.

II. Напишите новые предложения со словами, приведенными в скобках.
Образец: I go to the University in the morning. (He)
He goes to the University in the morning.
We don’t have lunch at home. (He)
He doesn’t have lunch at home.

1. I have breakfast at 8. (My friend) 2. She studies at the University. (I) 3. We arrive at the office at 8.30. (She) 4. They don’t go to the cinema every week. (He) 5. She doesn’t like coffee. (I) 6. You live not far from the University. (She) 7. She doesn’t speak English. (They) 8. They often visit their friends. (He) 9. He seldom reads English books. (We) 10. We don’t take exams every month. (She)

III. Употребите глаголы, приведенные в скобках, в соответствующей форме.
1. She (to like) to listen to the music. 2. We (not, to study) Spanish at the University. 3. He (to translate) my English texts. 4. They (not, to speak) English. 5. I (to know) many English words. 6. You (to like) coffee and she (to like) tea. 7. She (to live) near her office. 8. We (to have) English lessons twice a week. 9. She (not, to watch) TV in the morning. 10. I (to have) breakfast at 7 and my mother (to have) breakfast at 9.
IV. Измените следующие предложения, добавив наречия usually, often, seldom, sometimes.
Образец: I get up at 7 o’clock.
I usually get up at 7 o’clock.

1. On Sundays we get up at 9. 2. He does his morning exercises. 3. We have coffee in the morning. 4. They play tennis on Saturdays. 5. She comes home late. 6. We write dictations. 7. She goes to bed at 12. 8. I have lunch at home. 9. My brother washes up after dinner. 10. My friend reads English newspapers.

V. Сделайте следующие предложения: а) отрицательными; б) вопросительными.

1. You write a lot of exercises at home. 2. He comes home late. 3. They live far from the University. 4. She speaks English well. 5. He listens to the news every day. 6. We read many English books. 7. I study at the University. 8. She has lunch at her office. 9. She helps her mother to wash up after dinner. 10. They go out of town for the weekend.

VI. Задайте специальные вопросы с вопросительными словами, данными в скобках.
Образец: I have three English classes a day. (Who?)
Who has three English classes a day?

1. We study at the University. (Where?) 2. They like to read English books. (What books?) 3. She goes to the office on weekdays. (When?) 4. They listen to the news in the morning. (Who?) 5. She drinks a cup of coffee in the morning. (What?) 6. We learn many new words to speak English well. (Why?) 7. My friend speaks Italian very well. (How?) 8. Our University trains specialists in many fields of science and engineering. (What?) 9. We read, write and speak English at the lesson. (Who?) 10. She comes home at 7. (When?)

VII. Задайте разделительные вопросы к следующим предложениям:

а) образец: We live in Tula.
We live in Tula, don’t we?

1. You get up at 7. 2. She arrives at the office at 8.30. 3. We have breakfast at home. 4. He speaks English well. 5. They work hard.

б) образец: They don’t live in Moscow.
They don’t live in Moscow, do they?

1. You don’t speak Italian. 2. She doesn’t read English magazines. 3. We don’t study Spanish. 4. They don’t come home on time. 5. He doesn’t go to the University on foot.

VIII. Напишите по-английски:

1. У вас есть какие-нибудь книги на английском языке? Да, есть несколько. 2. Он знает несколько иностранных языков. 3. Ты можешь идти куда угодно. 4. Я ничего не вижу. 5. Вы знаете что-нибудь о Лондоне? 6. В этой комнате есть какие-нибудь картины? Да. Там есть несколько хороших картин. 7. Вчера был кто-нибудь на собрании? Да, были несколько человек. 8. Ты видишь кого-нибудь? Нет, я никого не вижу. 9. Некоторые студенты читают английские газеты регулярно. 10. В моем диктанте есть ошибки? Да, есть несколько. 11. Ваш друг говорит на каком-либо иностранном языке? Нет, он не знает никакого иностранного языка. 12. Кто-нибудь знает этого человека? Его никто не знает.

1. Она учится в университете, а я работаю на заводе. 2. Мы изучаем много предметов в институте. 3. Я знаю английский, но не знаю немецкий. 4. Ты хорошо говоришь по-английски? 5. Когда ты приходишь домой? 6. Я не люблю кофе, я люблю чай. 7. Он живет далеко от университета и добирается до него на автобусе. Я живу рядом с университетом и хожу пешком. 8. Где ты живешь? 9. Мы много читаем и переводим на уроках английского языка. 10. Мой папа слушает новости утром и вечером, а я их не слушаю. 11. Я обедаю дома, а где ты обедаешь? 12. Он часто ходит в кино, а мы редко ходим. 13. Обычно я делаю уроки вечером. А ты когда их делаешь?


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