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Vocabulary. a foreign language иностранный язык the national language государственный язык a mother tongue родной язык mass

  2. Ex. 6. Compose 2-3- sentences using the words of VOCABULARY.
  3. I. Memorize vocabulary
  4. Key Vocabulary
  6. Vocabulary
  7. Vocabulary
  8. Vocabulary
  9. Vocabulary
  10. Vocabulary


a foreign language иностранный язык
the national language государственный язык
a mother tongue родной язык
mass entertainment массовая культура (развлечения)
science, n наука
scientific, adj научный
technology, n техника
important, adj важный
necessary, adj необходимый

I. Read the text ‘Learning Foreign Languages’ and answer the questions:

1. Is it easy for you to learn a foreign language?

2. Why do people learn foreign languages?

3. Why do you learn exactly English?

4. Do many people in the world speak English as a mother tongue?

5. What language is used by scientists?

6. Do you like English? (Are you fond of English?)

II. Make up a story about the English language. Use the following scheme:

the English language


English as a mother tongue English as the national language English as one of the official languages


English as the language of international communication English as a foreign language in Russia

Text B. Handicapped people do useful work

Joseph Emmons can’t use his eyes. He’s blind. He has a trained dog named Buster that leads him where he wants to go. Buster sees for Mr. Emmons. He’s called a seeing-eye dog.

Although Mr. Emmons has a handicap, it isn’t a big problem. He has a useful job and he earns his own money. Mr. Emmons sells brooms and mops to people in this part of the city. He has worked every day except Sunday for forty years.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-27 | Просмотры: 578 | Нарушение авторских прав

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