Ex. 6. Compose 2-3- sentences using the words of VOCABULARY.
Ex. 7. Insert the missing letters:
Mi_brain; med_lla oblongata; co_tex; brain ste_; cereb_um; hemis_here; co_e; t_alamus; p_ns; cerebell_m.
Ex. 8. Translate the following words into Ukrainian:
Affect; hemisphere; vault; cortex; cerebrum; relay; linking; pons; convey; cerebellum; bit; midbrain; core.
Ex. 9. Read the following words and word-combinations:
Region; hypothalamus; medulla oblongata; analyze; function; signal; vital; breathing; tongue; mass; divide; conscious; hemisphere; beneath; area.
Ex. 10. Read the following text:
The brain is the part of the CNS located within the cranial vault. The major regions of the adult brain are the cerebrum, the thalamus and hypothalamus, midbrain, pons, medulla oblongata, and cerebellum. The brain works to analyze bits of information before transmitting these messages throughout the body. These messages affect functions such as coordination, learning, memory, emotion, and thought.
The scientists determined the brain was composed of approximately 100 billion neurons, their connections, and supporting cells, which add up to approximately 3 pounds of tissue. This dense network of interconnected neurons is organized to convey all the control signals necessary for individual activities.
The brain is connected to the spinal cord by the brain stem, which is composed of the medulla, the pons, and midbrain. The brain stem controls many of the vital functions, such as breathing and circulation of blood. Cranial nerves exit from the brain stem to control muscles of the face, eyes, tongue, ears, and throat. They also convey sensations from these parts back to the brain.
The cerebrum consists of thick masses of nerve tissue. It is divided into two sides (cerebral hemispheres). Conscious functions such as speech, memory, and vision are controlled in the cerebral hemispheres. Specific areas within these hemispheres are responsible for certain functions, such as speech and the control of muscles in particular parts of the body. In general, control of the muscles of the right side of the body is in the left hemisphere of the brain, and muscles of the left side of the body are controlled by the right hemisphere of the brain. The linking of higher brain functions with cerebral areas is a very active field of research.
The other major portion of the brain, the cerebellum, is located beneath the cerebral hemispheres. It helps control the coordination. At the core of the brain, atop the brain stem, there are other key areas, including thalamus and hypothalamus. The hypothalamus is an endocrine regulatory center that affects sleep and appetite. The thalamus is a collection of nerve cells whose function is the transmission of many of the sensations. In addition, the centers under the cortex play critical roles in relaying messages between different areas of the brain.
Ex. 11. Translate the following words and word-combinations into English:
Півкуля; ядро; відповідати; середній мозок; кора головного мозку; довгастий мозок; свідомий; зв'язок; поверх, над; передавати, транслювати; склепіння|склепіння,звід| черепа; міст; невелика кількість; мозочок; впливати; головний мозок; центральна нервова система; головні ділянки; набір нервових клітин; передача відчуттів; дослідження; нервова тканина; м’яз; тканина; аналізувати;.
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