No – deny all the statements.
Ex.7 Put some, any, no in the sentences:
1) I want to show you … pictures of houses. 2) There is … coffee at home. 3) Are there … bookshelves in your study-room? 4) There are … English students in our University. 5) Are there … newspapers on his desk? 6) Have you got … children? 7) Jane has … brothers or sisters. 8) Has he … French magazines at home? – Yes, he has …. 9) I have … friends in Britain. 10) We have … pets at home.
Ex.8 Choose the right variant:
I have
| some
| relatives in London.
| 2.
There is
| some
| at home.
| 3.
There is
| some
| interesting on TV tonight
| 4.
Is there
| any
| on this desk?
| 5.
Have they
| any
| chairs in the kitchen?
| 6.
Is there
| any
| in the bathroom?
| 7.
We have
| no
| friends in Paris.
| 8.
There is
| no
| in the fridge.
| 9.
There is
| no
| in the house.
| Ex.9 Use "much, many, little, few":
1. I am busy now. I have … time. 2. We know … English and American songs. 3. There is not … milk in the fridge. 4. There are … rooms in the house. 5. Does she read …? 6. Are there … bedrooms in your house? 7. … people know Chinese. 8. … people learn English. 9. Nick has … English books but very … Russian books. 10. There is … light in that room, because there are … small windows in it. 11. She talks …, but does …. 12. Is there … or… furniture in your new flat?
Ex.10A. Match two parts of the sentences, describing the place where you study:
1. We study at the University ….
2. The Institute of Physical Culture is on ….
3. … new four-storey building was erected (Przhevalsky, 37)
4. We have a large swimming pool, several gyms, a sports ground, a shooting gallery and a library ….
5. There are also a lot of classrooms with ….
6. A lot of town, region and zonal competitions such as basketball and volleyball games, mini-football matches, boxing tournaments ….
| a) at our disposal.
b) different sports equipment (apparatus, special literature).
c) are held there.
d) the third floor.
e) are situated there.
f) in the new building called "Olympia".
g) At the beginning of the 1990-s
in the vicinity* of Przhevalsky, Rizhskaya and Energetikov streets…
* vicinity – соседство, окрестности, округа;
in close vicinity – близко, по соседству;
in the vicinity of – поблизости.
Ex.11 Open the brackets and put the verb in the right tense. Reproduce the dialogues:
1. Ann: I say, Alice, … you (live) in a flat?
Alice: Yes, I do, but it … (be) my parents’ flat; I only have a room which is my own.
Ann: … (be) the flat large?
Alice: Rather. We … (have) three bedrooms, a sitting-room, a kitchen, a hall and a bathroom. My room is not very large, but very comfortable. There … (be) not much furniture in it. On the left there … (be) a sofa and a small table near it. At the window there is a desk. On the right there … (not, be) a dressing-table. Near it there is a wardrobe for my clothes.
2. Jack: Hello, Pete!
Pete: Nice to see you. Come in, please.
Jack: Oh, this … (be) a wonderful new flat!
Pete; Yes, it is, and so close to the center.
Jack: How many rooms … (be) there in your flat?
Pete: Come and see. This is the kitchen, the bathroom is on the right.
Jack: Oh, the kitchen … (be) so large! I like big kitchens.
Pete: And here is the dining-room. We … (have) little furniture here last month. But now we want … (buy) some armchairs, a sofa and some more things.
Jack: …(be) you on the phone? *
Pete: It's a pity, we … (be) yet… Let me introduce you to my wife.
Pete's wife: How do you do. I hope you … (enjoy) our house-warming party.
3. – Hello!
– Hello!
– I (look) for a room. … (be) you the landlady? **
– Yes, I … (be). Come in, please.
– I want a room for the summer.
– Yes, I have one vacant room at the end of the hall. Come with me if you want … (see) it.
– … (be) there any furniture?
– Yes, there … (be) everything you want: a sofa, two armchairs, a table, there is a carpet on the floor. … (want) you anything else?
– No, thank you. Where … (be) the bathroom?
– It … (be) on the second floor, upstairs, and the kitchen … (be) across the hall.
– Thank you. How much … (be) it? ***
– Five hundred dollars a month.
* У вас есть телефон?
** landlady – хозяйка дома
*** Сколько это стоит?
4. Students: Good evening, Mrs. Parker. We should like to see the room you lent.
Mrs. Parker: … (be) you the students of the University?
Students: Yes, we … (be). We … (look) for a flat with all modern conveniences.
Mrs. Parker: But where you (live) before?
Students: We (rent) a room in an old house which … (be pulled down). Now we temporarily live at our friends.
Mrs. Parker: Then go and see my room. There … (be) all necessary pieces of furniture in it. The room … (overlook) the city park and … (not be) far from the University.
Students: Your room … (be) really nice and comfortable. But what about bed linen and would you also allow to use the refrigerator and the TV set?
Mrs. Parker: Yes. That … (be included) in the rent which is quite reasonable. You … (be) to pay 1000 roubles each.
Students: It … (not, be) bad indeed. When can we move in?
Mrs. Parker: Any time you like. The room … (be) ready.
Ex.12 Learn the poem by heart:
"Little grey mouse,
Where is your house?"
"I can show you my flat
If you don't tell the cat.
My flat has no door,
I live under the floor.
I come out in the night
And go back when it's light."
Ex.13 Write a letter to your relatives or friends, using the model:
Dear Uncle,
I am glad to inform you that I live now in quite comfortable lodgings. My room is a bit small, rather dark and terribly cold, for my landlady requires extra pay for heating it. But I have to put up with it as I can't afford a better one. I even find my room nice and cozy. Though, to tell the truth, I can't call it quiet. Some good-for-nothing young people make an awful noise upstairs. Almost every evening they dance and sing and laugh at silly things. All of it greatly interferes with my studies. I spend my days in reading for the examinations. I need lots of money to buy books. I hate to ask you to send me an extra sum of money. I think it's a shame. I hate to trouble you. I hope the postman will lose my letter.
Sincerely, your nephew Mike.
Ex.14 Read the text and choose the best answer A, B or C for Sentences 1-10 given below. What are the differences between the flat of Russian and Englishman:
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