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Complete the Text Completion Quiz

  1. Complete the Text Completion Quiz
  2. Do the text completion quiz
  4. Read the text again and complete the sentences.
  5. Text completion quiz
  6. Text completion quiz
  7. Use set expressions given in the grammatical table above to complete the following sentences.
  8. Use your own ideas to complete the sentences.

Steve: Hey, Ranae. Do you happen to know where the movie theater is downtown? The one near the (1)

Ranae: Yeah. Why do you want to know?

Steve: Well, on Monday, I asked Jennifer out on a date for this coming (2) … night.

Ranae: Wow. You've really been seeing a lot of her (3)… Sounds great. Okay, write down these directions so you don't get lost.

Steve: Okay, go ahead.

Ranae: First, drive down 1st street going west, cross the (4) … and keep going straight until Pine Street.

Steve: Until Pine Street, right?

Ranae: Right. Then turn left, and the movie theater is the (5) … building on the right. It's next to the church.

Steve: Second building on the right. Got it. Now, can you recommend any nice restaurants?

Ranae: Yeah. The Pink Flamingo serves excellent Spanish food.

Steve: Well where's that?

Ranae: Well, starting from the movie theater, go (6) … on Pine Street, cross 2nd Street, and drive to 3rd Street. You'll see a parking lot on the left side of the street. Okay so far?

Steve: A parking lot on the left. Okay. Then what?

Ranae: Okay, then turn left on 3rd Street and drive east. The Pink Flamingo is the building just (7) … the river on the left side. I think it's open weekdays from 10:30 in the morning to 11:30 at night, but it stays open until midnight on the weekends.

Steve: Okay, I think I've (8) … by there before. Oh, last thing. Where can I buy some flowers? We're going out to (9) … Jennifer's birthday.

Ranae: Well the only (10) … I know is in front of the stadium on 2nd Street. Try that one.

Steve: Great. Thanks a lot.


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