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Scene 1

  1. Scene 3

- Can you help me? Can you tell me where a new supermarket is?

- Sure. It’s kind of far. Go down Hus Street until you come to the Mayfair intersection. Then turn right. Go down road for about 4 miles. Then turn right again on Casper boulevard. There is one on Casper.

- Thanks.


Now it’s your turn. When you see this icon, you can practice speaking.


- Can you help me? Can you tell me where a new supermarket is?

- Sure. It’s kind of far. Go down Hus Street until you come to the Mayfair intersection. Then turn right. Go down road for about 4 miles. Then turn right again on Casper boulevard. There is one on Casper.

- Thanks.


Scene 2

- Is city hospital near here?

- Yes. Drive up Hus Street until you come to the three-way intersection. Then make a left.

- After I turn left is it pretty far?

- No, I think it’s about a half of a mile.

- Is there a bank near the hospital?

- I think there is one down that road from about a mile or so.

- Thanks for your help.


Now it’s your turn. Practice speaking when you see this icon.


- Is city hospital near here?

- Yes. Drive up Hus Street until you come to the three-way intersection. Then make a left.

- After I turn left is it pretty far?

- No, I think it’s about a half of a mile.

- Is there a bank near the hospital?

- I think there is one down that road from about a mile or so.

- Thanks for your help.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-27 | Просмотры: 472 | Нарушение авторских прав

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