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Grammar. Past Simple/Present Perfect

  1. Grammar
  4. Grammar: Gerund and its noun and verb characteristics

Past Simple/Present Perfect

Ex.7 Put the verbs into Past Simple:

1. Sam (graduate) from the University two years ago.

2. I (study) at school Ne 29.

3. My favorite subjects (be) physical education and history.

4. He (pass) his sessional exams successfully.

5. She (net miss) classes

6. What you (do) during the lessons of physical education?

7. Who (teach) you English?

8. My friend (get) a scholarship when she (be) a student.

9. What school you (finish)?

10. We (be) very grateful to our school teachers.

Ex.8 Put the verbs into Present Perfect:

1. I (just finish) with my homework.

2. We (already learn) this poem by heart.

3. You (ever be) to London?

4. They (never fail) their exams.

5. He (not come) from the University yet.

6. I (not meet) him since childhood.

7. We (study) at the University for 5 years.

8. I (not see) you for ages!


Ex.9 Choose the correct verb form:

1. Betty wrote/has written her test yesterday.

2. She was/has been to London four times.

3. I don't know this man. I never met/have met him.

4. We travel/have travelled to lots of countries.

5. Mrs. Green worked/has worked in the office for 25 years. And she is still working.

6. I met/have met him in Oxford Street two days ago.

7. She rang/has rung her boss yesterday.

8. Sheila went/has gone to the University already.

9. David saw/has seen this play before.

10. Lorna read/has read the letter already.


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