Ex. 11 Read the dialog “At the doctor’s office”. Make up your own.
Secretary: Good morning.Can I help you?
Vladimir: Good morning.My name is
Rozov.I have an 11 o'clock appointment.
Secretary: Please,take a seat.The doctor
see you soon.
Vladimir: Thank you.
Doctor: Hello,Mr.Rozov.Come in,please.
Sorry to have kept you waiting.
Vladimir: That's all right.Did you get all -
the test results?
Doctor: Yes,I got them last hight.As to the
tests,everything is okay.Your cardio
gram is normal too.
Vladimir: But what about the X-ray?Is anything
Doctor: The X-ray shows emphysema.That's
evidently the result of your heavy
smoking.Your breath shortness and your
cough are probably caused by the
Vladimir: Is that serious?
Doctor: It could become extremely serious.
If you are worried about your health
cut out your smoking.
Vladimir: Certainly,I'll try to stop smoking.What
else could you advise me to do for
improving my health?
Doctor: You should do daily exercises.Eat
small meals four or five times a day.
Vladimir: Do I have to go to the hospital?
Doctor: No.I'll give you a prescription.
Take the pills three times a day.
I want you to see me again in
three weeks.Stay well.
Vladimir: Thank you,doctor
Ex. 12 Listen to the recording “Doctor’s Appointment”.
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