Work in pairs. Make up a dialogue, using the following questions and answers.
Q: What is another word for integrated circuit?
A: The circuit, often called a chip...
Q: What benefits do smaller, denser chips offer?
A: The smaller, denser chips can also provide speed benefits, because in high-speed devices, the length of time it takes a signal to travel a given distance can become a factor.
Q: How many transistors are used in modern integrated circuits?
A: … one that uses very-large-scale integration (VLSI) contains more than 1,000 transistors. All ICs now employ VLSI,...
Q: What are the two integrated circuit classifications?
A: Bipolar integrated circuits contain bipolar junction transistors as their principle elements. Metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) integrated contain MOS transistors as their principle elements.
Q: How are integrated circuits categorized?
A: Integrated circuits are also categorized according to the number of transistors or other active circuit devices they contain...
Q: Are integrated circuits analog or digital?
A: Some integrated circuits are analog devices; an operational amplifier is an example. Other ICs, such as the microprocessors used in computers, are digital devices. Some hybrid integrated circuits contain both analog and digital circuitry; a bilateral switch, which switches analog signals by means of a digital control signal is an example of a hybrid IC. Integrated circuit functions are virtually limitless.
Q: Are there any advantages in the size of integrated circuits?
A: Some microprocessors, for example, contain more than one billion transistors on their chips. The smaller, denser chips can also provide speed benefits, because in high-speed devices, the length of time it takes a signal to travel a given distance can become a factor.
22. Summarize the text “ Integrated Circuits” in 150 words.
23. Divide into 2 groups. Group 1 translates Extract A and group 2 – extract B of the text “What Is an Integrated Circuit” with a dictionary in writing.
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