Exercise 5. Memorize the meaning of the following term-elements.
Exercise 1. Practise the pronunciation of the following words:
Nephrolithiasis [nefrəliθi'eisis], calculi ['kælkjulai], pyelonephritis [paiələuni'fraitis], gravel ['græv(ə)l], rough [rΛf], hydronephrosis [haidrəni'frəusis],ureter [juə'ri:tə], excruciating [iks'kru:∫ieitiŋ], stasis ['stæsis], anuria [ə'njuəriə], uremia [juə'ri:miə], ensue [in'sju:]
Exercise 2. Topic vocabulary:
Calculus (calculi) – камінь (каміння)
Gravel – галька
Stag-horn - розгалужений
Rough – грубий
Persistent - тривалий
Flank – бік, сторона
Groin - пах
Soreness – чутливість, болючість
Intermittent – переривчастий, періодичний
To ensue – виникати
Excruciating – болісний, нестерпний
Exercise 3. Form the verbs from the following nouns and translate them:
Manifestation, infection, destruction, obstruction, radiation, origination, involvement, examination, development, production, migration.
Exercise 4. Translate the word combinations:
Renal calculi, loss of kidney, renal colic, spasm of the abdominal muscles, stasis, albuminuria, haematuria, renal destruction, hydronephrosis, urine, bilateral obstruction of the ureter, pyonephrosis, renal pelvis, cortex of the kidney, shock, examination of the kidneys, migration of the stone.
Exercise 5. Memorize the meaning of the following term-elements.
Nephr(o) – combining form of Greek origin denoting the kidney
Reni- (reno-) -combining form of Greek origin denoting the kidney
Ureter (o) - combining form of Greek origin denoting the ureter
Sphincter (o) – combining form of Greek origin denoting the sphincter
Pyelo(o) – combining form of Greek origin denoting the pelvis of the kidney
Exercise 6. Choose the correct definitions to the following terms:
1) calculus 1)obstruction and infection of the kidney resulting in pus
2 ) obstruction 2) denoting stoppage of a flow of liquid, stagnation;
3) renal (adj.)3) a term indicating the blockage of a body vessel. It may
by caused by foreign objects by naturally formed “stones” (gallstones);
4) pyonephritis4) relating to or affecting the kidney;
5) stasis 5) a stone a hard pebble-like mass formed within the body,
particularly in the gall bladder or in the urinary tract
6) kidney 6) the tube that conveys urine from the kidney to the urinary
bladder or cloaca
7) ureter 7) either of two bean-shaped organs at the back of the
abdominal cavity in man, one on each side of the spinal column. They maintain water and electrolyte balance and filter waste products from the blood, which are excreted as urine
Exercise 7. Read and translate the text:
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