Analyse the following examples and translate them.
1. A conduction current is a current flowing in a conductor, the electricity being conveyed by the motion of electrons or ions through the material of the conductor. 2. If an uncharged conductor is placed near a positivity charged body, the portion of the conductor nearest to the body becomes negatively charged, the more remote portions being positively charged.
9. Translate these sentences into Russian paying attention to the Absolute Participial Construction. Use theconjunctions так как, поскольку, хотя, после того как, когда, причем, а, если, where possible.
1. The quantum hypothesis having been introduced by Planck in the case of black body radiation, the idea soon found an application in many other directions.
2. According to Coulomb's law, the attractive force between nucleus and electron is e2/r2, e being the charge of each.
3. The attractive force between nucleus and electron being e2/r2, it can be shown that the work W which must be performed to take an electron from its orbit and remove it right away from the atom is e2/2r.
4. Work on this point was carried out by several investigators, the most notable being that of Neumann.
5. For metallic conductors the resistance increases with a rise of temperature, the increase being approximately proportional to the rise in temperature.
6. The temperature being left constant, the voltage is gradually increased.
7. Two magnets are lying in equilibrium in the same straight line, the distance between their centres being 100 cm.
8. The temperature of an object being raised, the velocity of electrons increases.
9. With two or more conductors placed together the alternating flux of each conductor current influences the current distribution in the others.
10. With the current crowded toward the outer layers, the inner core of the conductor is used to a smaller extent.
11. With an alternating (or varying) current flowing, larger electric potential differences are induced in the inner tubes, and a smaller current density is found in the inner regions.
12. With no resistance in the circuit and with an alternating potential applied, an inductance movement takes place under the following condition.
13. Next consider two parallel sheets of unlike charge, each having a surface density Q as shown in Fig.3.
14. His taking part in the development of the new cooling system was of great help to us.
15. Kurchatov's having devoted all his life to nuclear physics is known to everybody.
10. Read and translate the following international words paying attention to suffixes and prefixes:
thermionic, ionization, ionize, correlation, kinetic, situation, spectral, transformation, normal, normally, radiation, static, concentration, polarization, vector, practical, practically, reaction, magnetic, typical, elastic, inelastic, identical.
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