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The Article (a/an; the)

  2. General requirements to articles and information about the author
  4. Http://www.lomonosov-fund.ru/enc/ru/encyclopedia:0135622:article тут на русском, но длинно


A/an The No article
1. singular countable nouns: · a student 1. when it is clear in the situation which thing or person we mean: · Turn off the light, please. (= the light in this room) 1. plural countable nouns: · students
2. uncountable nouns, used in the meaning of countable nouns: I bought a paper to read. (= a newspaper) but I need paper to write on. (= material for writing on) 2. when we are thinking of a specific thing: · I mended the computer yesterday (= my computer) 2. uncountable nouns: · water, ore
3. when we mention thing or person for the first time: · A man was sitting opposite me. 3. only one of something: · The captain is on deck. (there is only one captain on a ship) 3. in the word television but The television = the television set
4. singular: · nationality can be singular a Japanese, a Sudanese, a Swiss 4. we say: the sky, the sea, the ground, the country, the environment 4. noun + article: room 127 (in a hotel) question 3 (in an exam)  
5. if the plural noun of a nationality ends in –s: · an Italian -> Italians; · a Turk -> Turks; 5. before same: · the same 5. prison, hospital, university, college and church (as a general idea of these places)
  6. usually the radio 6. bed; work; home
  7. with most places: the cinema, the bank, the theatre, the post office 7. go to sea; be at sea; go/be on voyage
  8. when we mean a type of something: · The computer is my favourite device. 8. about things or people in general: · My favourite subject is physics.
  9. the + adjective (without a noun) to talk about groups of people: · the young · the unemployed 9. man (= human beings in general/ the human race)
  10. the + nationality adjectives ending in –ch or –sh: · the English · the Spanish ending in –ese: · the Chinese · the Japanese · the Sudanese 10. before names of people, continents, countries, states, islands, cities, towns, mountains etc.: · Jack · Europe · Bermuda · Cairo · Everest
  11. in names with Republic, Kingdom, States: · the United Kingdom · the Republic of Belarus 11. Mr./Mrs./Captain/Doctor etc. + a name: · President Johnson · Doctor Johnson mount (= mountain) and lake in the same way · Mount Etna
  12. with plural names of people and places: · the Taylors · the Rocky Mountains 12. names of companies, airlines etc.: · Sony · Apple · IBM
  13. before adjectives and adverbs in a comparative degree: · The sooner you come back the better. 13. with prepositions from, to: · from side to side · from day to day
    14. if a noun is an object to a verb: · to lose sight · to take part


a lot of, a great deal of, a good deal of, a great number of, a good many, a great manyмного a fewнесколько a littleнемного all of a suddenвнезапно as a result ofв результате чего-либо as a matter of factфактически, на самом деле at a timeодновременно, за один раз at a speed ofсо скоростью в for a short (long) timeв течение ко­роткого (долгого) времени, на ко­роткий (долгий) срок at a time whenв то время когда in a loud (low) voiceгромким (тихим) голосом on a large (small) scaleв большом (малом) масштабе it is a pityжаль to be in a hurryспешить to be in a positionбыть в состоянии to be at a lossбыть в затруднении to have a good timeхорошо провести время to have a mindнамереваться to have a headacheиспытывать головную боль to have a coldбыть простуженным to go for a walkпойти гулять to take a seatсесть
in the morningутром in the eveningвечером in the afternoonднем, после полудня in the nightночью in the countryза городом, в деревне on the right (left)справа (слева) on the one (other) handс одной (другой) стороны on the wholeв целом, в общем the day before yesterdayпозавчера the day after tomorrowпослезавтра the other dayна днях What is the time?Который час? to tell the timeговорить который час to go to the theatre (the cinema, the pictures)ходить в театр (кино) to play the piano (the violin)играть на пианино (на скрипке) to tell the truthговорить правду to pass the timeпроводить время to run the riskподвергаться риску


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