Translate the sentences. Mind the words that, one, those.
1. Since the grid is nearer to the cathode, its effect on the electrons is much greater than that of the plate.
2. The element that attracts electrons from the cathode is called the plate.
3. When capacitors are connected in series, the total capacitance is less than that of the smaller capacitor.
4. The symbol for the PNP transistor is almost identical to that of the NPN transistor.
5. The flow of electrons along a wire can be compared to that of liquid through pipes.
6. The basic amplifier action of tetrodes and pentodes is the same as that of triodes.
7. A semiconductor is a material having conductivity between that of a metal and an insulator.
1. A grid placed near the space charge is better able to stop the electrons than the one placed farther away.
2. The best value of load resistance is normally one that will give a reasonable amount of gain.
3. The middle-frequency range is one in which coupling capacitor can be neglected.
4. The intrinsic semiconductor is the one in which some holes and electron pairs are created by thermal energy, even though there are no impurities in it.
5. A class-B amplifier is one in which the grid is biased at or very near cutoff.
1. For many applications the characteristics of the junction diode are better than those of the vacuum diode.
2. Extrinsic properties are those of a semiconductor modified by impurities within the crystal.
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