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  1. Gerund and its noun and verb characteristics
  2. Grammar: Gerund and its noun and verb characteristics
  3. Match the English sentences with their Russian equivalents. Define the forms of the Gerund (Indefinite/Perfect/Active/Passive). Analyze the methods of translating the Gerund.

Герундій — неособова форма дієслова, яка поєднує властивості дієслова та іменника.


Forms of the Gerund

  Active Passive
Indefinite writing being written
Perfect having written having been written


Усі форми герундія збігаються з формами дієприкметника (Present Participle, Perfect Participle). Проте дієприкметник і герундій є різними формами дієслова, які відрізняються одна від одної як значенням, так і синтаксичними функціями. Порівняйте:

The doctor examining a patient is a charge doctor. (Present Participle) — Лікар, що оглядае хворого, це черговий лікар.

He likes examining people. (Indefinite Gerund) — Йому подобається оглядати людей (огляд людей).

Functions in the sentence

підмет Treating patients is important. Лікування пацієнтів важливо.
додаток I respect his modern treating. Я поважаю його сучасне лікування.
іменна частина присудка His favourite occupation is treating. Його улюбленим заняттям є лікування.
визначення I like your idea of treating this difficult case of the disease. Мені подобається ваш намір лікувати цей складний випадок хвороби.
обставина часу After treating I began to fill the case history. Після лікування я почала заповнювати історію хвороби.
обставина способу дії We can't recover without treating. Ми не можемо відновитися без лікування (не лікуючись).


Exercise 10. Give all known to you gerund forms of the verbs and translate them:


to prevent, to buy, to restore, to examine, to divide, to treat, to read, to attend, to investigate, to perform, to ask, to extend, to operate, to confuse.


Exercise 11. Translate sentences into your native language:


1. The doctor insisted on sending the sick man to hospital.

2. The scientist continued investigating the properties of blood gases.

3. His bad condition prevented him from attending the lecture in Microbiology.

4. Doctors are always ready for helping people.

5. I remember having been treated for pneumonia at this hospital.

6. The dissecting room is worth visiting

7. He wants being treated at the in-patient department.

8. The patient had to give up going in for sport because of the disease of the joints.


Exercise 12. Define forms of the gerund and functions in the sentence. Translate:


1. Human beings cannot live without oxygen.

2. The physician performing the operation on the colon.

3. The patient was thankful to the doctor for his having been so attentive to him.

4. The physician remembers having treated this patient.

5. His rapid leaving of the city was due to his mother's disease.

6. After having been told the results of the X-ray examination the physician wrote them down in the patient's case history.

7. I don't lire being read to, I like reading myself.

8. No physician can make a proper diagnosis without having examined the patient.


Exercise 13. Put questions to the underlined words:


1. The alimentary tract is a twisting tube about 8½ metres long.

2. All food consists of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

3. The mucosa is the inner layer of the alimentary tract.

4. The alimentary tract constantly releases hormones to help regulate the digestive process.

5. Saliva contains an enzyme called salivary amylase which begins the digestion of starch.

6. Some foods and drinks can affect the function of the esophageal sphincter.

7. Smoking also weakens the esophageal sphincter and can produce heartburn.

8. Scientists believe that between 500 and 1000 different species of bacteria live in the large intestine.

Exercise 14. Open the brackets using the verb in the appropriate form. Translate them into your native language:


1. When food is swallowed, the stomach (to produce) hydrochloric acid.

2. The patient cannot be discharged from the hospital because he not (to recover) yet.

3. The patient (not to operate) yet as not all analyses (to make).

4. The surgeon (to perform) this operation from 10 till 11 o’clock.

5. If the patient (to survive) the first week, his chances of recovery greatly (to improve).

6. I never (to suffer) from such horrible headache.

7. The doctor (to write) a prescription when a nurse (to enter) the room.

8. Two hours ago, a boy (to bring) to the pediatrician with a cough.



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