Text E. Examination of the Patient
Before treating the patient it is necessary to make a correct diagnosis of the disease and to determine its aetiology, i.e. the causes of the disease. The doctor must know well the pathogenesis of any disease, i.e. the way and mechanism of its development, as well as the symptoms by which it can be revealed.
A number of different procedures is used to establish a diagnosis: history- taking, physical examination, which includes visual examination, palpation, percussion, auscultation, laboratory studies, consisting of urinalysis, blood, sputum and other analyses; instrumental studies, for example, taking electrocardiograms or cystoscopy, X-ray examination and others.
For determining a disease it is very important to know its symptoms such as breathlessness, edema, cough, vomiting, fever, haemorrhage, headache and others. Some of these symptoms are objective, for example, haemorrhage or vomiting, because they are determined by objective study, while others, such as headache or dizziness (головокружение) are subjective, since they are evident only to the patient.
I. Повторите правила словообразования, грамматические правила, лексический и текстовой материал всею цикла V (уроки 27—32).
II. Прочтите и переведите следующие слова, найдя в них суф-фиксы и префиксы:
restless, overdosage, intramuscular, sleepless, overweight, intravenous, painless, intratracheal, overestimate, useless, overwork
III. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:
1. В каких предложениях будущее время заменяется настоящим? 2. Назовите формулу группы времен Continuous Passive. 3. Назовите сложные формы причастия и герундия. 4. По каким признакам вы определите герундий в предложении?
IV. Переведите пары предложений и определите, чем отличаются их сказуемые:
1. I am examining. I am being examined. 2. The nurse was giving intravenous injections when we came in. Intravenous injections were being given to the nurse as she herself was ill at that time. 3. Now neurologist Smirnov is administering a new treatment. Now neurologist Smirnov is being administered a new treatment.
V. Определите 'ing-forms' в следующих предложениях:
1. Filling in a case history a therapeutist must pay attention to exact findings of the analyses. 2. Having prevented the spread of inflammation the surgeon could save the life of the patient. 3. The attending doctor's filling in the case history with exact findings enabled the students to follow the whole course of treatment of the patient. 4. On having prevented serious complications the surgeon considered that the patient would recover soon. 5. Being at the Congress the scientists exchanged their opinions (мнения) on many definite problems. 6. His being in Leningrad was connected with the publishing of his new book.
VI. В следующих предложениях найдите герундий. Предложения переведите:
1. Besides being important for industry oxygen is also important for medicine. 2. In addition to depending upon the environment the development of the child depends on the condition of its health. 3. Mother insisted on my being examined by a physician. 4. On being relieved of an acute pain in the heart area the patient was allowed to sit up. 5. A researcher cannot draw a proper conclusion without having carried out numerous experiments. 6. Through being prescribed an effective treatment the patient made a quick recovery.
VII. Выпишите все слова, необходимые для описания работы а) врача в поликлинике, б) стационара.
VIII. 1. Прочтите и переведите Текст А со словарем. Выделите три основные момента при обследовании больного и раскройте их содержание. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний: получить толковый ответ; чувстовать себя непринужденно; установить точную область; отмечать все видимые признаки; необычные симптомы; вы могли бы спросить, точно выяснить неясности.
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