G. V. Kostevich, I. А. Kosenko
First experience of the detection of the HPV Е6/Е7 oncoproteins expression in a prophylactic examination 30
О. L. Kudina, О. А. Peresada, А. N. Barsukov,
О. V. Popkov, N. А. Odintsova
Features of HPV transmission from mother to infant 32
V. P. Lakatosh, О. T. Laksha, V. G. Tihonenko
Adaptation condition of new-born children of early neonatal period born from mothers with human
papillomavirus 34
E. A. Levonchuk, G. G. Yahnitsky
Warts in children: clinical and therapeutic features 36
O. V. Lesnichaya, D. M. Semyonov, Y. V. Krylov
Correlation of KI-67, BCL-2, P53 expression with the evidence of immunohistochemical reaction
under herpetic lesion in women with human papillomavirus of cervix 39
Е. P. Merkulova, Е. А. Baranaeva, Е. I. Stulba, О. А. Mazanik
Contributory factors of frequent relapses of respiratory papillomatosis of larynx in children 42
V. G. Pankratov
Experience of the application of panavir in the treatment of patients with human papillomavirus
of anogenital region 44
O. V. Pankratov, V. G. Pankratov, G. G. Yahnichky, E. A. Drobyshevskaya
Experience of the local treatment of warts and pointed candylomas 46
J. G. Romanova, E. L. Malets
Preventive measures against relapses of papillomatosis of larynx in adults 48
Дата добавления: 2014-12-11 | Просмотры: 511 | Нарушение авторских прав
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