Ex. 11. Translate the text “Kidneys Disorders” into Ukrainian
Ex. 12. Insert the missing words:
1. Glomerulonephritis results from inflammation of the filtration membrane within the renal _. 2. It is characterized by an increased _ of the filtration membrane. 3. The signs and symptoms of glomerulonephritis are the following: tea-colored urine, hypertension, fluid retention, _, and generalized aches. 4. Pyelonephritis is inflammation of the renal _, medulla, and cortex. 5. It often begins as a bacterial _ of the renal pelvis. 6. Then it extends into the _ itself. 7. Pyelonephritis may cause the destruction of _ and renal corpuscles. 8. The person with pyelonephritis has _ pain, high fever, vomiting, and burning sensation during urination. 9. When properly treated, acute _ rarely progresses to chronic renal disease. 10. Renal failure may result from any _ that interferes with kidney function. 11. Acute renal failure occurs when damage to the kidney leads to the accumulation of the _ in the blood. 12. In renal failure death may _ in 1 to 2 weeks. 13. Acute renal failure may result from acute _. 14. In some cases it may be caused by damage to or blockage of renal _. 15. Circulatory shock caused by sympathetic _ of the renal blood vessels can cause necrosis of the epithelial cells of the nephron.
Ex. 13. Answer the following questions:
1. What kidneys disorders do you know? 2. What does glomerulonephritis result from? 3. What is glomerulonephritis characterized by? 4. What are the symptoms of glomerulonephritis? 5. What is pyelonephritis? 6. What can pyelonephritis result from? 7. What are the signs of pyelonephritis? 8. What is renal failure? 9. What are the causes of renal failure? 10. Is it dangerous disease?
Ex. 14. Insert the prepositions and translate the following sentences:
1. Acute infections practically always precede the onset _ acute nephritis. 2. Acute glomerular nephritis is not merely a disease of the kidney, but may involve various systems _ the body. 3. The chief changes occurring _ acute glomerular nephritis are swelling and disintegration of the endothelial cells which line the capillaries of the tufts (tuft пучок). 4. The patient may develop the clinical picture of acute nephritis _ a period of from two to eight days. 5. Disturbances of urination characterized _ a scanty (недостатній, обмежений) outflow of urine or even complete anuria may be present. 6. The severity or mildness of the kidney disease cannot always be measured _ the examination of the urine or any other tests.
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