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Common language runtime: definition, features

  1. Common Сauses of a Fire
  2. II. Language study.
  3. Methods of language teaching and language education.
  4. Oral approach (situational language teaching).

Relationship of C# to.NET.

Def: С# is a programming language that is a hybrid of C and C++, designed for improving productivity in development web applications.

C# is a relatively new programming language and is significant in two respects:

-It is specially designed and targeted for use with Microsoft ’ s.NET Framework (a feature – rich platform for the development, deployment, and execution of distributed applications).

-It is a language based on the modern object - oriented design methodology, and, when designing it, Microsoft learned from the experience of all the other similar languages that have been around since object - oriented principles came to prominence some 20 years ago.

One important thing to make clear is that C# is a language in its own right. Although it is designed to generate code that targets the.NET environment, it is not itself part of.NET. Some features are supported by.NET but not by C#, and you might be surprised to learn that some features of the C# language are not supported by.NET (for example, some instances of operator overloading)!



Common language runtime: definition, features.

Central to the.NET Framework is its runtime execution environment, known as the Common Language Runtime (CLR) or the.NET runtime. Code running under the control of the CLR is often termed managed code. However, before it can be executed by the CLR, any source code that you develop (in C# or some other language) needs to be compiled. Compilation occurs in two steps in.NET:

1. Compilation of source code to Microsoft Intermediate Language (IL).

2. Compilation of IL to platform-specifc code by the CLR.

This two-stage compilation process is very important, because the existence of the Microsoft Intermediate Language is the key to providing many of the benefts of.NET. IL shares with Java byte code the idea that it is a low-level language with a simple syntax (based on numeric codes rather than text), which can be very quickly translated into native machine code. Having this well-defined universal syntax for code has significant advantages: platform independence, performance improvement, and language interoperability.



Дата добавления: 2015-09-18 | Просмотры: 675 | Нарушение авторских прав

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