A. Fill in the blanks with the only correct variant from the table
The Norman Kings sent traveling judges around the country and gradually a “common law” developed. Uniform _1_ of the law throughout the country __2__ by the gradual __ 3_ _ of the doctrine of precedent.
The __4__ is still a feature of modern common law systems.
Even when _5__ make new laws – statutes, they __6__ by the courts in order to fit particular cases, and these __7__ become new precedents.
Continental systems, codified __8__ systems, have resulted from attempts by governments to produce a set of codes so that the state could govern every legal aspect of a __9__.
| A. application
| B. applicated
| C. applicating
| A. promoted
| B. were promoted
| C. was promoted
| A. developer
| B. development
| С develop
| A. precedent’s doctrine
| B. precedent doctrine's
| C. precedent' doctrine
| A. governors
| B. government
| C. governments
| A. are interpreted
| B. is interpreted
| C. was interpreted
| A. interpretation
| B. interpretations
| C. interpretation
| A. illegal
| B. legally
| C. legal
| A. citizen life’s
| B. citizen's life
| C. citizen' life
| B. Match the phrases with their English equivalents
1. crime prevention
| a) статистика преступности
| 2. crime against property
| b) жертва преступления
| 3. crime statisties
| c) преступление, наказуемо смертной казнью
| 4. intended crime
| d) преступные наклонности
| 5. capital crime
| e) обвинение в преступлении
| 6. causes of crime
| f) преступное намерение
| 7. planned crime
| g) предупреждение преступности, преступления
| 8. criminal capacity
| h) уголовный процесс
| 9. criminal charge
| i) преступление против собственности
| 10. criminal intent
| j) причины преступности; причины преступления
Дата добавления: 2015-09-18 | Просмотры: 556 | Нарушение авторских прав
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |