TRAVELLING ON BUSINESS. 1. Boris Petrov is an engineer of a Russian foreign-trade organization
1. Boris Petrov is an engineer of a Russian foreign-trade organization. He often goes on business to different European, Asian and African countries. His оrganization does tmsiness with lots of foreign firms.
2. Last month he was in Great Britain. He went there to sign а contract for the purchase of some equipment, The talks were very difficult. Petrov and the British businessmen discussed prices, terms of delivery, terms of shipment and other business matters. The supplier agreed to reduce the price.
3. During his trip Petrov visited different plants where he saw the equipment in operation. He also attended a 3-day conference on financial management and met consultants from law firms. Boris was lucky with the weather. It was warm and it didn’t rain. He was pleased with the trip.
9. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты данных предложений:
1. Его компания торгует со многими зарубежными фирмами.
2. Он ездил туда подписать контракт на покупку оборудования.
3. Петров посетил различные заводы, где он видел оборудование в эксплуатации.
4. Ему повезло с погодой.
5. Он встретился с консультантами юридических фирм.
10. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:
1. Where does Petrov often go on business?
2. Who was in Great Britain last month?
3. Did he go there to have talks or for his holiday?
4. Did Petrov visit different plants?
5. What kind of conference did he attend?
Контрольное задание №3
Дата добавления: 2015-09-18 | Просмотры: 632 | Нарушение авторских прав
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