My School (Cherkassy State Business College). Cherkassy State Business College trains specialists for developing market economy
Cherkassy State Business College trains specialists for developing market economy. Here students can obtain one of the following qualifications: “Software developer”, “Office Manager”, “Economist”, “Accountant”, “Computer Graphics Designer”, “Computer maintenance operator”.
The teaching and learning process here is designed as a business game. This game is organized at a training firm, which is an exact replica of a real working trading company. The training firm “Ukrainian Folk Souvenir” has the following departments: Sales and Purchasing Dept., Administrative Dept., Personnel Dept., Advertising Dept., Accounting Dept., and Warehouse. These depts are situated on the second floor of the building.
The training firm is equipped with the latest office machines a prosperous Western trading company might have. Faxes, business telephone lines, xerox machines, printers are at our students’ disposal.
The IBM compatible computers are connected into a local network, which enables students to exchange documents quickly.
In the course of the game the students learn how to prepare catalogues, organize advertising campaigns, keep records of business activities, draft budgets, prepare balance sheets etc.
Of course the goods and money do not exist in reality, but the paper work is quite real and looks like a working commercial firm.
Besides, the students have a good opportunity to study such disciplines as English, Ukrainian, Typing and Psychology of Business Communication, which would make them better specialists.
3. Answer the following questions:
1. What qualifications can students obtain at Business College?
2. What is the training firm?
3. What departments has the training firm?
4. How is the training firm equipped?
5. In what way can students exchange documents quickly?
6. What do students learn in the course of the game?
7. What other disciplines do students have a good opportunity to study?
4. Fill in the gaps with the missing words:
1. Cherkassy State Business College trains ____________________ for developing market economy.
2. Here students can obtain one of the following qualifications: ___________________________________.
3. The teaching and learning process here is designed as _________________.
4. The training firm ____________________ has the following departments: __________________.
5. These depts. are situated on _________________________.
6. The training firm is equipped with ___________________.
7. The IBM compatible computers are connected into _____________________.
8. In the course of the game the students learn how to __________________ etc.
9. Besides, the students have _____________________ to study such disciplines as _____________________ which would make them better specialists.
5. Find English equivalents of the following Ukrainian words:
Готувати спеціалістів; ринкова економіка; здобувати кваліфікацію, бухгалтер; ділова гра; точна копія; тренувальна фірма; купівельний; відділ кадрів; рекламний; склад; процвітаючий; бути в розпорядженні; сумісні комп’ютери; давати можливість; організовувати рекламні компанії; вести записи; складати бюджет; готувати баланс; існувати реально; бути схожим на комерційну фірму; чудова можливість; психологія ділового спілкування.
6. Read and translate dialogues:
- Hello, I haven’t seen you for ages!
- Hello. I’m so glad to see you. Where do you study?
- I study at the Pedagogical University and you?
- I study at Business College.
- I think it is interesting to study there. What qualifications can students obtain at Business College?
- Here students can obtain such qualifications as: “Software developer”, “Office Manager”, “Economist”, “Accountant” and “Computer Graphics Designer”, “Computer maintenance operator”.
- You study a lot of useful disciplines, don’t you?
- Certainly. We study English, Ukrainian. Typing, Psychology of Business Communication. There is a training firm at our college. It is an exact replica of a real working trading company.
- What do you learn at this firm?
- The students learn how to prepare catalogues, organize advertising campaigns, keep records of business activity, draft budget, prepare balance sheet etc.
- You are lucky to study at Business College.
- Sure.
7. Communicative situations:
1. You have a pen-friend in the USA. He is a student. He is interested what college you study at. Write to him about your school.
2. Your friend’s sister can draw very well. She is going to be a designer. Suggest her to enter Business College.
3. The guests from England have come to your College. Prepare an excursion about Business College.
8. Supplementary information:
Дата добавления: 2015-09-18 | Просмотры: 575 | Нарушение авторских прав
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