An Educated Man and Computer
Computers are everywhere, so the computer industry is one of the largest in western countries and especially in the USA. It includes companies that manufacture, sell and lease computers, as well as companies that supply products and services for people, working with computers.
Computer is a machine that performs calculations and processes information with astonishing speed and precision. A computer can handle vast amounts of information and solve complicated problems. The forerunner of today’s computer was built by Harvard University pshysicist Howard Aiken in 1944.
Each computer has its hardware and software. Computer hardware consists of a computer, a monitor, a keyboard, a printer and their connections. The software contains the various programs, you run on your computer. The most common programs, used in business, are those for:
1/ word processing (writing letters, faxes, documents, contracts);
2/ spread sheets (for budgets and financial analysis);]
3/ database management programs (for keeping names and addresses of customers);
4/ accounting (for bookkeeping);
5/ graphic programs (for drawing charts);
6/ communication programs (for E-mail, Internet);
7/ desktop publishing programs (for producing manuals, catalogues).
Most of the computers in the world use software, invented by Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft. So the most successful software company now is Microsoft with its Windows programs for different years.
The Internet, a global computer network which embraces millions of users all over the world, began in The United States in 1969 as a military experiment. In was designed to survive a nuclear war. Information, sent over the Internet, takes the shortest path available from one computer to another. The Internet can provide different services for businessmen and simply users. The most popular Internet service is e-mail. Most of people, who have access to the Internet, use the network only for sending and receiving e-mail messages. However, other popular services are available on the Internet: reading USENET News, using the World-Wide- Web, telnet etc. (and so on). Some American banks and companies even conduct transactions over the Internet.
Computer have changed the way people work. They handle many tasks in business, education, manufacturing transportation and other fields. Many tasks, performed by large numbers of clerical workers are now done by computers. They provide scientists and other researchers with a clearer understanding of nature. They give people, who work with words, an effective way to create documents. They enable designers and artists to see things, that never been seen before.
The value of computers lies in their ability to perform certain basic tasks and produce new information extremely quickly and accurately, that they are changing people’s view of the world.
3. Answer the following questions:
- Why do people use computers?
- Do you imagine our life without computers?
- What is computer?
- What was the forerunner of today’s computer?
- What does computer hardware consist of?
- What does the software contain?
- What are the most common programs, used in business?
- What is the most successful software company?
- When did The Internet begin in the United States?
- What services can The Internet provide?
- How many users does a global computer network embrace?
- What is the most popular Internet service?
- Why can we say that computers have changed the way people work?
4. Fill in the gaps with the missing words:
The Internet began as an experiment by the United States Department of Defense in the 1960’s. The Internet ____________________ millions of users all over the world. It was created to __________ a nuclear war.
This global network _______________ the way people get information. Information, sent over the Internet, takes ________________ available from one computer to another. According to recent surveys, this network connects over 10.000.000 computers and some 30.000.000 _____________ throughout the world. The Internet ___________ access to almanacs, dictionaries, encyclopedias and maps. The most popular Internet service is __________. Most of people use the network to __________ and to ____________________ e-mail messages.
For keeping names and addresses of customers you must use _________ programs. _________________ program will help you in writing letters, faxes, documents, contracts. For E-mail use _____________ programs. Bookkeepers work with _____________ program.
Spread sheets programs are for _______________. For drawing charts you way use __________ programs. To produce manuals and catalogues you have to find ______________________ programs. What does computer consist of?
It consists of ______________ and _______________. _____________ includes such parts: a computer, a monitor, ______________, _______________ and their connections. _____________ contains the various programs, you __________ your computer.
5. Find English equivalents of the following Ukrainian words:
Персональний комп’ютер; клавіатура; текстовий редактор; апаратне забезпечення; локальна сітка; дискета; програмне забезпечення; друкувати; графічний редактор; видавнича програма; ядерна війна; забезпечувати; складування; обробляти дані; жорсткий диск; гнучкий диск; підготовка відомостей; розрахунок з клієнтом; здавати в оренду; включати в себе; обновляти інформацію; розв’язувати математичні задачі; інвентаризаційний контроль; програма керування базами даних.
6. Read and translate the following dialogues:
Tony is being interviewed for a job. He wants to work as a computer operator.
Interviewer: What’s your age?
Tony: I am 22.
Interviewer: What education have you got?
Tony: I have finished Cherkassy State Business College.
Interviewer: You know, that the specific character of our work is to conclude transactions over the Internet. Do you have access to the Internet?
Tony: Yes, I do. I use this network mostly for sending & receiving e-mail message and reading USENET News.
Interviewer: What computer programs do you work with?
Tony: I know many programs: word processing, graphic programs, communication programs, desktop publishing programs and so on, but I used only word processing and communication programs.
Interviewer: Well…. How long have you been using the Internet?
Tony: Almost 6 years.
Interviewer: Do you have computer at home? It’s very important for us to get in touch with you quickly.
Tony: Yes, I have.
Interviewer: Then you can start work tomorrow morning.
Communicative situations:
- You are being interviewed for a job in a big company, where the knowledge of computers is necessary.
- Telephone conversation. You want to know information about computer courses. To use the Internet is necessary for you get a well-paid job.
7. Supplementary information:
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